Pentecost with Signs Following

Pentecost with Signs Following

William Seymour : Edition 4 - Pentecost with Signs Following


Many are asking how the work in Azusa Mission started and who was the founder. The Lord was the founder and He is the Projector of this movement. A band of humble people in Los Angeles had been praying for a year or more for more power with God for the salvation of lost and suffering humanity. They did not know just what they needed, but one thing they knew, people were not getting saved and healed as they desired to see. They continued to hold cottage prayer meetings for several months.

Then they felt led of the Lord to call Bro. Seymour from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, the saints in Los Angeles sending his fare. It was as truly a call from God as when He sent His holy angel to tell Cornelius to send for Peter. He came and told them about the baptism with the Spirit, and that every afternoon at three o'clock they would pray for the enduement of power. He told them he did not have the Pentecost but was seeking it and wanted all the saints to pray with him till all received their Pentecost. Some believed they had it, and others believed they did not have it because the signs were not following. Hardly anyone was getting saved.

There was a great deal of opposition, but they continued to fast and pray for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, till on April 9th the fire of God fell in a cottage on Bonnie Brae. Pentecost was poured out upon workers and saints. Three days after that, Bro. Seymour received his Pentecost. Two who had been working with him in Houston came to Los Angeles just before Pentecost fell. They came filled with the Holy Ghost and power. One of them had received her personal Pentecost, Sister Lucy Farrow, and said the Lord had sent her to join us in holding up this precious truth. She came with love and power, holding up the blood of Jesus Christ in all His fullness.

And the fire has been falling ever since. Hundreds of souls have received salvation and healing. We can truly say that the revival is still going on. The Lord God is in Los Angeles in different missions and churches in mighty power, in spite of opposition. This revival has spread through the towns about Los Angeles and through***** with His stripes we are healed." He gave His blood for the salvation of our souls and He gave a perfect body for these imperfect bodies of ours.

It is by the stripes of Jesus that we are healed. There was never a whip lash put on Jesus' back* Pilate acourged Him before the judgment bar. The marks that were made on that perfect body of our Savior, the blood that ran down in Pilate's judgment hall from His stripes, reach our infirmities and cleanse us from all sickness and disease and make us every whit whole.

The Passover lamb was a type of Christ. We find that the Lord commanded the children of Israel, when they were about to come out of Egypt to take a lamb without blemish and kill it and sprinkle the blood at the doors of their houses and eat the body of the lamb in their houses. The blood stood for salvation to save them from the destroyer. So the blood of Jesus saves us from sin, for Satan is not able to make his way through the blood. Now they were to eat the body of the lamb in their very own homes that they might have strength and health that night to go out of Egypt, there was not one sick. This was a real type of the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ for soul and body.

We find the Jews afterward kept the Passover. They looked back to their deliverance and commemorated it every year by eating the lamb's body, the type of our Christ. The body of the lamb pointed to Christ's body broken for us. So we look back to Calvary, to our Savior who hung and died and gave a perfect body for us.

O remember Calvary. He said at the Passover supper, just before He was crucified, "Take, eat, this is my body." What for? For health. And He gave them the cup and said, "This is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins." So every time we partake of the Lord's supper, we do it in remembrance of this two-told salvation for body and soul.

Many are sickly and fall asleep because they do not discern the Lord's body. They will take a doctor before Jesus. They put a doctor between them and the atonement. Yet they will say, "Lord, Lord," and do not the things that He says: "Is any afflicted, let him pray. Is any sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick." Jas. 5. 13, 15. The doctor gives you poison and you die because you dishonor the atonement. You are sickly, you fall asleep. You come to the Lord's table and yet you do not believe in full salvation for soul and body. You take the cup and eat the bread, and yet deny the body of the Lord for health and salvation. So you are sick because you do not discern the body of the Lord Jesus.

"Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink Him blood, ye have no life in you." *. 6 53. Dear beloved, this means that we must honor the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ in all its fullness, as David said, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases." Let us take the Lamb's body, through faith in our Lord for salvation and healing of these bodies as we honor His blood for saving and sanctifying our soul and spirit. Amen.

We can be rather hasty, especially when we are very young in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are just like a baby-full of love-and were willing to accept anyone that had the baptism with the Holy Spirit as our leader. But the Lord commenced settling us down, and we saw that the Lord should be our leader. So we honor Jesus as the great Shepherd of the sheep. He is our model.

The Lord adds here daily such as should be saved, and plants them in the body to suit Himself, and all work together in harmony under the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no pope, Dualism, or Sanfordism, but we are all little children knowing only Jesus and Him crucified. This work is carried on by the people of Los Angeles that God has united by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Bro. Seymour is simply a humble pastor of the flock over which the Holy Ghost has made him overseer, according to Acts 20.28, "Take heed therefore, unto yourself and to the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseer, to feed the church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood." And as missionary workers and teachers go out from this place, they have the same privilege of being pastors over the people the Lord puts them over by the Holy Spirit, and of feeding them with the pure Word of God. Each mission will be united in harmony, having its own pastor simply that the Holy Ghost shall appoint.

We believe in old time repentance, old time conversion, old time sanctification, healing of our bodies and the baptism with the Holy Ghost. We believe that God made Adam in His own image, according to Gen. 5 1; Ps. 8 4; and Matt. 19 4. We do not believe in any eighth day creation, as some have taught, and we do not believe in the annihilation of the wicked.

We stand on Bible truth without compromise. We recognize every man that honors the blood of Jesus Christ to be our brother, regardless of denomination, creed, or doctrine. But we are not willing to accept any errors, it matters not how charming and sweet they may seem to be. If they do not tally with the Word of God, we reject them.

This is the year of jubilee when God is sending the latter rain, and the refreshing times have come. He has raised up a nation in **********a witness. Jesus died for us-not the Holy Ghost. Praise our God. They were not to tarry in Jerusalem till He should pour out His blood upon them, but tarry for the promise of the Father. John truly baptized with water, but the Lord Jesus was coming to baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. Jesus said, "Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence," and "ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."

The baptism with the Holy Ghost is not a work of grace but a gift of power. Sanctification is the second and last work of grace, but the baptism with the Holy Ghost is a gift of power. It is a free gift without repentance. No consecration to be made in receiving the Holy Spirit. Consecration is all made in sanctification. The Lord Jesus is dwelling within, and you have an unction from the Holy One which teaches you all things. The baptism with the Holy Ghost makes you a witness unto the uttermost parts of the earth. It gives you power to speak in the languages of the nations. So everyone that is really sanctified with a clean heart, and seeks the baptism with the Holy Ghost according to the 2nd chapter of Acts, receives the witness of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. You may not receive the gift of tongues when you receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost, but you receive the witness of tongues, that is to say,-you will speak in tongues when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

In seeking the baptism with the Holy Spirit do not ask the Lord for tongues. Just pray the Lord to give you the baptism with the Holy Ghost as He gave his disciples, according to the second chapter of Acts, and wait before Him till the Lord verifies His promise in your precious soul.


It is one thing to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and it is another thing to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. It is one thing to fill a glass with water, that is to hide it out of sight. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb but not baptized. The Holy Ghost had been in the world all the time. "Holy men of old spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." He was with Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Enoch and many other men of God, but He was not poured out upon all flesh till the day of Pentecost.


"Wherefore, Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore, unto Him without the gate bearing His reproach. Dear loved ones, in order to get sanctification, we have to go without the gate. We must leave the beautiful city, the precious temples, fame, honor, position, and go out of the gate. There we will find Jesus, the despised one, hanging between two thieves. It is so sweet to live this sanctified life. Very few people have sanctification in its fullness, which means crucification to self according to Gal. 5 24:25. "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Hallelujah.


A Pentecostal revival has commenced in the Altamont Bible institute of South Carolina and one girl received the gift of tongues.


Bro. G.W. Evans, who has just come from Woodland, California, reports a Pentecostal revival in that place. Thirty-two have been baptized with the Holy Ghost, thirty-one sanctified, and twenty saved. Seventeen members out of the Baptist Church are filled with the Holy Ghost including the superintendent of the Sunday School and his wife. The Sunday School superintendent of the Methodist Church is also baptized with the Holy Ghost, and the difficulty now on hand is the need of a larger building to accommodate the crowds. Fourteen were healed at one meeting. God's word is made so clear and plain that the crowds are pressing in spiritual hunger for the living truth. Sisters Sophie and Reece from Oakland, whom God has been using, are at present in charge.

A man that had been possessed with a mad demon and had been in the asylum was delivered. The Lord cast out this demon, clothed him in his right mind and completed the work, baptizing him with the Holy Ghost. Another remarkable case was where a party was under sentence of court, which decision was suspended and the defendant saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost and became a good citizen.



San Diego, Cal., Nov. 28th.

We are praising God for victory in San Diego. Bro. Love and I came down here last Thursday to see if the Lord was preparing to take out a people for Himself in this city by the sea. On arriving in the city, we were not long in finding my old friend and brother, Geo. Reilly, who was earnestly tarrying for the Pentecost. We appointed a meeting at his house the same night and he was gloriously baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues. We met again the next evening and two more received their Pentecost with Bible evidence. Hallelujah! The Lord had already laid it upon Bro. Reilly to open up a mission on this line. He had secured the building and we had it ready for service by Saturday night. The people came out and nearly filled the seating capacity and we had a most wonderful meeting. Some were justified and sanctified and blessedly anointed. Interest is increasing. Some falling under the power of the Holy Ghost and mighty conviction of the people. We believe the Lord wants Azusa Street Mission duplicated to this city. We expect to stay here till the Lord says, "Flee ye to another." He has showed us that He has much people in this city. Hallelujah! Pray for us and San Diego.-F.E. Hill.



They are having a real old time Pentecostal revival in San Jose, California. The devil is stirred and doing his best to put out the fire, but they just ignore him and ******** with the Holy Spirit *****ATTENTION THE REST OF THIS COLUMN IS VERY MESSED UP!

answer the correspondence. God is raising up the workers.

People are coming and making their confessions and giving up all, to get ready for the coming of Jesus. Never in the history of this work has there been so much confession and restitution.-Apostolic Light.


It is every believer's birthright to be baptized with the Holy Ghost.


Two bands of Apostolic Faith workers have been arrested in Whittier, but it has only increased the interest and deepened the work.


An anointed handkerchief was sent to Elizabeth Smith, Brunswick, Ga., and as soon as she opened the letter she was instantly healed.


We have heard the funeral of the Gospel preached, the power of nobody unto nothing, now we are preaching the power of God unto salvation.


One came here that had been suffering for years in body, and was healed by the power of God while in the meeting without even asking for prayers.


A young lady was contemplating suicide came to the meeting and was saved, then sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost. She is very happy in the Lord.


When the conditions are just right, the Lord is just as responsible for the healing of our body as of our souls. The reason so many are sick, is because they trust in the arm of flesh instead of God.


A brother testified, "Last week I came in a backslider and half drunk and the Lord forgave my backsliding right in my soul, and a few days afterward, He sanctified me and baptized me with the Holy Ghost."


The gift of tongues is the glory of God flooding your soul and the Spirit taking possession. You will never know what it means to be clay in the hands of the Potter until you receive the Pentecostal baptism.


Pentecost has fallen in Long Beach, Cal. Souls are slain under the power of God and meetings cannot close. A number have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost. The Lord is using Bro. E. McCauley to push the work there.


It was God's eternal purpose that Jesus should be born in a humble place. No place is too humble for Jesus to dwell in. He poured out His Spirit in the humblest meeting place in Los Angeles, that no flesh should glory in His presence.


Interpreted message spoken in tongues: "Open your heart and receive the Spirit. I will give good gifts to My children. ***** Lord used us to His glory in Chattanooga. He set that town on fire. Praise His name. The dear ones did not want to see us leave, but the will of God must be done. The last meeting we had with the people was beside the train that brought us away. Under the shed there was where the Lord used me last in that city. He sang and preached through me and some confessed their sins and asked, what shall I do to be saved? Some promised to live a better life. O glory to Jesus. While on the train, we preached the Word and some received it with joy. We hope to set sail for Africa soon. Pray that God may use us on the boat to the salvation of souls. Love to all the dear saints."


A passage of scripture that has been spoken in many unknown tongues and interpreted is that beautiful text, "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Also the following texts were interpreted messages, "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these sings shall follow thee that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover."


Sister Ida Ritchie of 1147 Sheridan Road, Chicago, has received her Pentecost. She writes, "I shall never forget that night, I was about two hours receiving words in different languages and songs in the Spirit. O what a great joy it is to me to know that I can go with the language and songs and the love of God to the dying, famishing heathen. How I treasure the privileges and gifts. O how precious to be born in this age."


Bro. G.W. Batman writes from New York City, "We have been having great meetings in the little mission here. Many souls have received the baptism and talk in tongues. To my surprise, Stephen Merritt requested me to speak last Sunday forenoon in his large tabernacle, and the Lord helped me in a wonderful way, and some souls were seeking the baptism. Praise God. I am stronger in the Lord since we came here than in Los Angeles. We expect a few more wonderful days before we sail for Monrovia, Liberia Africa Dec. 8. That will be our future address."


A late report from Bro. Junk of Seattle, Wash., says, "We have been greatly blest here. About 24 or 26 souls have been baptized, among them are about eight children from seven to fourteen years of age. The devil is raging terribly."


We are so glad to hear that dear Sister Shiply, Bro. Ryan's mother in Salem Ore., has received the Pentecost. Last Sunday she received many languages, one of them being that of the Kalamath Indians and sang in some of the Indian chanting songs. She also gave prophesies and messages to the people and interpreted. People are stirred and amazed at the miracles God is doing. A preacher who has been on the investigation order, heard a sister from Washington speak in Hindustani, which he was enough acquainted with to understand some of the words and it convinced him of the genuineness of the work.

The Lord has been working in Chattanooga, Tenn., where a band of Africa missionaries stopped on their way. Souls have been saved, a number have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and received the Bible evidence. Brother and Sister Hutchins and Sister McKinney have now gone on to New York. Their destination is Monrovia, Liberia, Africa.


A little girl who knows the Lord as her healer, was suffering from fever. After different ones had prayed for her, she said, "Now maybe the Lord wants me to pray, so she said, "Dear Jesus, you have heard all these people's prayers, now heal me for Jesus sake." Then she lay down and went to sleep. God heals many times in answer to children's prayers.


The devil says he has no lake of fire, though sinners, skeptics, and ungodly preachers all are trying to find consolation in the doctrine of no hell, annihilation, and universalism. But God says in Rev. 20.14 that there is a lake of fire. Jesus warned us of hell. Hades in Greek and Gehenna in Hebrew mean "lake of fire." What can we do but believe the Word?


We can truly say that Pentecost has come, for all the signs are following. God is pouring out His Spirit upon His sons and daughters and giving dreams and visions, speaking in tongues. A woman who had been an invalid for 18 years is walking and shouting and praising God. The blind have received their sight. Missionaries are going out without purse or scrip. Everything is pointing toward the coming of the Lord.


The great Shekina glory is still resting upon us as a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day, where hundreds and thousands of souls have come and been blest through the mighty power of our blessed Lord. Hungry and thirsty souls are coming from hundreds and thousands of miles to get their personal Pentecost, and receiving and taking the glad tidings back home to hungry and thirsty souls that are waiting their arrival.


People from thousands of miles have been coming to Los Angeles to get into the rivers of salvation. John saw a river proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb, and on either side of that river was the tree of life. We can get the fruit on either side of the river, but we have to swim to get it. If you want this great blessing, you must launch out by faith into the river. It is a very sweet thing to be where the rivers are flowing.


It is so blessed to be sanctified, cleansed, crucified, nailed to the cross of Christ. Old things have passed away, the old man is crucified, slain, and Jesus Christ is enthroned ** and crowned within. ***** came from San Jose here last May, I heard of these meetings and came down to see. I had not been in the house an hour before I knew God's Spirit was here, and I commenced seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost. And, glory to God, He came and completely deluged my soul and body, until I hardly knew whether I was in the body or out. And as the Holy Ghost came upon me, I saw Jesus sitting upon a cloud looking at me and at the congregation, and He said He was coming soon. My tongue commenced to move, and I spoke in an unknown tongue as the Spirit gave utterance. In prayer I often speak in a foreign tongue and at home or in meeting, I often am moved to speak in tongues. Bless God! Glory!-Mrs. P. Perkins.


If you are not healed, the fault in either in you or in Jesus Christ. Which is it? Be honest with yourself and get the fault out of the way. Get rid of the cause. There is nothing can stop my healing but myself. God is not a moment behind in doing His work.


Bro. G.B. Cashwell who came from North Carolina for his Pentecost, has returned on his way rejoicing to carry the good news of the Pentecost to the hungry souls there. He had faith in God that the money would be provided for his fare to return, and the Lord provided it and he trusted the Lord for a suit of clothes and the Lord gave him a suit. So the trip was one of faith and the Lord made it a great blessing.


A little girl in Whittier lately received her Pentecost while the people in the room were silently praying and she began to sing in an unknown tongue, "Where He leads me, I will follow." Then she was filled with great joy and said her name was written in heaven and she was sealed unto the day of redemption.


Sister Lucy Farrow wrote from New York that she had started for Africa. About two hundred souls had been saved in Portsmouth and most of them were speaking in tongues. She sends love to the saints and asks your prayers.


We are receiving letters from all over the world, requesting prayers that they might receive their Pentecost and also healing. And almost every day we are getting returns that prayer has been heard. Handkerchiefs are sent in letters to be anointed and blest for healing, and we do so and bless God, He hears and answers prayer. One instance comes to our mind now of a little baby about a year old, who was very sick with a high fever. The parents sent a handkerchief to be prayed over. It was blest and sent back, and when it was laid on the child's face, almost immediately the fever left her, and in a half hour it was playing around and well. Praise our Christ for His matchless power.


Every child is born with inherited sin in its heart like a little plant. When a sinner comes to Christ and gets saved, the fruits of sin are cut off and the fruits of the Spirit appear. But the stump of the sin plants is still there and will give us trouble. The best thing to do is to get the old stump out. Then we have a pure heart like Adam before he went into sin. Then we can pray for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, which is a gift from God.


The Apostolic Faith

312 Azusa Street


Published by


Headquarters, Los Angeles




The Lord showed us before starting this paper that it was to be free. We were not to tax the people or put ourselves in debt to the people and in bondage, by selling it a year ahead. It was to be a Holy Ghost paper and it was to be free indeed. No subscription price. No begging for money in it or through it. It costs a cent a copy to send it anywhere in the world, and the Lord can afford that. We pay book postage on the rolls, because we cannot enter it as second-class matter in the mails.

We have no advertisements-nothing to advertise but this wonderful salvation that is free to all. The writers and workers in the office live by faith outside of what comes for the paper, and we publish no names of editors. All work for the honor and glory of God. This we believe will be a real protection to the paper to keep it pure, for unless one is filled with the love of God, they do not covet to work without honor or money.

We get out the paper when the means comes in and not before. No debt will be formed. The Lord can stop it at any time He chooses. We will not be getting letters saying, "My paper did not come on time," because it is the Lord's paper. He supplies the means.

We are so glad to be able, through offerings sent in, to send this paper to thousands of hungry souls. Many cannot afford to subscribe for a paper, and even 25 cents is a real tax on some poor widow or Christian worker. So we do not make any charge. We preach and publish this Gospel freely. "Freely ye have received, freely give."

We praise the Lord for enabling us to publish and send out 5,000 of No. 1; 10,000 of NO. 2; 30,000 of No. 3; again of this issue. Some have received their Pentecost through reading the paper, and we send out every one with a prayer.



Through Jesus, we are entitled to health and sanctification of soul and body. Bro. Paul said to the church, Thess. 8.23. "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord." That prayer is being prayed by the Holy Ghost for us today. Jesus prayed that the Father would keep us from evil, which means sickness and all the works of the devil. All sickness is the work of Satan, and we have just as much right to look to Jesus for the health of these bodies as for the saving and sanctifying of our souls.

The sacrifice on Calvary was a two fold sacrifice. When we receive the atonement in all its fullness, we have health and salvation to the uttermost. The prophet said, "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our * ******* He gave His blood for the salvation of our souls and He gave a perfect body for these imperfect bodies of ours.

It is by the stripes of Jesus that we are healed. There was never a whip lash put on Jesus' back * Pilate scourged Him before the judgment bar. The marks that were made on that perfect body of our Savior, the blood that ran down in Pilate's judgment hall from His stripes, reach our infirmities and cleanse us from all sickness and disease and make us every whit whole.

The Passover lamb was a type of Christ. We find that the Lord commanded the children of Israel, when they were about to come out of Egypt to take a lamb without blemish and kill it and sprinkle the blood at the doors of their houses and eat the body of the lamb in their houses. The blood stood for salvation to save them from the destroyer. So the blood of Jesus saves us from sin, for Satan is not able to make his way through the blood. Now they were to eat the body of the lamb in their very own homes that they might have strength and health that night to go out of Egypt. And out of three million that went out of Egypt, there was not one sick. This was a real type of the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ for soul and body.

We find the Jews afterward kept the Passover. They looked back to their deliverance and commemorated it every year by eating the lamb's body, the type of our Christ. The body of the lamb pointed to Christ's body broken for us. So we look back to Calvary, to our Savior who hung and died and gave a perfect body for us.

O remember Calvary. He said at the Passover supper, just before He was crucified, "Take, eat, this is my body." What for? For health. And He gave them the cup and said, "This is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins." So every time we partake of the Lord's supper, we do it in remembrance of this two-fold salvation for body and soul.

Many are sickly and fall asleep because they do not discern the Lord's body. They will take a doctor before Jesus. They put a doctor between them and the atonement. Yet they will say, "Lord, Lord," and do not the things that He says: "Is any afflicted, let him pray. Is any sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick." Jas. 5. 13, 15. The doctor gives you poison and you die because you dishonor the atonement. You are sickly, you fall asleep. You come to the Lord's table and yet you do not believe in full salvation for soul and body. You take the cup and eat the bread, and yet deny the body of the Lord for health and salvation. So you are sick because you do not discern the body of the Lord Jesus.

"Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." Jno. 6. 53. Dear beloved, this means that we must honor the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ in all its fullness, as David said, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgiveth all thine intinuities, who healeth all thy diseases." Let us take the Lamb's body through faith in our Lord for salvation and healing of these bodies as we honor His blood for saving and sanctifying our soul and spirit. Amen.


(By F.E. Hill.)

Do you long to be full of joy and free,

To be strong in God and his glory see,

Then obey His word and you shall be,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.


"Ye shall be baptized," Jesus said.

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Tarry then until with the power endued,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Yes I'll be baptized with His power,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

'Tis the gift I see, Father's promise to me,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Will you consecrate to Him now your all,

Let Him have his way while to Him you call,

As in faith you wait the power will fall,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

"This is that" which fell at Pentecost,

To prepare the church to redeem the lost,

We must then be filled at any cost,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

'Tis the gift of God to the sanctified,

He will comfort, lead and will be our guide,

And will dwell in us, coming to abide,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Will you gladly fall at the Savior's feet,

Give your doubtings o'er, and be made complete,

There to dwell in peace, and communion sweet,

Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

You can sing God's praise now, and by and by,

Ye shall speak with tongues, and shall prophesy,

In the power of God ye shall testify,

Baptized by the Holy Ghost.



The first thing in order to receive this precious and wonderful baptism is to have a clear knowledge of justification by faith, according to Rom. 5.1., "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that all our sins guilt and pollution are washed away. Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. We have eternal life in our souls and the Spirit witnesses with our Spirit that we are the children of God.

Now since we are justified by faith, we have access, through the precious blood, to present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice for sanctification, which is the second work of grace that cleanses us from inbred sin, inbred disobedience and rebellion. The old man is crucified, the body of sin destroyed. Rom. 6.6., "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. We are made holy by the blood of Jesus, for we have a witness by the Holy Ghost, Heb. 10. 14, 15, "For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us."

But yet this is not the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Many people have taken the promise of the Father to be sanctification, but if we carefully read our Bibles and our references in our Bibles, we will find that sanctification and the baptism with the Holy Spirit are altogether different. We are sanctified through the precious blood of our ******* Jesus died for us-not the Holy Ghost. Praise our God. They were not to tarry in Jerusalem till He should pour out His blood upon them, but tarry for the promise of the Father. John truly baptized with water, but the Lord Jesus was coming to baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. Jesus said, "Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence," and "ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."

The baptism with the Holy Ghost is not a work of grace but a gift of power. Sanctification is the second and last work of grace, but the baptism with the Holy Ghost is a gift of power. It is a free gift without repentance. NO consecration to be made in receiving the Holy Spirit. Consecration is all made in sanctification. The Lord Jesus is dwelling within, and you have an unction from the Holy One which teaches you all things. The baptism with the Holy Ghost makes you a witness unto the uttermost parts of the earth. It gives you power to speak in the languages of the nations. So everyone that is really sanctified with a clean heart, and seeks the baptism with the Holy Ghost according to the 2nd chapter of Acts, receives the witness of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. You may not receive the gift of tongues when you receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost, but you receive the witness of tongues, that is to say-you will speak in tongues when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

In seeking the baptism with the Holy Spirit do not ask the Lord for tongues. Just pray the Lord to give you the baptism with the Holy Ghost as He gave his disciples, according to the second chapter of Acts, and wait before Him till the Lord verifies His promise in your precious soul.


It is one thing to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and it is another thing to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. It is one thing to fill a glass with water, and another thing to baptize it with water, that is to hide it out of sight, John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb but not baptized. The Holy Ghost had been in the world all the time. "Holy men of old spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." He was with Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Enoch and many other men of God, but He was not poured out upon all flesh till the day of Pentecost.


"Wherefore, Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore, unto Him without the gate bearing His reproach. Dear loved ones, in order to get sanctification, we have to go without the gate. We must leave the beautiful city, the precious temples, fame, honor, position, and go out of the gate. There we will find Jesus, the despised one, hanging between two thieves. It is so sweet to live this sanctified life. Very few people have sanctification in its fullness, which means crucification to self according to Gal. 5. 24:25. "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affection's and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Hallelujah.


A Pentecostal revival has commenced in the Altamont Bible Institute of South Carolina and one girl received the gift of tongues.


You cannot get this salvation unless you repent and confess your sins. There are so many that cannot get this salvation because they will not make restitution, and God cannot enter into any heart that will hide its sins. "Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance." You must have Godly sorrow for sins if you want Jesus Christ to come into your heart. You cannot get the blood of Jesus Christ applied to a heart without repentance. God commands men everywhere to repent. Men have robbed, cheated and stolen and yet they do not want to make restitution. They come from time to time to get salvation and God will not hear them. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." God will never hear a man until he repents.

God heard the man that came and said, "God be merciful to me a sinner," and he went away justified. God pardoned because he repented. When you come to God, you must have the foundation of repentance. Confess your sins and He is faithful and just to forgive you. But He will not accept anybody that will cloak their sin. Be honest with your own heart today and get the devil exposed and accept Christ.



We read in Ex. 25, 8, 9, that God spoke to Moses and said, "Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them, according to all that show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it."

Dear loved ones, the Lord Jesus is the true tabernacle that God pitched and not man. The tabernacle in the wilderness was made after the pattern of the heavenly tabernacle which God showed Moses in the holy mount. We now have the true pattern which is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.

We first come to the court of the tabernacle where we find the brazen altar, where whole burn offerings are made. When we first came, we were dead in trespasses and sins and could make no offering for we had no life in our souls. But we found Jesus as a sacrifice upon that altar. He pardons us of our sins and plants the new birth in our souls. We are justified and saved and our names written in the Lamb's book of life.

Then we go on to the Holy Place to consecrate ourselves. There we find the believer's altar which is the golden altar. We sanctify ourselves and consecrate ourselves to God as a living sacrifice, and we find the precious blood in the Holy Place that sanctifies and cleanses us from all sin, crucifies the old man, the body of sin and carnality, and makes us holy. We had to have eternal life in our souls in order to consecrate ourselves. Here we feed upon Christ, for the breed in the Holy Palace typifies the bread of life. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Here also is the golden candlestick that sheds its light continually day and night, supplied by the holy oil. We are now the sons and daughters of God and entitled to the earnest of our inheritance, which is the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Then we enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus. There is the ark of the covenant overshadowed by the wings of the cherubim, and over the ark the great * glory, a ** by night and *** baptism with the Holy Spirit. There is no altar in the Holy of Holies for our consecration is all made in the Holy Place when we are sanctified. But we find the ark of the covenant covered with pure gold and within Aaron's * that budded, which stands for justification in Christ Jesus, also the pot of hidden manna which Moses took and hid in the ark, which represents sanctification; and the tables of stone on which God wrote Himself in the mount, which stands for the baptism with the Holy Ghost, for when we are baptized with the Holy Spirit we are sealed in the forehead until His coming.

Here the great Shekina glory rests upon us day and night, and we are filled and thrilled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The incense is going up continually from our souls. In the Holy Place, the oil was renewed from day to day, but when we get the baptism with the Holy Ghost it oils us up continually, from the throne of God. In the Holy Place we had the streams of salvation but in the Holy of Holies, we have the rivers, for Jesus said, "Out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water, and this spoke He of the Spirit for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified."

There are two works of grace plainly shown in the tabernacle by the two altars-the brazen altar and the golden altar, the Holy of Holies, is the gift of power upon the sanctified, cleansed life. Glory to our God. The ark of the covenant represents our Lord Jesus Christ and in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. In the Lord Jesus, we receive all of these gifts and graces. We must build according to the divine plan.



By reading the Bible carefully, you can see that the disciples were saved and sanctified men and had received the unction of the Holy Spirit, before the day of Pentecost.

Jesus said in John 15,3, before He was crucified, "Now are ye clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." And in John 17. 15-17, "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Ranctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth." Jesus is the world and the truth, so they were sanctified through the truth that very night that He prayed for them.

He told Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat, but He had prayed the Father for him that his faith fall not. So Satan could not go beyond the Lord's prayer. "And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." This did not mean that Peter was not converted, but Jesus knew the great temptation that Peter was to be confronted with, and He meant when he should have been delivered, to strengthen the brethren.

Peter did deny the Lord Jesus, but as soon as he denied him, he went out and wept bitterly, and God pardoned him. So when our Lord Jesus rose. He told the angel to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee, "and Peter." When Peter heard that he was very happy to know that the Lord had taken him back.

We find in John 20. 21,22, Jesus said to the disciples, "Peace be unto you, as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whosoever sins ye remit they are remitted, and whosesoever sins ye retain, the are retained." This was the power the Lord Jesus gave the disciples before they received their personal Pentecost.

We find by a careful study of the Word, that they had all eight of the nine gifts of the Spirit before Pentecost, except the gift of tongues. They had the gifts of healing, discernment, wisdom, prophesy, etc. The gift of tongues was reserved for the day of Pentecost to be a sign and evidence of the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

The disciples were filled with the unction of the Holy Spirit, the anointing, before the day of Pentecost when Jesus breathed on them. This sustained them till they were endued with power from on high.

So in the first chapter of Acts, Jesus taught His disciples to wait for the promise of the Father. This was not to wait for sanctification. His blood had been split on Calvary's cross. He was not going to send His blood to cleanse them from carnality but His Spirit to endue them with power. They went up to Jerusalem praising and blessing God with great joy. They all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. They had perfect faith and perfect obedience to Jesus' command and no divisions among them. They were not on their knees but sitting when the Holy Ghost fell upon them, simply waiting for the gift of power.

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance."

Then Peter arose and said to the multitude that came running together. "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh." He did not say God would cleanse their hearts by His blood from carnality, but pour out His Spirit. Amen. That is what He is doing in Los Angeles, pouring out His Spirit upon sanctified souls and the same signs are following.



God has told us in His precious word that we should know a tree by its fruit. Wherever we find the real, we find the counterfeit also. But praise God for the real. We find in the time of Peter, when men and women were receiving the power of the Holy Ghost, the counterfeit appeared in Annanias and Saphira. But God's power was mightier than all the forces of hell, so their sin found them out. Be careful, dear loved ones for your sin will surely find you out. "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."

In our meetings, we have had people to come and claim that they had received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, but when they were put to the test by the Holy Spirit, they were found wanting. So they got down and got saved and sanctified and baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues by the Holy Spirit. And again people have imitated the gift of tongues, but how quickly the Holy Spirit would reveal to every one of the true children that had the Pentecostal baptism,***** til the counterfeits were silenced and condemned. God's promises are true and sure.

People are trying to imitate the work of the Holy Ghost these days, just as they did when the Lord sent Moses to Pharaoh in Ex. 7,8, and gave him a miracle or sign to show before Pharaoh, that when Aaron should cast his rod before Pharaoh, it should become a serpent. So when Pharaoh saw that Aaron's rod had become a serpent, he called for his wise men and the counterfeit sorcerers and magicians of Egypt. They also did in like manner with their enchantments, for they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents, but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. So the power of the Holy Ghost in God's people today condemns and swallows up the counterfeit. It digs up and exposes all the power of Satan-Christian Science, Theosophy, and Spiritualism-all are uncovered before the Son of God. Glory to God.

Spiritualists have come to our meetings and had the demons cast out of them and have been saved and sanctified. Christian Scientists have come to the meetings and had the Christian Science demons cast out of them and have accepted the blood. Every plant that my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.

People have come to this place full of demons and God has cast them out, and they have gone out crying with loud voices. Then when all the demons were cast out, they got saved, sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Ghost, clothed in their right minds and filled with glory and power.

Dear loved ones, it is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." These were Jesus departing words. May you tarry until you receive your personal Pentecost. Amen.

-W.J. Seymour.



Jesus said in Mark 16, 17, 18, "These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." He told them to, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." What did this mean? It meant to preach healing, preach casting out of devils, preach that these signs shall follow them that believe, preach all the doctrine of Jesus. If they had preached only a part of the Gospel, would the signs have followed? These signs shall follow them that believe-not them that doubt or believe a part but those that are simple enough and honest enough to believe every word of Jesus. We must believe it all, for if only a part is true, or if anything is changed in His commission of the Gospel to the world. It would not be a perfect Gospel. So a return to the full Gospel brings a return of the signs following them that believe.


Mother Wheaton, who has visited and worked for souls in the prisons of the United States and Europe, has been with us in Los Angeles tarrying for her Pentecost, also Bro. A.S. Worrell, editor of the Gospel Witness, and translator of the New Testament.


In Acts 2.4, we have the Bible standard and sample of what Pentecost is. It was the first Pentecost that ever came to the world. "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." So this is the Bible standard till Jesus comes.

Then we have another example of Pentecost when Peter preached the first sermon to a Gentile congregation at the house of Cornelius. It was like the first Pentecost. "While Peter yet spoke these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God." Acts. 10. 44-46.

Again we have the account of Pentecost being poured out at Ephesus and again I, was like the first Pentecost. "And when Paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spoke with tongues and prophesied." Acts. 19.6.

In all three cases of the outpouring of Pentecost above mentioned the same evidence was manifest, the speaking in tongues. The Holy Ghost gave us these three incidents, of companies that received the Holy Ghost all at once, and besides this we know that the Apostle Paul had the gift and that others in the Corinthian the gift and that others in the Corinthian church had the gift.

Now the question is asked why did not all in the Corinthian church speak with tongues?

Paul in the 12th of First Corinthians, was setting the church in order, that there should be no schism in the body of Christ. Here is a brother who is justified and there is a brother who is sanctified. Now neither of them speak in tongues. In our body here, we have some justified who have just been saved. The next thing we do is to teach him he needs a clean heart, to be sanctified in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. He goes on and gets that. Then we show him he needs his Pentecostal baptism and speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. When he receives his Pentecost, he will speak in tongues.

So concerning prophesying, Paul says, "Greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues." We can have all the nine gifts as well as the nine fruits of the Spirit, for in Christ Jesus, dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Paul is simply teaching the church to be in unity and not to be confused because all have not the same gifts. We are not confused because one has his Pentecost and another has not been sanctified. We do not say that we do not need the justified or the sanctified brother simply because he does not speak with tongues or does not prophesy; but we realize that it takes the justified, the sanctified and the Pentecost brother all to make up the body of Christ. You may have the gift of wisdom, healing, prophesy, etc. But when you get the Pentecost, the Lord God will speak through you in tongues.

"He that prophesieth is greater than he that speaks with tongues, except he interpret." So the brother that prophesies is no greater than the brother that speaks in tongues, if the brother interprets as he speaks. We have a good many here that interpret as they speak and it is edifying ***** the gift in you will only ask the Lord for them.

In the 14th of I. Corinthians, Paul is setting us in order that have the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the speaking in tongues, that we should not get puffed up and think because one is justified or sanctified and does not speak with tongues he has not as much religion as we have. People in getting into deep spiritual things, and into the hidden mysteries of God, have to keep very humble at the feet of the Lord Jesus, for these precious gifts can easily puff us up, if we do not keep under the blood.

Paul is speaking to people that had been carried away with dumb idols, but now the Holy Spirit was being poured out upon them, and it was so sweet to their souls that they almost commenced worshiping the gift instead of the Giver. Instead of magnifying the blood, they were all after the gifts. The Lord wants us to seek the Giver and the Blesser instead of the gift and the blessing.

So we can truly say that we believe that everyone that receives their Pentecost has a witness in speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives them utterance, as the 120 received on the day of Pentecost. That was a lesson to the church and a sample to the church what the baptism with the Holy Spirit means to prepare us to be witnesses unto all the world. Glory to our God. Amen.


When we receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, we may sing in tongues, because the Lord drops down sweet anthems from the paradise of God, electrifying every heart. Many times we do not need these song books of earth, but the Lord simply touches us by His mighty Spirit and we have no need of organs or pianos, for the Holy Ghost plays the piano in all our hearts, and then gives the interpretation of the song and sings it in the English language. It is so sweet. It is heaven below.




Can a man have salvation and yet his body be afflicted, which is the work of demons? Yes, we may have salvation and yet disease of the body for, "though our outward man perisheth, the inward man is renewed day by day." Job said when Satan had afflicted his body, "I know that my Redeemer liveth. * * * And though after my skin worms shall destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." Job. 19.26, 27. So though demons were in his flesh, he had Christ within his soul. The demons had afflicted his body with sickness, but yet his soul was free from sin. But did he send for a doctor? No, his trust was in his God, and God delivered him and gave him twice as much as he had before. God has always been the healer of His people, for He says, "I am the Lord, thy God that healeth thee."

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. What would Christ's body look like if a mass of cancers and sickness? On the cross, He carried our griefs and bore our sickness. We have healing for our bodies as well as salvation for our souls in the atonement of Jesus. So when we receive this light, it is our duty to seek for healing of our bodies.


A message was sent us from a people in New England states who received the Pentecost before we did. As Bro. A.J. Rawson an evangelist of 15 Eliott St, Swampscott, Mass., received one of the Apostolic Faith papers and was reading it to his wife who is also an evangelist and has the gift of tongues, she broke out in tongues and interpreted. Her husband wrote the interpretation in English, and sent it to us, and we feel it is of God for His people. The message is as follows:

"This work is of God that you are reading of. Let no one put their hand on it. Let all press in and have their part. God has many richer blessings for His faithful children. Seek Him earnestly and pray for His gifts which are a witness of the Spirit."

They also write, "We are with you in the Spirit in this last work of God. We are rejoiced to hear of those having the gifts of the Spirit according to 1 Cor. 12. There have been a few of God's children in New England, in Pennsylvania and Virginia who have believed for years that all these gifts were for the church, and they have been nicknamed the "Gift People." They have had all the gifts including tongues, but it seems but a few drops preceding the rain and now the work seems to fulfill the "latter rain." There are a godly number of people here in the east ready to fellowship this work. We believe it is a token of the soon coming of the Lord. Amen."

The Lord also has some Pentecostal saints in Minnesota whom we have just heard of and we rejoice to hear from these witnesses.

Audobon, Minn.

Grace and peace unto you be multiplied. A copy of the Apostolic Faith has been sent to us, and we were much blest when we read and saw that God baptized His children with the Holy Ghost exactly the same way as He has done here. It is two years ago since God began to baptize His children in this place and some are talking with tongues, some have the gift of prophecy, etc. Others fall under the power of God and He shows them wonderful things that all seem to come unto these words, 'Get ready, I am coming soon.' Glory to God. But it is few that believe it is from God. The world's people and church members and preachers say it is of the devil, so we are well separated from the world, and soon we will be separated forever and be together with Jesus and His holy people."

Snowflake, Manitoba.

"I am in sympathy with your work, am baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, and have received the gift of some as yet unknown tongue or tongues. It first came two years ago, and is proving more distinct and real. Believe God is preparing me for some special work in some part of His vineyard."-John Loney.

God has been working thus in different parts of the world pouring out His Spirit upon others with signs following even as on us in Los Angeles. We realize that we are in the time of the "latter rain" preceding His coming.



I was born at Louisville, Ky., on May 17, 1850. My parents were Irish Catholics so of course I was brought up in that faith. I followed the occupation of a drummer for 17 years, representing different houses during that time. ***** found me on the dock ** Ohio, friendless, homeless, Godless, a confirmed drunkard without hope. I went into the Floating Bethel and there heard that Jesus Christ came into the world to save the lost. I was the black sheep of a family of ten children. I was lost in the mountains of sin, but, thank God, that day I heard the Shepherd's voice calling for me. I dropped on my knees, an ungodly drummer, and arose to my feet a new creature in Christ Jesus, and immediately began telling the story of God's grace; and I have been at it ever since and expect to stick to it until Jesus comes.

The 30th day of October 1897, I was wholly sanctified through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son. And yet there was at times a great hungering in my soul for something, I scarcely knew what. I would plead the promise of Jesus in Acts 1, 8, "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Yet I stuck to the teaching that when we were sanctified, we were baptized with the Holy Ghost. Still that hunger and feeling of lack of power was always with me.

About three years ago, God began to talk to me and show me there was more for me. I would fast and pray and examine myself by the word of God to see if I was wholly sanctified. The Holy Spirit would witness that my heart was clean. Hallelujah. And yet that longing in my soul. While in Alaska last summer, I would arise at two o'clock in the morning, go away alone in the mountains and spend hours in prayer for the power of God to come on me in greater measure. I would get wonderfully blest, but would be back at it again the next morning, praying for God to give me the dynamite from heaven.

Thank God, I have received Him. Two months ago, a paper was given me, telling of the wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Los Angeles. Just as soon as I could, I packed my grip and left Alaska for Los Angeles, arriving there Oct. 5th. The night following found me at the altar seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. (Matt. 2.11.) Praise God, before I left the altar I received my Pentecost and the gift of tongues, and am speaking in many different languages. I am soon expecting to start around the world preaching full salvation as I go, trusting my heavenly Father to supply all my needs. I am saved, sanctified, healed, and baptized with the Holy Ghost. Glory to God.

-H.M. Turney, San Jose, Cal., Gen. Del.



About two months ago, I began to read in the Way of Faith the reports of the meetings in Azusa Mission, Los Angeles. I had been preaching holiness for nine years, but my soul began to hunger and thirst for the fullness of God. The Spirit led me more and more to seek my Pentecost. After praying and weeping before God for many days. He put it into my heart to go to Los Angeles to seek the baptism with the Holy Ghost. My wife prayed and wept with me till we both got the witness that it was the will of God for me to go. The devil fought me and laid the hand of affliction on my wife, and I felt it almost impossible for me to come. The night I left home, wife and I prayed and wept before the Lord and God gave the victory, and we both consented on our knees that if we died we would be in the order of the Lord and that God would take us home. I immediately rose and took my valise in hand, went to the depot, and started for Los Angeles. Glory to God. I was six days on the road, was fasting and praying to the Lord continually. As soon as I reached Azusa Mission, a new crucifiction began in my life and I had to die to many things, but God gave me the victory.

The first altar call I went forward in earnest for my Pentecost. I struggled from Sunday till Thursday. While seeking in an upstairs room in the Mission, the Lord opened up the windows of heaven and the light of God began to flow over me in such power as never before. I then went into the room where the service was held, and while Sister Lum was reading of how the Holy Ghost was falling in other places, before I knew it, I began to speak in tongues and praise God. A brother interpreted some of the words to be, "I love God with all my soul." He filled me with His Spirit and love, and I am now feasting and drinking at the fountain continually and speak as the Spirit gives utterance, both in my own language and in the unknown language. I find that all has to be surrendered to God, our own language and all, and He speaks through us English, German, Greek or any other tongue in His own will and way.

The Lord also healed my body. I had been afflicted with rheumatism for years, and at a healing service held here, I was anointed and prayed for and was immediately healed of rheumatism and catarrh, and have a sound body and clothed in my right mind.

-G.B. Cashwell, Dunn, N.C.



When I first attended these Apostolic Faith meetings, I was very much puzzled because I tried to understand


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