People, life and opportunities
Too much of agreement is a sure shot sign of fundamental disagreement.Don't be happy.
Too long a peace is a volcano of war waiting to erupt ,Don't just lie back.
Too much of resemblance and coincidence is a sign that it’s not a normal behavior be vary of it.
Too much of love too much of sweetness is definitely artificial. Be happy to have a nature candy the natural candy.
What looks gold is definitely not gold and what looks sand and is definitely not sand.
So don't pass judgment.Don't have assumption.
Observe and absorb move on as "everything and everyone is but a moving target" isn't that “The Truth" "the bitter truth"
Everything is momentary and now.Just take it as it comes.
Just face it, every dusk is followed by a dawn. A dawn that hold new elements, a dawn that hold another opportunity.
A dawn that holds another promise, a promising promise.
So stay on don't fight just float and you will shine brighter and better with the rising sun and sparkle like the bright twinkling stars.
So shine and rise as an opportunity is right knocking at your door.