People Don't have Work Problems They have Personal Problems that Reflect on their Work.
So you've been to a bunch of interviews, you seem to be making some progress, but you can't just seem to get that job offer and get it over with.
Your job at Tesco's is taking the best of you, it's really time consuming, not at all challenging, but meh it's a stable job that helps you pay the bills, but there's a dim little voice telling you to act before it completely sucks the life out of you.
Well that instinct is right.
But before I get into this, let's look at why things aren't working out for you in finding a new job.
Is it your skills?
Is it your CV?
Is it your race or your looks?
While in some cases it might be one of these, but in many cases, 90% of the time that is, it's not.
It's really about your confidence, what you think of yourself, of your skills and of your CV that's affecting the kind of results you're getting in your search for a job.
Because really, your work life is a mere reflection of your personal life, so if you have something irking you and not really working out in your personal life, you really want to look into it.
Have a look in your life and try to see if there's something stressing you out, keeping you down, making you lose motivation, or straight up depressing you!
The thing is, most people try to sweep it under the rug, and try to escape by thinking: "eh it'll be fine, if I just occupy myself with applying for jobs or go on holiday for a few days, it'll go away.."
Well in many cases it doesn't, you gotta man up and face your problems, don't look for a quick & easy way out, look for a sustainable solution, whatever your problem is, it can be solved and it must be addressed!
Because until you face the music, you ain't going to get solid results in your work life and you can kiss that good job offer good bye.