The People & The Government: Conclusion
Germinal G. Van
Award-winning Author, Economist, Founder & Owner, GGV Publishing Company, LLC
Throughout this analysis, we understood that the civil society that incorporates American society praises its foundation in the commitment that ties the government to the citizen. The strength and dynamism of American society are implanted theoretically in the Bill of Rights and practically reflected in its individualism. Foreigners who have never lived long enough on American soil would qualify Americans as selfish and materialistic. But the truth is that personal fulfillment requires a focus on the self, it demands of one to be individualistic in order to achieve his goals. As a foreigner living in the United States, my journey and experience allowed me to understand the American mentality which facilitated my integration into the American culture. In order to understand the American mentality, one must first understand its constitution because the Constitution sets and defines the role of the government toward the citizen.
Per contra to my country of birth (Cote d’Ivoire), wherein the government controls the life of the citizens through an accentuate collectivism, my life in the United States allowed me to witness the power of citizenry over the government, and its power is rooted in individualism. My American experience illuminated my understanding of self-reliance and self-worth. The concept of personal responsibility shaped my vision of life and my political philosophy.
The American society is advanced thanks to the education that the citizen acquires. The knowledge of fundamental rights is a primary principle that no American citizen can ignore. Educating the citizen stimulates the economy and promotes civic and ethical values. If the United States is the longest and uninterrupted republic of contemporary history, it is surely because the government has never attempted to overthrow the popular sovereignty, which is vested in the citizens of the United States. In the United States, encroaching individual liberties is the very violation of the government and the citizens are here to remind their government that true sovereignty belongs to the individual.