People of Afganistan of Glory !

People of Afganistan of Glory !

Until you leave alone the people of Afghanistan in choosing their economic platform in the form of selling abroad agricultural products and plant resources of a narcotic nature - no country will stay in this country, and even Turkey!

Instead of creating jobs for the cultivation of strong drugs (marijuana, chars, marijuana, opium, heroin) which grow with great joy in Afghanistan and which can be used for medicines for the whole world by buying this invaluable material from the inhabitants of Afghanistan for normal money and which this proud people sells for a pittance to the West and the whole world - the black market dealers in the USA, England, Russia, China and other shadow economies of the world begin aggression against them wanting to take possession of this territory and create their monopoly on the sale of these raw plant resources into the final consumer product in the form of medicines and biotonics!

Until the hotheads of the West and the whole world understand this issue and the imposition of their unnecessary values, then there will be no peace in this country, but only the destruction by the people of Afghanistan of newcomers from another world!

The Taliban People's Movement is the spokesman for the historical values of its Afghan people and the true master of the situation in their country!

No puppet governments from Russia, England, USA, China, Turkey, the European Union and so on have the right to dictate living conditions and rules of behavior - to Afghans in their country!

All the leaders of the free and authoritarian world understand this, but they do not want to solve this issue!

Digging in someone else's underwear is unworthy and humiliating - gentlemen!


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