Pentecost Sunday
The apostles were in the middle of their Pentecostal feast when suddenly a loud sound, like a fierce wind, filled their ears.
All the apostles felt alive and full of energy, totally revitalized, and as they looked at each other in amazement and wonderment, they saw that every apostle had a tiny flame hovering over their head.
“The Holy Spirit has arrived”, they exclaimed and they were even more astonished to discover that they were all speaking in different languages.
They all felt as though they had unlimited energy, courtesy of the Holy Spirit, and they ran excitedly out into the nearby streets giving thanks to God in many different languages.
Some were preaching about God in Greek; whilst others were preaching about Jesus in Latin. And some were praising the Holy Spirit in Arabic.
It was the tradition that many people from the surrounding countries visited Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost.
And when these people from foreign lands heard the apostles preaching with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, they marvelled, one to another:
“These men are only from the area of Galilee. So how is it that they can speak our language fluently?”
But some people just laughed and made fun out of the apostles by saying that they were only drunk!
But when they heard Peter preaching everyone felt an emotional stirring because of his vibrant passion.
“Most certainly we are not drunk, far from it”, Peter joked. “We are followers of Jesus of Nazareth. He has come back from being dead. We have seen him with our own eyes!
And today the Holy Spirit has descended upon us, which is why you are able to understand what we are saying in your own language.”
And Peter continued, “Those of you who are truly sorry for all the sins that you have committed may receive God’s blessing today. Will you join us?”
And that very day, following Peter’s preaching and teaching more than 3,000 people were baptized and became followers of Jesus.
Praise be the Lord. Hallelujah