People listen but they don't do anything...

People listen but they don't do anything...

I think that I heard this TED talk by Gary Vaynerchuk 3 years ago and there is one sentence that he said that keep coming back to me every time I wonder why its hard for people to make a change in their lives...whether personal or business.

We all have something we would like to do better, one would like to have a nicer house, college education, travel the world, devote oneself to society and quit working, higher income, etc

in this respect, we have 3 different groups we can relate to:


they don't do anything about it, just dream and hope that it will happen some day without any effort from their end. I believe its 95% from the total groups.


will search for ways to achieve their dreams whether through online training, mentors, self exploration and more. they listen but don't do anything with it. I believe its 4.5% from the total groups.


They are killing it with the results, they make it big time and live their dream (probably less than 0.5% of the total groups).

I would like to further discuss the middle group, as the the first are probably helpless and the third already made it. 

So why the second group find it hard to achieve their dreams?

they take the first steps, they show keen interest to improve themselves, to learn ,to evolve to earn more money, so they are one step ahead of the first group, but yet they find it difficult to complete the desired transformation.

You know why?

our brain is wired in a survival mode 100% of the time. it is risk averse. anything that can risk your survival is destined to be shut down , to become mute. the brain will cause us to be skeptical, to question ourselves to procrastinate so we stay put and keep our routine although we crave for a change.

Want a proof? here is an example

did you ever thought of leaving your 9-5 job and start your own business? a lot of emotional setbacks arose in your brain to start with, now add your spouse or parents or even your close friends which tell you over dinner that its the craziest idea they ever heard and you might fail and lose your decent job...99.9% chances your will give up this idea.

Here is another one- imagine you are walking alone down the street, late at night, in a non friendly neighborhood. suddenly you notice a large group of people running towards the opposite way. how will you react? you will probably find yourself joining this group of people thinking they are avoiding some kind of trouble or danger..this sort of behavior is grounded deeply in your brain.

How can we overcome our own brain will?

I will leave it to the next blog post...

meanwhile - I  wish you to listen, learn , and relentlessly execute your dreams in 2019 

P.S. If you are a tech CEO who struggle to attract new clients, book your FREE strategy session with me today, so we can sit together and find out how I can help boost your results!

Gary Vaynerchuk TED talk

To your success



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