Have you lately found yourself emotionally cut off or unavailable to feel emotional needs or like to stay away from emotional expressions!?

You may have mistaken yourself as being mature than you used to be, but in reality – you may be suffering emotional blunting

Apart from being numbed of your emotional experiences, emotional blunting is much more about how you feel internally and connect with yourself. You may find yourself not just ‘not willing ‘ but also incapable to process emotions and be expressive with your behaviour, action & facial expressions. It may even seem hard to pretend to be expressive or emotionally connected.

?The budding youth That’s exploring the world through formative lenses is deprived of the essence of in-person warmth & experiences.

During the Lockdown, Children & youth have been deeply affected. They are used to spending a lot of time with their community – their social circle, educational?& extracurricular groups?- which now seem to have been completely missing. This lack of ‘physical experience’ in life has affected people of all ages – in its way, leading to the internal chaos that reflects outside as a defensive wall in the form of -?irritation, ego, rudeness, detachment, quietness, emotional blunting, to begin with. And then the wall starts getting taller and keeps you completely disconnected, off from the world, resulting in moderate to severe depression because of the mental loneliness.?

When such walls are displayed in the form of various emotions, people around see it as limitations – judge it to be a self-centred nature or a bad temperament and prefer leaving them aside – actually alone.

What if we do deep introspection and evaluate ourselves – our behaviours – and how we may behave or feel and our own need to be not judged for whomever we are as a person – we all have this fundamental right – to be our own, very different self.

??More than anything else, the world needs empathy today to accommodate each other. No matter how different we are or weird, we may look while being ourselves. Each of us is living our own very different journey, and when we treat and are treated with empathy, it becomes easier to open up without the fear of being judged or evaluated. The walls, start breaking and you are comfortable to step out – to express, connect & discover happiness.

Our subconscious mind has immense capabilities, but it has its limitations too. The thoughts and wishes & intentions you hold in your mind, no matter for others or self, our brain take those thoughts as commands, to be acted upon – it do not understand & differentiate self and others – and that is one limitation it has. We need to train our minds to be kind, empathetic, genuine?& loving – to be able to respond to the same and attract positivity in life!

So when you see someone around you, no matter if you’ve been on good or bad terms with them – or even if you know them or not – treat them with empathy, kindness and help them open up – for the sake of our mental health.

Stay Happy & have a great week ahead!



