Is a people-first approach the key to delivering successful automation?

Is a people-first approach the key to delivering successful automation?

In short, the answer is yes. The recent report ‘Your questions about automation, answered’ by McKinsey proves this.

It shows that when the primary reason for automation is improving customer and employee experience, the projects are more likely to be considered successful than when there is a different end goal in mind, such as merely reducing costs or making processes more effective.?

This illustrates that companies should focus on the people involved – customers and employees alike – to see success while pursuing automation technologies. After all, without employees and customers there would be no companies.

The people-first approach has historically seen businesses flourish and automation is clearly no different. Intelligent automation, in fact, is at its best when it is at the service of people – helping employees do their jobs better and with greater satisfaction. A more engaged workforce then translates into improved customer experience.

What is the intention behind your automation effort? Is one of your key outcomes to improve employee and customer experience? And do you think that it has a direct impact on how well the change is going?

#intelligentautomation #efficiency #employeeengagement

Read the full report here:



