Penultimate Children
In spite of an all-day cloud cover, our temps still managed to rise up into the 40’s again, and after reading an article today which talked about all these extended above average temperatures we’ve had in the Upper Midwest this winter, it sounds like it’ll likely be a more common occurrence in coming years. I didn’t realize how extensive this abnormal warming has been, and especially with the Great Lakes not having fully frozen like they normally do. Seems it’s not enough to be dealing with all the societal pressures our world is experiencing, to where we also now have to add more to our worries with these bizarre episodes with our climate. I still believe Mother Nature has finally had enough abuse from humanity to where she’s now decided to start kicking-back.
It was definitely a roller-coaster day with the number of drop-ins, phone calls, and out of office appointments, and unfortunately I managed to almost miss an ‘out of office’ due to an over-extended office visit. Thank goodness I did catch up with them before they drove off.
My pre-listing appointment went very well, and since I’ve known the seller for a number of years, we also had time for an extended non-real estate related visit. Yes, there’s some things that need to be addressed before it hits the market, but I’m confident it’ll sell because of the amount of square footage it has, along with it being in a highly sought after neighborhood. After I left, I placed a call to a buyer I’ve been working with, just so he’d have an opportunity to at least give it a drive-by, and definitely not worried about him trying to buy it direct because the seller’s always been exceptionally loyal and faithful.
As soon as I got back to office, I had to run out and open up several properties for a contractor which ate up some additional time, and of course there always ends up being another one of those contractor chit-chat sessions before I managed to break away. Yes, there was a good hour and a half of my time wasted this afternoon.
My buyer from last week stopped by to talk about the home I showed him, and as of today, it looks like there’ll be an offer coming in on it once he gets a few bids from several contractors, so I’ll continue to keep my fingers crossed.
Another drop-in I had today, was from a long-time business person who stopped by to share some additional information he had on the recent happenings in our city, along with our talking about some of the questionable decisions and appointments which have been made. I was posed the question, “I’m surprised our City Administrator hasn’t found another job by now.”, and my only answer was, “There’s no doubt he’s been on the hunt.”, and saying that only because if I were him, I’d want to cut my ties before there are any more hard facts are exposed regarding that ghost hotel project and the bridge to no where.
Having finally managed to get some free time, I went ahead and did some deep investigating of recent comparable sales, just so I could share those numbers with the seller I met with today, and once I found enough to substantiate my thoughts on its value, I placed a call, and then ran over to talk about my estimations. Thank goodness those numbers were acceptable, along with my recommended improvements before it’s listed. I’m hoping once it’s official, there’ll be interested buyers right out of the gate.
My last office visit was from another long-term acquaintance, and for whatever reason, we ended up talking about where we stood in relationship to the order of birth with our siblings. I couldn’t help getting a good laugh when having discovered both he and I were our parents’ penultimate children, or as some would also say ‘knee babies’.
The more we talked about the relationships we had with our older and younger siblings, I was taken aback when finding those familial dynamics we very much alike, which I’ll likely be questioning and investigating in the future. What was also funny, was finding the both of us have an opposite sex sibling which followed. I couldn’t help asking, “Did your younger sister when asked who’s the youngest in your family, insist she was the youngest, but you were the baby?” Fortunately he didn’t have to endure those embarrassing moments.
I’m hoping you all had a delightful Valentine’s Day, and if you didn’t, there’ll be others, so in preparation for a better one, try your hands at cultivating new and better relationships, while remembering, good and lasting ones are filled with give and take, acceptance and understanding.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Learn to love the giver more than the gift.
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