People First
Eric Elliott
Committed to helping law firm owners market their UVP and grow their firms.
The hardest part about your business is not your business it is the people within it. Marcus Lemonis trademarked People, Process, and Product, and I couldn't agree more.
Lemonis' saying is more than a quote or mantra; it is the three-ring trifecta to running a successful business. While factors like cash, benefits, and other resources are crucial, it's the people who lead the way. You, as the leaders, have the power to shape your business through your people.
You can be the smartest entrepreneur, knowing how to scale your business, but nothing works if you don't have the right people. Think about it: many restaurant chains that are good concepts fail because they don't have the right people.
I learned this the hard way early on in my career. Back then, I made it all about me because that's what I saw on the internet from every self-proclaimed guru: I had it's all about me mentality when I should've thought it's all about us and what we can do.
I'd just like to encourage leaders and business owners out there to think about their people. For those who are committed to the company's mission, help them grow and see where it can take you. Lastly, remember people, process, and product.
People, Process and Product is a trademark by Marcus Lemonis