People Are Different
Kenneth Nalls
Interest: Marketing and Motivation. Student of Life-Long Learning, Blogger
To build strong relationships with others, we must know our character and then seek to understand others’ character. It is important because only by knowing one’s character can one relate to others and avoid misunderstandings.
There are four distinct types of people we deal with daily. I am using the members of a football team as an example.
The Quarterback — Task-oriented and impulsive, they have high expectations. Appear confident, persuasive, verbal, aggressive, and autocratic. Quarterbacks are in charge and call the plays. These play-callers are very punctual and demand the same from others. They are not overly social-minded. They initiate the call to go to lunch.
The Running Back—These people are enthusiastic, inspirational, and imaginative, like working with visuals, ideas, and words, and are curious and independent. When dealing with these individuals, avoid too much detail. When invited to lunch, they don’t care where they eat.
The Blocker — Characterized as a team player, friendly, eager to help, and relationship-oriented. They identify with goals and activities approved by others. It may take some time to get to know these people. Once you do, you have a powerful ally in your relationship with others. Invited to lunch, they don’t care where they are dining if the team eats together.
The Referee — These individuals strongly identify with rules and regulations; the best way is the organization. They are fond of saying, “That’s how we do things around here; it’s the NFL policy.” They are conservative but unimaginative, preferring technical calls, and when asked to lunch, they ask, “Who is paying?”
Being sensitive to this uniqueness in yourself and others will help you. How people act is who they are.