People development and the art of finding talent along the way
Presidente Inoar Brasil, Presidente Inoar Europa, Chief Marketing Officer - CMO, Cria??o e Desenvolvimento. Fundadora Beleza Solidária. Presidente da OMFE - Organiza??o Mundial de Empreendedorismo.
When I started this series of interviews with employees and former employees of Inoar I said “I don't walk alone, I walk in good company”.
?That's because I really appreciate those who have always contributed to the company's development. Inoar is made up of people and many were responsible for our growth.
Of course, since we founded the company until today, a lot has changed. The pace of things is scary, but when I measure the work done, it all makes sense. Here we have many committed, capable people who want to grow together.
Developing people is beneficial for employees and for the company. This process has the power to increase productivity by developing new solutions and ways of working, and it also boosts a career in any area of expertise, as a professional who strives to continuously expand knowledge will have more opportunities for growth.
On this path, there were many talents that I found along the way. I'm very proud of that,and having seen so many possibilities in so many professionals. Many follow this path with us and that's why today's honoree is Angelina do Carmo. A girl when I met her and today a woman, mother and excellent professional.
?Welcome to the blog, Angelina.
?Angelina do Carmo
Sales& E-Commerce Accounts
?Tell us how was your start at Inoar?
I worked as a process coordinator at a printing company, where the labels for the first products of Inoar, Germany Hair, Moroccan and Beauty Progress were made. Inocência Manoel used to call me and ask me for the labels. Later I received another call: “Angelina, please increase my order”, and so I answered her with all the affection.
Admired for my differentiated service and agility, she said to her son: “let's bring Angelina to work with us, this girl is a bull's foot to work with”, a popular saying that she loves to use.
?In September 2008, Alexandre appeared at the company and asked if I would like to work with them as they were growing a lot and needed someone to coordinate the logistics. I loved the invitation and so accepted it.
?On 10/20/2008 I started my beautiful learning journey at Inoar. But calm down, I have many stories to tell!
?I started in logistics, I worked a lot, when you didn't have enough arms I would get my hands dirty, as all employees who wear the company's shirt do at the beginning. At 23 years old I got my driver's license. With no financial conditions, Ms. Inocência offered it to me and I accepted, with the CNH in hand, she even helped in the transport of products from stock to the office to serve customers who arrived without warning.
?A few months later I went to work in the financial sector as an assistant and there I controlled all client payments, a few months later I ended up going to the sales sector, I attended all the clients and there I found myself, my sales area that I love so much.
?What are the challenges and learning in your daily life?
?During all these years my challenge has been to create new strategies looking for new clients.
The market that is highly dynamic, and always with big changes, requires attention, skill and commitment, always looking for the best.
?Name one of the best moments of your career.
?Among the best moments of my career I mention my joining at Inoar; in 2016 I took over the online channel, and this was a very important moment because, after 5 years of hard work and effort, the channel represents a totally relevant revenue for the company.
?Every new client developed represents a big win for me.
?What moment of your professional journey at Inoar do you bring to life?
?I always say that Inoar is my home, it's been many years of dedication, my journey in this company has always been wonderful, I learn every day, teamwork, commitment, learning opportunities and personal and professional development, and that's what I take to life.