People Call Me "The School Doc"?

People Call Me "The School Doc"

People call me "The School Doc" because I have been diagnosing problems for the last 20 years. While you were sleeping, working, vacationing and struggling, I was figuring out how to solve America's toughest problems.

A few things you didn't know:

  1. In 2011, I became one of the first school superintendents in America to adopt a 21st century skills curriculum
  2. In 2017, the NJ Joint Legislative Committee on the Public Schools invited me to give expert testimony at a public hearing--explaining how NJ could fix its schools
  3. In 2020, I was asked to be an expert on a panel of educators at the 2020 "Teachers for Good Trouble" Virtual Summit.
  4. Shortly after that Virtual Summit -- I launched Leaf Academy, the first online school for 21st century skills

Why Do You Need 21st Century Skills?

I hope this doesn't sound radical, but if you want to be successful in the 21st century, you need to know 21st century skills. When I adopted the 21st century skills curriculum back in 2011, I didn't think it needed a lot of explanation. It seemed like a no-brainer to me.

But the K12 community did not roll out the red carpet for me. It took a long time to prove why this curriculum was 10x better than the old 19th century curriculum that every other school is using in our country.

  • I showed school leaders and school boards the research.
  • I showed them the evidence
  • I showed them the results

Once they could "SEE" what I was saying -- they all agreed. We need to UPGRADE our education FAST!!

And that's the point. You are falling behind the 21st century everyday you don't learn the five essential skills.

What are 21st Century Skills?

It's probably better to show you how these skills work, then to explain them to you. But before I can do that - you need to see a list of the five skills I'll be referring about:

  1. 21st Century Leadership
  2. 21st Century Team Building
  3. 21st Century Problem Solving
  4. 21st Century Sales
  5. 21st Century Communications

The problem that most educators and parents misunderstand is they "assume" they know what these skills are and mean. And assuming you know something is much worse--than admitting you might not know something.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

In 1999, two Cornell psychologists, David Dunning and Justin Kruger, published a paper that outlines the problem ordinary people create for themselves when they "assume" they know a subject more than they do.

What the Dunning-Kruger Effect states is that when someone has a low probability of knowing something, they overestimate their understanding of that subject.

In other words:

If someone knows a little about a subject, they want the rest of the world to think they know "MORE" than they really do.

This phenomenon isn't a problem for me -- it's a big problem for you.

21st Century Skills In Action

America needs more leadership. Everywhere we turn there's a major problem on our hands. Our healthcare system is a mess. Our government is chaotic. And our school system is stuck in prehistoric times.

I am a 21st century skills expert. I could say that over and over--and you wouldn't care because we live in a "show me" culture.

So let me show you 21st century leadership skills in action.

FREE 5-Day Crash Course

There are six steps to 21st century leadership. One of those steps is to create a vision for everyone to follow. Here is my vision for America and our schools. Let's start teaching 21st century skills. Yes, the list of five skills you read about earlier in this article.

But how?? (Seriously?? I got this--take a look!)

I created the fastest crash course in the history of crash courses. If you sign up for this FREE 5-Day Crash Course, you can learn about all five 21st century skills in only 5 days. (How amazing is that??)

If you want to see this Crash Course-- just go to Leaf Academy and follow these simple directions:

  1. Go to the Leaf Academy Homepage (link above)
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  3. Enter your email

It's that simple. You will receive one new email per day for the next 5 days. Inside each new email - will be one 21st century lesson.

Want a preview?

Day One - 21st Century Leadership Skills

Day Two - 21st Century Team Building Skills

Day Three - 21st Century Problem Solving Skills

Day Four - 21st Century Communications Skills

Day Five - 21st Century Sales Skills

Become a 21st Century Leader

Was that so hard? If you want to become a 21st century leader, you need to learn how to develop a vision.

That means, our school boards and superintendents need to create 21st century visions for our schools. That means, CEOs need to create 21st century visions for their companies. That means, thought leaders need to create 21st century visions for their "well thoughts." (lol)

You can't assume you know how to do this. That's the Dunning-Kruger effect holding you back. Stop putting yourself behind a brick wall. If you feel disenfranchised, hopeless or that you have zero opportunities--you might be right about that--but wrong about why??

The truth is you received an old education. If you think you're behind--you are, but you have no idea HOW FAR BEHIND you really are.

You need to catch up to the 21st century - and FAST!!

Sign up for the FREE 5-Day Crash Course and start learning what you need to know today!!


