People believe paid ads no longer work. Here's why they're wrong:

People believe paid ads no longer work. Here's why they're wrong:

I’ve spent $10K in Facebook Ads and got almost no sales, paid ads suck!

That was a comment of one of our Customers before starting to work with us! And he was totally right! It super sucked! They’ve hired an agency for $20K per month, invested in Ads, and they’ve got nothing in return. Sadly this is more normal than I would like ??.

Luckily, it is a solvable problem, for being set up for success, you need to avoid these 5 common mistakes that I’ve observed countless times while analyzing Ads Accounts.

1. Not having a Buyer Persona.

This is one of the most common mistakes. Simply don’t have a clear buyer persona, at least in your mind, makes it very hard to create compelling ads and target them, making all more expensive and the ads poorly targeted, setting the environment for failure.

2. Not researching competitors

This one is one of the worst, when you hire an agency or start running ads without research and learning from what is working for others, basically, you’re saying “I will not leverage in others that have invested months and millions learning and testing, and I will pay all the learning, from scratch”. I mean, if you are willing to give away some millions, don’t forget about me ??.

Places to start Researching:

  • Facebook Ads Library
  • Milled
  • Ad Spy
  • MailCharts

3. Not having a clear message

This is a super common problem, the customer that spent 10K without results had super generic messages and creatives. Remember that when you’re running ads. 72% of the success is to have the right copy and the right creatives, don’t matter in which platform you’re running them.

Avoid talking too much about yourself, or shootout your product as if it is the best of the world, focus in sell a transformation to your audience, focus on their problems and set it clear why you or your product are an empathic guide that has the authority to serve as a bridge to connect your audience from Point A to Point B.

Leads Gen: Offer Template for this here!

4. Not testing creatives

This is tremendous, look at these stats:

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For this customer, the company spends this amount of money on Ads with 0.01% CTR!!!!!!!! And just tested 4 Ads for MONTHS!!! I don’t know you, but I see this and it enrages me, but sadly, this quality of work is the rule more than the exception.

Now look at this:

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Now we have creatives spending a lot of money, with a very good CPM and a great conversion rate! Why? Because we have been iterating every single week, testing +70 creatives per week, and having a clear framework for analysis of the data that we gathered, so we were able to know what is going on, and decide where to double down and continue iterating week over week, getting better ROAS with the time.

5. Not tracking conversions

This is sadly one of the most common problems, I see a lot of companies (especially the ones that develop custom software) not having Pixels rightly configured, not having Goals in Google analytics, and configuring their media buying strategy for failure using events that provides garbage traffic 99.9999% of the time (Such as Page View Events), so this set up you and your company to a guaranteed failure. So be sure that when you start, optimize your ads for the right objective (Leads, Purchase, Add to Cart) and be sure that you’re following a good media buying structure, for make it short, at least be sure that you’re testing Single Interests, Stacked Interest Audiences, and using an Ad Set per Audience + 5 Ads in Each Ad Set.


Each of these is a big topic that can be expanded a lot more, but at least I would like to know the basic things you need to get in place so you don’t trash your money running ads.

With Ads, we’ve scaled Creators from 2K / month to 25K / month (and growing), or even I’ve recently helped a company to go from $100K to $1M+ in ARR. Ads are super powerful, but you need to know what you’re doing, and they will become a money-printing machine for your Company

If you need help with some of those problems, simply send a DM and I will be glad to help!

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