People - 4. We are all humans: let's start there!
What do humans have in common? Maslow would say:
Initially, we can't imagine that we'd need to start from the bottom with each colleague and each country. However, to create a trust relationship we must set out from the basic needs, since it's from there that we will create a trust relationship. Why? Because as Eleonora SALADINO would say in her 7 brain theory, each of our identities starts with values:
Therefore, it is essential to start with VALUES! Each country, each team, and each person has their own values. To understand them is hard work, but it is important to start with this.
The questions you would typically ask each other in the beginning of the work relationship (what is your business background? How long have you been in this role? How is your life in and outside of the company?) are not only icebreakers, but they are necessary to start a solid and trusting relationship.
Ask, listen, and while you are forming your work relationships don't forget that we are all humans!