The Penumbra, effectively working in the grey space
Colonel Dr James N Phillips Jr., LT, SC, USN Ret
Founder - Remember Veteran Grave Markers, Inc., Navy Veteran, Kentucky Colonel, The Contracting Guy, Chevalier SMOTJ, Brand Ambassador, Son of Confederate Veteran, Son of American Revolution, Social Media Influencer
Over the years I have found myself at odds with others that I needed to help get a job done, but failed to engage in a meaningful way. In each instances these other professional embraced their stovepipe rather than embracing the outcome.
The penumbra is the area between the knowledge of the individual and what is possible, this is often referred to as a grey area. The grey area is neither bad or good, but reflects what is possible. Stovepipes mask the grey area. Often it is heard that we have some grey area or some wiggle room, these comments suggests a more advanced understanding of the FAR by the professional. A skilled acquisition professional explores the possibilities and mines the penumbra for solutions and direction; they do not rest on what can't, but seek what can (alternatives and possibilities)!
The optimal use of the penumbra is aligned with the mission of the organization not stove pipe. It seeks a solution or path forward. A practitioner of the acquisition arts knows how to make the FAR responsive by maneuvering in the grey space.
The take-away for us is to discover and use the grey space in the areas of contracting you work, FAR 8.4, FAR 12, FAR 13, FAR 15, etc.