People & Brands #2 – How Value-Added Recruiters Can Enhance an Organization’s Brand

People & Brands #2 – How Value-Added Recruiters Can Enhance an Organization’s Brand

Many don’t realize that every touchpoint within an organization impacts their brand.

We continue the People & Brands series with a look at how value adding provides a good first impression of an organization.

(Although this is a real scenario, names & identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals & organizations)


The Recruiter (Part 2 of 2)

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Tom (the candidate) was interviewing for a job at MNC Company. It was a first-round screening interview with the recruiter. It was the normal interview process, with questions & answers.

What was different about this interview was that the recruiter said this at the end of the interview:

“Tom, I did not think you interviewed well, but you have great experience. Would it be OK if I gave you some feedback?”

Tom said “Sure”.

“You went into too much detail. However, I am going to add you to the short list to be interviewed by the CEO, but you are going to have to focus on telling the CEO about the value you bring to the role & how you contribute to the organization’s strategy.”

Tom was rather shocked to be receiving honest feedback from the recruiter right there on the spot. He had never experienced such direct feedback before, but was extremely grateful that the recruiter saw something in him to want to short list him & to coach him on the next phase.



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When you add value to another person or help them to be successful, that raises your personal branding. It also puts a positive light on the organization in terms of what a great employee experience this first encounter was. 

 Even though the recruiter may have had many open roles to fill or many other interviews to conduct, taking that extra time to provide immediate feedback to Tom, whilst the content was still fresh in both minds, is a great example of representing and looking after the organization’s brand by providing a positive experience.

It is the little things that bring “surprise” and “delight” to enhance both employee & customer experience that raises the perception of a brand in the public eye. How many of you have heard employees of Facebook or Google rave about how great their benefits or offices are? Remember that potential employees ARE customers and good brands have raving customers AND employees.

Every touchpoint, no matter how small, no matter whether it is customer facing or recruitment, as in this case study, impacts an organization’s brand. Remember that every bad experience these days gets on to social media quickly! Having everyone in the organization buy into a customer centric culture is critical to having good brand equity.

When you add value to another person or help them to be successful, that raises your personal branding.

Ask Yourself

  • What impression do you think Tom had about MNC Company & their recruiter? 
  • Do you think that this would be a company that you’d like to work for? 
  • What do you think of this recruiter’s personal brand?

 Share your comments below:



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About Kevin Kan  

Kevin is passionate about helping people & organizations reach their full potential. A management consultant, speaker and award-winning Professional Coach and leader, he specializes in Executive & Leadership Coaching. You will also find Kevin speaking, writing, training & coaching on subject areas including marketing, branding, diversity & inclusion, customer experience, employee experience, loyalty, start-ups and career strategies

Kevin brings his many years of leadership, insights & real-world stories to the rewarding task of helping leaders & their organization on their journey to success.

For a free consultation, schedule a time here

Personal touchpoints are so often overlooked in branding - thanks for highlighting! Great article.



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