Pentecost both Sides Ocean

Pentecost both Sides Ocean

William Seymour : Edition 6 - Pentecost both Sides Ocean


God is still manifesting His power in Los Angeles.

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The Pentecost has crossed the water on both sides to the Hawaiian Islands on the west, and England, Norway, Sweden, and India on the east.

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A brother in Honolulu received the Pentecost, by hearing of God's work through the paper. He said when he got down to seeking in earnest, the Lord baptized him with the Holy Ghost and he spoke in two languages.

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We rejoice to hear that Pentecost has fallen in Calcutta, India, over ten thousand miles away on the other side of the world: Praise God. We have letters from China, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, England, Ireland, Australia, and other countries from hungry souls that want their Pentecost. Some of these letters are in foreign languages. Missionaries write that they are hungry for this outpouring of the Spirit which they believe to be the real Pentecost. The world seems ripe for the Pentecost in all lands and God is sending it. Amen.

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One of the missionaries from Los Angeles in Liberia, Africa, had been able to speak to the people in the cru tongue. Another sister there wrote in an unknown language under the power of the Spirit, and it was understood and read by one of the native kings there.

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Requests for prayer from hungry souls are coming in from all over. They want salvation from sin, and sanctification, and the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and healing of their bodies. So the requests are presented and handkerchiefs are blest and the power of God comes upon us in praying for them; and we receive letters saying that they are receiving their Pentecost and being healed. Praise God.

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March 19th was a wonderful day at the Mission on Azusa St. Three ministers from Tennessee received the enduement of power from on high and the glory of God filled the upper room. Others received the anointing of the Spirit and some were slain under the power of God.

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Bro. Stewart from Phoenix, Arizona, came to Azusa Mission and sought the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and God laid him out under the power of the Spirit and took complete control of him, speaking through him in tongues. He was filled and overflowing with the Holy Ghost when he returned to Arizona. And Mother Griffith, also from Phoenix, has come and received her baptism.

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The work at Azusa Mission is growing deeper and more powerful than ever. Praise God. Meetings continue every day with seekers at every service, and the three meetings run very near together. All day meetings on Sunday. Three other Apostolic Faith Missions continue in the city and God's blessing is upon them. The workers from these missions and from suburban towns meet together for conference on Mondays to study the Scriptures and get deeper into the things of God and for conference in the work of the Lord. The spirit of unity, love and power is manifest. Other like missions are being established in a number of towns.

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Bro. Andrews and wife, Gospel workers from Tennessee, came to Azusa Mission for the express purpose of receiving their Pentecost and Bro. Andrews has been baptized with the Holy Ghost and is filled and overflowing with the Spirit. He and his wife were so hungry and had such faith that the Lord wanted them to come, that, not having the means, they started and walked quite a distance, till the Lord gave them the fare, and He is abundantly rewarding them.

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Bro. W.H. Durham of 943 North Ave., Chicago, Ill., and Bro. H.L. Blake of Ruthton, Minn., who are both preachers of the Gospel, came to Los Angeles to see and investigate what God was doing. They both were baptized with the Holy Ghost and went back filled and saturated with the power of God, speaking in tongues and magnifying God. It was a great blessing to us to have them with us and see what great things the Lord did for them and the blessing overflowed upon all God's children. They are members of the World's Faith Missionary Association.

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Sister Rees from Oakland visited Azusa Mission recently. She brought a report from the saints in Oakland that a leader was needed there in the work, one called and prepared of the Lord. We prayed for God to call someone. Bro. Irwin received the call and went with his wife. His report comes just as the paper is going to press: Oakland, Cal., March 21.-"God is undertaking for us here. Two received their Pentecost last night with Bible evidence. Others are seeking pardon, sanctification, the promise of the Father."-B.H. Irwin.

A number from Winnipeg, Canada, have come to Los Angeles and are now rejoicing in the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Others have come from the Atlantic coast and from Colorado and different states and they have received a Bible Pentecost, evidenced by speaking in tongues, and from other centers workers are going out to the ends of the earth, till we cannot keep track of them. The Lord is speedily preparing His people for His coming.

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We cannot give a report of all that have gone out into the work since the last paper, for they are going almost every day. Bro. and Sister H. McLain have gone to San Jose, Cal., to take charge of the work there and Sister Agnes Jacobson and Bro. Harmon Clifford are also in the work in San Jose. See report from there of how God is working. Bro. Turney and wife who were at San Jose are now in Honolulu. Bro. and sister E.W. Vinton from near Boston, Mass., who received their Pentecost in Los Angeles, have returned to tell the glad tidings. Their address is 12 Leyden St., Medford, Mass. Bro. C.E. Marsh expects to join them there in preaching this Gospel Bands of workers have gone out to other places and started the work.

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Since the last paper, Bro. Seymour visited San Francisco and San Jose and reported that God had some of the most precious saints there filled with the Holy Ghost and shining for God that he had ever seen and that the power of God was wonderfully manifest.

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There are a number of papers on the Apostolic line that are springing up. We cannot tell how many there are, because we hear of new ones we have not seen. But there are three clean cut papers besides Apostolic Faith, out and out for a Bible Pentecost according to Acts. 2.4 and with subscription free. They are the Apostolic Light, Portland, Ore., The New Acts, Alliance, Ohio (which now includes Pentecostal Wonders) and The Apostolic Evangel, Royston, Ga. (formerly Live Coals.) These papers are all about the size of the January number of this paper and they are filled with the wonderful works of God, and are spreading the glad tidings of another Pentecost all over the world. They are all supported entirely by free will offerings.



In London.

23 Gairloch Road, Camberwell, S.E. London, Jan. 20.-A little band of Christians have been waiting here about nine months for their Pentecost and am glad to say that one sister has received her Pentecost with tongues. Praise Him! Will you continue to pray that all may receive, the writer included. I feel very hungry. Yours in Jesus Christ, C.H. Hook.

In Stockholm.

Stockholm, Sweden, March *.--Please, dear ones, help us to praise the Lord. The first soul came through tonight receiving the baptism with the Holy Ghost and Bible evidence. Bless God!-Eric Hollingsworth and wife.

This message was just received from our brother and sister who have gone to Sweden with this precious Gospel. They wrote of the salvation and sanctification of souls and now we rejoice with them that Pentecost has fallen in Sweden's capitol.

In Sweden.

We are having a wonderful time in Sweden. Hundreds have been saved and sanctified. Over a hundred baptized with the Holy Ghost. Praise God! Glory! Glory! Glory! Many have been healed by the dear Lord. Signs as on the day of Pentecost are following, talking and singing in tongues. I cannot tell you all now that God has been doing. The work is spreading fast. Many are seeking for a clean heart and there is oneness among God's people. God shall have all the glory.

I am still talking and writing in tongues. A missionary interpreted what I have been writing in Syriac and Armenian. I was singing Chinese one night, a missionary said. I am busy every day and going from place to place. Strong opposition from many, but God gives the victory. Glory! Andrew G. Johnson, Address, 48 Skofde, Sweden.

In Honolulu.

Honolulu, Hawaii, March 11.-Immediately upon our arrival here, we found two wholly consecrated souls, hungering for more of God. Bro. Mayfield threw his mission open to us and told us to go to work. So we opened fire upon the enemy the first night of our arrival here. God owned and blest the truth. Nine have received their Pentecost, and in every case they have spoken in new tongues. Sister Mayfield has received her Pentecost and healing for lung trouble. Myself and wife have both spoken in the Korean language, Koreans present testifying to the same. We believe that will be our next field of labor.-H.M. Turney and wife.


Feb. 21.-The Lord has led Sister Nelson and myself here to Calcutta to behold the wonderful works of God. He has sent three of His witnesses from America, filled with the Holy Ghost, to shown forth His power and proclaim this wonderful Gospel which we and many others have been hungering for so long. Praise His dear name! It is Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Garr and Miss Gammon. God is working in mighty power in our midst. Several have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues, and many have been saved. We have meetings every day beginning about four p.m. and go on as long as the Lord leads. We are so hungry and do believe that God will soon satisfy our longing souls.

Mary Johnson.

Home address: Dehiwala, Court Lodge, Ceylon, India.

In Norway.

Solfies, Pl. 2, Christiania, Norway, Jan. 29.-God is wonderfully demonstrating His power here in the Norwegian capital. It is about ten days since I held the first meeting in the large gymnasium that will take when crowded from 1,500 to 2,000 people. People from all denominations are rushing to the meetings. Over twenty have received their Pentecost and are speaking in tongues. Several have been in trances and had heavenly visions. Some have seen Jesus at our meetings, and the tongues of fire have been seen again over my head by a freethinker, convincing him of the power of God. Many are seeking salvation and souls are being gloriously saved. Hundreds are seeking a clean heart, and the fire is falling on the purified sacrifice. The fire is spreading very rapidly. Glory to God! I received word from the country districts that the fire is falling there. People who have attended the meetings are taking the fire with them to the towns around about. The account of God's work for my soul has been inserted in many religious papers, and has caused a stir. All can see it is the work of God's Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! Some of the languages spoken are European. One man was thrown on his back, a preacher, last Sunday morning in the Student's Hall, and when he rose, he spoke in four languages, one of these was English. He could speak none of them before. After that, he prophesied and invited sinners to come to Christ. Numbers threw themselves down and cried for salvation, cleansing, and the fiery baptism with the Spirit. Praised be God! Several preachers are seeking their Pentecost. Go on praying for the advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord and King * this grand old century. Fraternal greetings from those baptized with the power and fire from on high. Yours in Christ Jesus, T.B. Barratt.


If you get the light on your soul, you will go forward or else backslide.


The more of the Holy Ghost you have, the more love, the more humility, the more praises.


This is not a "do, do" religion, but it is the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Man has got to be born again. You cannot get it through moral culture, refinement, or giving up, but you must be born into it. It is through God's beloved Son who washes you, cleanses you, and makes you a fit subject for heaven.


Every sanctified person has the abiding anointing in their soul, and they know His Blood cleanses every moment, but you need the baptism with the Holy Ghost which is the enduement of power, that will make you a witness to the uttermost parts of the earth.


This Gospel cost us too much to run off into fanaticism and be led by visions and dreams. When we get spiritual there is greater temptation to get puffed up. We must put all visions and dreams on the square of God's Word and try them. The Word must prove all things. When we throw down God's truth, the plummet of His Word, is shows up the counterfeit.


People receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost while about their work. One sister in Whittier received hers while she was baking a cake.


The Holy Ghost is a real living Person that comes down upon you in great and mighty power. Dear loved ones, when He comes upon you, you know it. When He comes in, He comes talking. Your jaws will be unloosed, and He will commence speaking through you.


We are Christ's spiritual bride now, but there is to be a real wedding take place and a real marriage supper. Those that sit down to this supper will be His queen, the ones that have made their robes white and have the seal of God in their foreheads. O let us not miss this supper. We are listening now for the sound of His chariot wheels.


The Lord has taken Spiritualism and Christian Science out of people in this mission, and filled them with the Spirit, and they are sitting at the feet of Jesus. We teach against Theosophy, Christian Science, Magnetic Healing, Spiritualism, Hypnotism and all works of the devil.



The Witness of "Tongues" Manifested in Christiania.

The following report of the Pentecostal revival in Norway is published in the North Mail, Edinburg, England. It is a letter from the Vicar of All Saints, Sunderland, England, Bro. A.A. Body. He had been to Christiania, Norway, visiting Bro. Barratt's meeting.

My four days in Christiania cannot easily be forgotten. I remember well the scenes two years ago, when I stood with Evan Roberts in the pulpit at Ton-y-Pandy, but, wonderful as such scenes in Wales were, the scenes in the Torvegadon Mission Room and other places were more supernatural. I believe that very soon we shall witness the same in England.

Warmly welcomed by the pastor and his co-workers, I sat, of necessity, on the low, large platform, with its table and four forms. The room was an upper chamber, down a court out of a busy street. It was very bare, with forms without any backs. But the enthusiastic congregation did not think of comfort.

Boys and girls around me, from seven to twelve years of age, were seeing visions and speaking in tongues-as well as older folk.

A bright-faced lad cried out with intense vehemence (eyes closed, right hand on heart, left hand stretched out)-"Oh . . .I see the house of Satan thrust down and down . . . . . and now the host are entering Heaven. Oh! . . . . they are going to shut the door! and some will be too late. Oh! Jesus, Jesus." Then he commenced to shout in a rapid unknown tongue, and a few minutes later he was just a simple, lovable Norwegian boy again.

Then a university student (under the power of the Spirit) cries with great vehemence (to the "Djarvlen"), "Go . . .Will you go! . . . Will you go!" All this time perhaps a dozen are speaking or praying in Tongues, or prophesying, and prayer and praise "In the Spirit" is going on all over. Then suddenly a high-pitched musical voice is heard cutting into everything-prolonged, and then dying away. It is a woman praising Christ in the Spirit.

A brother on my left breaks out into Tongues; three times in that meeting he did the same. First it seems to be in English, very rapidly spoken: "Come, come, come, come now to the Savior," etc. Then it seems to be like Chinese; "chung, chow, chow," etc., or *** Then he changes into a chattering sort of Tongue. I am assured that all there are Holy Ghost people. "The flesh may get in a little," says the good pastor, "but not much."

"Tongues" at Keswick.

People of course, ridicule; but those meetings go on every day, and twice a day, and not in one place of meeting only nor in one single town. At Christiansand and Frederickshaldt and many other places the same is going on, and it spreads quickly from each person who receives the Gift!

A Christian merchant in a high position in Denmark came with others to see and hear, and he told me that he was convinced it is of God. The working people chiefly fill the meetings, and the difficulty is to get them to leave when the time comes to close.

And, it must be added, practical results follow these strange meetings.

Pastor Barratt (of whom more below) said that till recently it was difficult to attract to religious meetings. A Salvation Army officer advertised that a man would rise from his coffin and preach the Gospel, but even this did not effectively draw. But now twice a day and every day and week after week these meetings are thronged by enthusiastic crowds, who go out to spread the strange flame, which they are convinced is Pentecostal and Heavenly and Scriptural.

The meetings are liable at any moment to be swept by a wave of spiritual power sweeping through all human arrangements. At times the noise is strangely awesome, almost appalling to an "outsider."

Some of us ask ourselves the question, how will this affect the Keswick Convention meetings and other gatherings this year? Those who have "Tongues" will be present, and unable and unwilling to control them when moved by the Spirit.

The Rev. Thomas Ball Barratt, the leader of this movement, is almost a Norwegian. He was four years old when his Cornish parents brought him to Hardanger. Eventually he became a missioner of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but he has practically detached himself from any church ties, and the world he feels is his parish.

He was in New York last autumn when influences from the Los Angeles movement began to reach him, and he received a mighty "Pentecost," witnessed to by "Tongues." A letter he wrote home stirred up the spirit of expectancy, and on his arrival the work immediately began, and on New Year's Day in Norway the revival commenced, and has continued ever since, and is spreading all the time.

Of my own inner experiences whilst in these meetings I must refrain from writing at this point, but I reverently thank God for the privilege of being present.


"He will guide you into all truth." We ought to take the Holy Ghost before any other teacher. We should have no teacher between us and the Holy Ghost.

The Apostolic Faith

312 Azusa Street


Published by


Headquarters, Los Angeles


Please write very plainly in sending in your address for the paper. Some letters have to go into the waste basket, because the addresses are illegible or incomplete. If any fail to get the paper, please let us know.


We send out papers free, but free will offerings have come in to enable us to publish and send to all that ask for them.


We have been publishing 30,000 papers at an issue, and of this number 40,000 are printed.


Anyone desiring to distribute papers, has only to drop us a card saying how many you can use to advantage, giving your address very plainly, and we will send by return mail or as quickly as possible.


A convention of Prayer is to be held at Alliance, Ohio. The saints from Akron, Cleveland, Canton, and East Liverpool will meet there, and it will no doubt be a time of great power and blessing. The date is March 30th.



this number six of the Apostolic Faith has been enlarged. It is a double paper, the February-March number. We have no stated time of publication but expect to get it out every month, the Lord willing. This time it has been unavoidably delayed. Many have been looking for it and wondering why it did not come before. We praise God for the privilege of sending it out now to hungry souls, and pray God that it will be a double blessing.

The Lord has been greatly enlarging the work. Stacks of letters come in which we have not been able to answer, but may our correspondents take this paper as an answer, as our hands are so full of the precious work. We have received many blessed reports and testimonies which it has been hard to condense into this paper. Many precious letters had to be left out for lack of space.



The lot and buildings at 312 Azusa Street have been purchased by the Apostolic Faith Mission** Holy Ghost men have been elected as trustees, who hold the property.

We believe the Lord chose this spot for His work, for He has wonderfully poured out His Spirit in the mission, which started about a year ago from cottage prayer meetings where the Pentecost first fell. Now, through Spirit baptized ones who have gone out, and through papers published here, there has been raised up a mighty host. Praise God!

The property was purchased for $15,000, and 44,000 has already been paid down on it. Any friends wishing to have a share in buying this Mission for the Lord may send offerings to Bro. Reuben Clark, who is secretary of the board of trustees. Address 312 Azusa St., Los Angeles.

It was necessary to buy this mission as a headquarters for the work, in order to hold it, as it would soon have been sold for other purposes. The situation is favorable, being centrally located and in surroundings where no one will be disturbed by prayers or shouts going up sometimes all night. Praise God! The Mission building was formerly a place of worship where souls had been saved years ago, and the spot thus made sacred; and during the past year, hundreds have been saved, sanctified, healed, and baptized with the Holy Ghost.



To the Apostolic Faith People, Saints, and Friends; the ninth of April is the birthday of Pentecost to us, for the Pentecost fell here on April 9, 1906. May all that have received this precious gift, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, honor that day as a jubilee feast, in praise and thanks to God for sending the old time Pentecost back to earth again.

We pray God that a great revival of salvation may flow in all missions on that day, and that we may all get in one accord; and we believe that the fire of God will fall in every mission, and that many will receive the baptism just as they received it on the day of Pentecost, according to the second chapter of Acts. Praise God! We have much to praise God for; in a year's time, He has spread this work over the earth. Hallelujah to His holy name!

God is still working here in Los Angeles. Souls are receiving their personal Pentecost. Bless His holy name! We expect to hear from all the missions where this wonderful Gospel is preached, great victory on that memorable day.


The Spirit takes the Word of God to reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He shows the sinner that he needs to be saved from a burning hell of fire and brimstone. You may say you do not believe it, but yet you read in the Bible where the rich man was "tormented in this flame" and called for Lazrus to bring a drop of water to cool his parched tongue. If the doctrine of annihilation were true, why was not the rich man burned up?



Jesus gave His perfect eyes for us, perfect hearing, perfect smelling, tasting and feeling: for Jesus gave a perfect body, that laid in the tomb three days and three nights and was taised by the power of the Holy Ghost. Those eyes that had slept in the tomb under the great power of death were quickened and brought to life again by the power of the Holy Ghost. So, through the perfect body of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can receive perfect healing of sight, hearing, tasting, smelling.

We read in the precious Word of God (Ac. 2. 26) where David is speaking of the Lord Jesus, "My heart rejoiced and my tongue was glad, moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: because Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption." And we find that Jesus'body was one without carnality. It was a body that God prepared from heaven by the Holy Ghost and sent down into this world to be the Bread of Life. Therefore Jesus could speak with the authority in Jno. 6. 51. saying, "I am the living bread which came down from heaven." If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world."

The Jews could not understand this. They said," How can this man give us His flesh to eat?" Then Jesus said unto them, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, ye have no life in you." O how true this is. May we drink His Blood daily and eat His flesh, through faith in His word for salvation, health, and healing. If His flesh had seen corruption, then we could not have healing for the body nor look for an immortal body from heaven. So dear beloved, we get healing for our body, soul, and spirit and an immortal body from heaven at His coming, through the perfect body of Jesus. Praise our God!



I once asked a man who was digging oil wells, how he found the oil. He said, "We bore down six to eight hundred feet, then we strike the rock. Then we bore through that rock about five feet, and on down to the second rock, about three feet thinner than the first. Then we strike a lake of oil."

It reminded me of salvation. Digging down to the rock represents repentance. When you get through all the dirt and mud and strike the rock, that represents salvation in Christ, for Christ is the rock. But when we get upon the rock, we have to build.

The man said they had to bore through two rocks before they struck the lake of oil. It reminded me of the two weeks of grace. We cross the Red Sea, then Jordan, and then we receive our inheritance. Elijah crossed Jordan and looked up into heaven as Elijah was caught up in the chariot of fire, and the mantle of Elifah fell upon Elijah. This is a type of receiving the baptism with the Holy Ghost, for Elijah prayed for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah.

The second rock represents the second work of grace, sanctification. You go down through that rock and strike the lake of oil and it gushes out in plenty. The oil represents the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Some get the anointing and are filled with holy laughter, and take that to be the baptism. But, if we go on through that other rock, we will get to where the lake of oil is.

When we have the baptios of the Spirit, we have an experience according to Deut. 32: 13, "He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields: and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock; butter of kine and milk of sheep;,with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape." Praise our God! We find that before people receive the Pentecost, they have hardly enough for themselves; but when they geat over into Canaan, the promised land, which is the very type of our entering into the promise of the Father, they become rich and are able to lend and able to give, for they have fruit in abundance, everything plentiful. The baptism with the Holy Ghost gives us the rivers of salvation. Praise God! O may every child of God seek all that He has for them.



In justification, we can overcome all the power of the enemy. We have no right to live in sin at any time. Who, the Son makes free is "free indeed." What is he free from? From sin. Dear ones, we want to honor the Blood of Jesus. The Blood has never lost its saving efficacy. Just one drop of His Blood overcomes Satan. The one who in justified, with the Blood in his heart, if he will obey the Spirit, will always live from sin.

Every justified soul is being drawn of the Spirit to sanctification, though he may not know it. He is conscious of a hungering for more of God, and the Spirit continues to show him there is higher ground for him. If he continues to walk in the light, he will he led right into the fountain for sin and uncleanness, the Blood will cleanse him from all sin, the old man the body of sin will be hung on Calvary's cross and Christ enthroned in his heart. Bless God, when Christ is enthroned and crowned within, then old Ishmael, the bond woman's son. which is the old Adam and carnality, is put out. The soul is delivered from the warfare within. He does not have to live in the same house tormented by the inward fores of doubts and fears. The free child rules, which is Christ.



Thirteen saints met in a cottage prayer meeting in Los Angeles and all were in the Spirit and of one accord. They knelt in prayer expecting the Lord to manifest Himself. The power of God fell and every one was caught up in the Spirit and saw visions from God. Bro. McLain says he saw a beautiful white dove for some time on the back of his chair. One sister saw an angel come into their midst with a golden harp in her hand. Several had the same vision of the Savior. He held a book in His hand. They saw the nail print and the blood trickling down while He wrote their names in the book with His finger with the blood that ran from His pierced hand. He stood on the other side of a river. The waters of the river looked bloody. An angel about the size of a child twelve years of age stood in front of the Savior. It went about the room and hovered over the heads of all in the room. One brother had not yet received his Pentecost, and a star was seen to come and light on his forehead, while he was testifying. The brother that was healed of blindness by the power of God some time ago saw an angel with a golden candle stick about three feet high. Praise God. He is wonderfully fulfilling His Word in His children. Acts. 2, 17.



"I pray thee is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in?" These words were spoken by Eliezer, Abraham's eldest servant and steward of his house, to Rebecca when he had found her at the well in answer to his prayer. Eliezer (meaning "God's Helper") is a type of the Holy Spirit, and Isaac is a type of Christ. Now as Eliezer was seeking a bride for Isaac, the won of Abraham, so the Holy Spirit today is seeking a bride for the Lord Jesus, God's only begotten Son.

Eliezar was sent to Abraham's country and to his kindred to take a wife for Isaac. So God our Father has sent the Holy Spirit from the glory land down into this world, and He, the Spirit of truth, is convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and is selecting out of the body of Christ His bride. He is seeking among His kindred, the sanctified, and Jesus is baptizing them with the Holy Ghost and fire, preparing them for the great marriage supper of the Lamb. Praise our God! Eliezer was under oath not to select the bride from the Canaanites but from Abraham's kindred. So God is not selecting a bride for Christ among the sinners, for a sinner must first get saved and sanctified before he can be one with the Lord Jesus. Heb. 2:11 says, "For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of now, for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren." So He is seeking a bride among His brethren, the sanctified.

"Christ so loved the church that He gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word; that He might present it unto Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Eph. 5: 25-27. So Jesus today is selecting a sanctified people, baptizing them with the Holy Ghost and fire to greet Him at His coming. Rebecca was a virgin, the type of a sanctified soul. So the Holy Ghost today is standing at the heart of every pure virgin (sanctified soul) pleading, "I pray thee is there room in thy heart that I may come in and lodge?" O beloved, we see many of the sanctified people today rejecting the Holy Spirit, just as people rejected Christ when He was on earth here. IT seems there is no room in their hearts for the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. May God help them to open their eyes and see that the time draweth nigh for His coming. O may Christ's waiting bride wake up and let the Holy Ghost come in.

Rebecca was a type of the wise virgins. When Eliezer met her at the well and asked her to let him drink a little water from her pitcher, O how sweet and ready she was. She answered and said, "Drink, my Lord." And she hastened and let down her pitcher upon her hand and gave him drink, and it pleased him. The Spirit is a person. He can be pleased, He can be quenched, and He can be insulted, as we find Ananias insulted Him. We please Him when we accept the words of Jesus. Then Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to witness in our hearts.

When Rebecca had some giving him drink, she said, "I will also draw water for thy camels." Christ's bride must do everything without murmuring. O how sweet it is when we have the mighty Spirit in our hearts; we are ready for service; we are ready for watering the whole entire world with the precious well of salvation in our heart. Beloved, when the Holy Ghost comes, He brings the well of salvation and rivers of living water.

"And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a gold earring of half a shekel weight and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold." Praise God. This is what our beloved sanctified people receive when they receive the witness of the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon their hearts, as when Jesus breathed upon the disciples before Pentecost in the upper room, where He said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." The disciples had the witness in their hearts that very moment that "both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one." For He had opened the Scriptures to them, (Lu. 24:32) and their understanding was opened, (Lu. 24:31) "And their eyes were opened and they knew Him." So with us, when we receive sanctification and the witness of the Spirit in our hearts to our sanctification, the Scriptures are opened to us, we understand them, and our eyes are anointed. We see a picture of it in Rebecca. When she had received Eliezer and let him drink our of her pitcher and had watered the camels, he gave her the earrings and bracelets of gold. O beloved may we let the Holy Ghost sup our of our heart pitcher, for the Lord says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with Me."

And when He comes in, He opens His precious treasures to us, bracelets and earrings, great weights of gold. O how blessed it is when the precious Spirit enters into our hearts like Eliezer. He tells us the great wealth of our Father and of our Christ, for He opens up our understanding, and enlightens our minds. His continual conversation is about the Father and Jesus. Eliezer was the very type of the Holy Spirit who takes the things of Christ and shows them unto us, for He told Rebecca of the wealth of Abraham and Isaac, giving her jewels. And she wore them, showing that she was the espoused of Isaac. Hallelujah! Jesus breathed the Holy Ghost on His disciples and said, "Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever sins yet retain, they are retained." Thus they had the witness in their hearts that they were candidates for the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. He commanded them, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye endued with power from on high." Praise our God!

"I pray thee is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in?" Beloved, is there room in your heart that God's blessed Spirit can come and lodge in? Rebecca was a wise virgin. She met Eliezer at the well and received the bracelets and earrings; but she did not receive them until she had allowed him to drink out of her pitcher and had watered the camels. Many others stood by, no doubt; but they did not do any watering of the camels. O may all of Christ's waiting bride be filled with the rivers of living water that they may water the thirsty, parched hearts with the rivers of salvation.

Rebecca wore her jewels. She did not put them aside or into her pocket, for we read that Laban saw them on his sister's hands. When we have received the abiding anointing in our hearts, someone can always see it shining forth upon our faces. Praise God!

When Eliezer had fed the camels and had come into the house, and when meat was set before him, he said, "I will not eat until I have told mine errand." O beloved, we should be so zealous about the bride of Christ that nothing will be able to turn us aside. We find the first overthrow in the human soul was through the appetite; and when the Holy Ghost sends us on His mission, may we not be satisfied until we have told it, and of His coming back to parish again.

Then he told his mission how that Abraham had sent him to his kindred to take a wife for his son, and he said, "And now if ye will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me, and if not, tell me." They said, "The thing proceedeth from the Lord" and gave Rebecca to be his master's wife. When people are living under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit, it does not take them very long to hear the voice of God, and they are willing to obey. Praise God! Then Eliezer ate and tarried with them that night, because he had received the desire of his master's heart and his heart.

But on the morrow, her brother and mother said, "Let the damsel abide with us a few days, at least ten days." But he said, "Hinder me not." It is best, when we hear the words of God and the Spirit is upon us, to receive now the baptism with the Holy Spirit, instead of waiting two or three days and meeting friends and meeting the devil, who will try to persuade us out of it. If Rebecca had remained, perhaps her friends might have talked her out of going with Eliezer over the plains away off to that distant land to her husband Isaac.

Eliezer said, "Hinder me not." O may we do nothing to hinder the entrance of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. We should see that everything is out of the way and nothing to stand between us and this glorious blessing. Then they called Rebecca and said to her, "Wilt thou go with this man?" And she said, "I will go." To receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost, we must forsake all and follow Jesus all the way. For the Lord Jesus says, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife." So we that are Christ's bride must forsake all and cleave to Christ, as Rebecca left father and mother, brother and sister, and rode on the camel to meet Isaac.

"And Isaac went out to meditate in the fields at eventide; and he lifted up his eyes and saw, and behold the camels were coming. And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel" to meet him. Now we are living in the eventide of this dispensation, when the Holy Spirit is leading us, Christ's bride, to meet Him in the clouds.-W.J.s.


The sinner and harlots and gamblers are receiving this blessed Holy Ghost before the church members. The first shall be last and the last first.


One tenth of all we own belongs to the Lord, besides an offering, as much as He says. If He says a half, we will have to give a half. Giving to the Lord is just as much a part of worship as the testimony and prayer. If there are people who do not believe in giving an offering, they do not believe in the Scriptures. When we consecrate, we consecrate our pocket-books.



In McKeeaport, Pa.

322 Brown Ave., McKeeaport, Pa., Feb. 8.-The Holy Ghost has fallen on about a dozen here and they are speaking in tongues and we do not know where the work will stop. There have been two received their call to China. We praise God for His wonderful grace and power.

-S.F. Black.

In Mobile.

Davis Ave. and Ann St., Mobile, Ala., Feb. 1.-After a hard battle in this wicked place, the Lord gave me a tent in answer to prayer. We give God all the glory for victory. Five have been sanctified and three received Pentecost. One brother that has been crippled for years has been healed in his foot and can walk without a stick, and we are expecting a great work of the Lord here soon.-F.W. Williams.

In Spokane.

Spokane, Wash., Mar. 21. Thank God, the work of the Holy Spirit is reaching into the remotest places of the earth. Upwards of thirty have received their Pentecost right here in Spokane in the past few days, speaking in tongues, writing, and praising God in all things. The Apostolic Light will be somewhat delayed, owing to my removal from Portland office to the work to which God called me in Spokane.-M.L. Ryan.

In Burgess, S.C.

Burgess, S.C. March 16.-We are having a wonderful meeting in our midst. Several are being baptized with the Holy Ghost. The people are coming by crowds and God's great work is spreading. Glory to God for this wonderful salvation that is coming back to earth again."-Mc. D. Brown.

In Santa Cruz, Cal.

Pentecost has fallen in Santa Cruz. The last report from there people were getting saved, sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and healed. Many seeking. Bro. and Sister T.W. McConnell have been laboring there and Bro. Wilkinson has been assisting.

In Long Beach.

The Lord is blessing in Long Beach, Cal. We cannot tell just how many at this date have received their Pentecost and speak in tongues. Hungry souls are seeking. The street meetings are attended by crowds. Last Sunday night, many had to be turned away. Bro. McCauley has charge of the work. He says, "The Lord has wonderfully planted the seed of salvation in Long Beach in street meetings every Sunday afternoon. O how I praise Him for the outpouring of His Spirit. A baby that had been sick all its life was wonderfully healed in answer to prayer. Peace be to all the saints in Christ Jesus. Amen."-E. McCauley, Long Beach, Cal.

In Des Moines.

1624 Oakland Ave., Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 21.-God is working here. Seven or eight are speaking in tongues and others awakened to the truth. I myself have received the gift and speak in many different tongues. Can interpret the same. the burden of the Spirit seems to be the blindness of the people, the soon coming of the Lord, the awful judgments that are coming, and to prepare messengers and a bride for His coming. The mission is becoming a center for the hungry ones and too small to accommodate the people. God bless you all. We have had no teaching outside, except our own close walk with God and getting down, down, down before Him and proving Him who never fails. Praise His name. Yours in the rapture, E.C. Ladd.

In San Francisco.

215 Locust Ave., San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 3.-The Lord is working mightily in San Francisco. Many souls have been converted, sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, and healed by the power of God. One Methodist preacher by the name of H.O. Lanham who came to our meetings a few days ago received the baptism with the Holy Ghost Tuesday night (Mar. 5), and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. A Baptist preacher who was backslidden got saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and healed, and is now ready to go out and preach the Gospel of Christ in its purity. Bro. Prentiss came to us from Los Angeles and the Lord is blessing him in the meetings. Yours truly in the Lord.-Adolph Rosa.

In San Jose.

25 Short Ridge Ave., San Jose, Cal., Mar. 4.-Praise God for victory. Thirteen have received their Pentecost and Bible evidence since we came here Glory to God! The whole place is stirred. Sunday there were eight healed as soon as I anointed them, and they shouted praises to God. Sunday was a hallelujah day all day. Praise God. Sinners are under awful conviction here. The hall is crowded and the people cannot all get in. We are looking for the power to fall as on Pentecost. Yours in Christ, H. McLain.

In Topeka, Kan.

924 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans., Feb. 21.-Glory to Jesus for the real Pentecostal power that is coming back to His people. About three months ago, Bro. and Sister Batman stopped off here for a few days on their way to Africa, and told of the wonderful work of God going on in the West, and it made us real hungry for more of God, and we began to seek earnestly for the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. Soon afterwards a band of workers came from Denver and were with us ten days. Several received the baptism while they were here. After they left, we went through some very severe testings, but we held on and when we needed help the worst, God sent Bro. Tom Hezmalhalch and a band of workers to us, for which we praise Him with all our heart. They were with us four weeks and their labors were owned and blessed of God in establishing the work here. A good many were saved and sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost. One young man received his call to the foreign field. We expect the work to move right on. Yours in Jesus, C.E. Foster.

In Alvin, S.C.

Alvin, S.C., Mar. 2.-In January we heard of Bro. G.B. Cashwell of Dunn, N.C., that had been to Los Angeles and received the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues. So our hearts began to hunger more and more, and after praying over it, my wife and I decided to invite him to come to our Pentecost meeting which was to begin the 8th of February. He came to us and stayed three days, and in those three days, there were about twenty-three saints that received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and all of them spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. I am glad to tell you, dear saints, that I am one of the twenty-three. As soon as He came into my soul, He spoke with my tongue in an unknown language. Thank God, the Comforter has come at last. Glory! Glory! Glory! We have had several short meetings since we received the Holy Ghost in which several were saved, sanctified, and eight or ten others have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and all speak with other tongues. Demons have been cast out in the name of Jesus.-F.M. Britton.

In 8th and Maple Ave. Mission, Los Angeles.

The old time Pentecostal power returned to us during the four days and nights tarrying meeting we had beginning Dec. 28 and went over New Years to 5:30 a.m. Some got their Pentecost with the Bible evidence, some converted, some sanctified, some healed. Glory to God! We had been going through a sifting time. Some proved it does pay to hold on to God when the enemy is doing all he can to discourage us. Our God is a God of power. So now we can sing, "I'm pressing on the upward way, New heights I'm gaining every day."

Later.-A poor lost woman, a victim of the cocaine habit, come into the meetings, was convinced of sin, and as a second definite work was sanctified and has obeyed God confessing Christ in baptism. This is a wonderful case. So the work is going on. A sister got the baptism sitting in her seat. Others justified. God is with us and we are expecting greater things of Him.-W.H. Pendleton, Pastor.



312 Azusa St., Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 20.

Apostolic Faith: After an absence of over three months, it is with great joy that I am able to be with the saints at Azusa Mission once more. The same old power is manifest, and many new faces from the north, south, east, and west are seen, having come for their Pentecost.

The Lord gave us a gracious time of Pentecostal power at Indianapolis, Ind. Many received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and are speaking with tongues. They came in from different parts of Indiana and are now going forth to spread the good news. This will be a center of power, being an inter-urban railway center like Los Angeles.

After being forced out of several places, the Lord gave us a nice hall and chairs to seat it, at 1111 1/2 Shelby street (Fountain Square) and the meetings are still going on there. The last Sunday the writer was permitted to be present was a wonderful day power. The meeting seemed to have wings, and the whole room had to be used for the altar service.

In spite of the great opposition from church people and holiness professors, many dear hungry souls are launching out into the ocean of God's love, and finding a satisfying portion. A great many were healed. Rheumatic demons and all manner of aches and pains were compelled to fly, at the name of Jesus.

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His word."

A brother who had been troubled with eczema a long time was instantly healed; and a few days after, upon examining his skin, nothing remained but blue spots where scabs had been. His wife also was healed.

The elder of the Zion (Dowle) Church and his wife came to the meetings and confessed their need of Jesus in Pentecostal power. They also sought healing and the dear Lord healed them. The wife and daughter received their Pentecost and the husband was seeking.

Bro. and Sister Lehman, returned missionaries from Africa, found their Pentecost and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. They had spent five years in learning the Zulu language, and were rejoiced to find "the more excellent way."

The Lord willing, the writer will remain in Los Angeles until May, when a camp meeting will be held in Lamont, Okla., May 15 to 30. Bro. Cashwell of Dunn, N.C., will probably be there also. After this meeting, a large tabernacle will be pitched in Indianapolis, probably the first week in June; and meetings will continue indefinitely. Our dear Lord is certainly coming soon, and we must be busy spreading this wonderful salvation to the hungry people.

-G.A. Cook.


"Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you." Jesus has given us the Word, and if we live in the Word, the Word will be in us, the Blood will flow and we will always be white and clean; but the moment we get out of the Word we become unclean and wander into dangerous paths.


High Point, N.C., Jan. 24.

To the Saints at Los Angeles and all over the world, Greetings in Jesus name!

The work at Dunn, N.C., still continues in His name. In the three weeks I was here, about fifty received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues, which is the witness of the baptism as on the Day of Pentecost; and about fifteen of the fifty were ministers of the Gospel. Some are from Georgia, some from South Carolina, and some from North Carolina. Some are called to China to preach this blessed truth. God has blest me in casting out devils, healing the sick and in discerning of spirits.

Bonneau, S.C., Feb. 11.-I came here last Friday by invitation of the holiness people in this section, known as the saints or Church of God. They claim not to belong to any organization and have been keeping the feast of unleavened bread for three or four years and worshiping in upper rooms.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were three days set apart for service to tarry and wait for Pentecost, eating nothing but unleavened bread and drinking cold water. I saw at once that they had brought themselves under bondage to keeping the feast and that there was danger of their feeling that God was under obligations to them to send the baptism with the Holy Ghost, because they kept it. But I never met sweeter sanctified people in all my life. I prayed to God to show them that it was not keeping the feast that brought the Holy Ghost. I did not mention it to them at all, but joined them in the feast. Saturday, dear Bro. Britton, their leader, came to me and said he felt that the Lord would be pleased for them to dismiss the keeping of the feast. So he announced it to the people.

Some had already received the baptism, but after that I have never seen the power of God manifested as I saw it here. Twentythree received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and all spoke with tongues.

On Saturday, one very old sister came in who had never heard anyone speak in tongues, and no one was speaking in tongues when she came in. She began to shake hands with the saints, and before she sat down, the power fell on her and she was baptized with the Holy Ghost and commenced speaking in tongues, a perfect language.

Bro. Bridgers, an evangelist of the M.E. Church, now at Marion, S.C., came to the meeting and was baptized with the Holy Ghost and power and spoke in tongues for some time, a perfect language. Praise God for Bro. Bridgers.

Royston, Go., Feb. 27.-Hundreds of precious souls in the South have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and speak in other tongues. Closed a series of meetings at Taccoa, Georgia, Sunday night. God was with us in great power from start to finish. I did not keep an account of how many received their Pentecost, but they all spoke in tongues, and all that receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost will speak in tongues. All do not have the gift of tongues as taught in I. Cor. 12, but they all spoke in tongues on the Day of Pentecost and at Cornelius' house, and those that Paul laid hands on at Ephesus, and all that I have heard and seen receive the Holy Ghost have spoken in tongues.

I am receiving letters every day from north, south, east and west from people that have attended my meetings, saying that they have received their Pentecost and speak in tongues.

People have been pulled here by take it by faith, reconsecrate, baptism of fire, "dynamite," and "lydite" till the faith of the people is almost gone. Praise God for Pentecost. Get your justified experience all in good shape, then get the sanctified experience of a clean heart. Then when your faith takes hold of the promise of the Father and Son, and the Word of God, you will have great joy as they did that went up from Olivet to Jerusalem. Then you can praise and bless God and the Holy Ghost will come in and praise God Himself in unknown tongue, and you will never doubt it any more, if they burn you at the stake of behead you. He will bear witness of Himself. Let us not come short of the promise.

-G.B. Cashwell,

Address, Dunn, N.C.



[The following account of a Spiritualist being saved and sanctified, is written by Bro. J.E. Sawders, Homestead, Ohio., in New Acts.]

We have had some of the most wonderful experiences with demons, that I have ever seen in my life. One woman, a Spiritualist, from the age of sixteen, was possessed with a legion of demons. The devil threw her on the floor where she fought and foamed froth out of her mouth, saying: "I hate Jesus Christ," many times, and blasphemed God in the most diabolic manner possible to imagine. She pointed right up in the faces of those praying for her, with a hellish laugh, challenging and defying God Almighty, saying, "Ha! ha! She is mine, ha! ha! she belongs to me, etc." Well, we prayed in Jesus name till she was gloriously delivered, and settled down like a lamb at the feet of Jesus, and for hours prayed and praised Him, until He forgave her, then cleansed her heart, and since then she has been seeking Pentecost. Last night she got up and told her whole experience, and it was simply wonderful indeed. She is very intelligent and she now feels that God is going to use her for revenge upon the devil and his hellish work in Spiritualism. These cities are full of Spiritualists and no doubt God will use this woman now to expose the thing from an experimental standpoint.



Extracts From Reports In "New Acts."


In Canton, Ohio.

Fire is falling at Canton, Ohio. At least seven at that place have received their baptism at Bro. Rohrer's mission. Deep conviction. The stoutest hearts slain under the power. Sinners coming home to God.

In Pittsburg, Pa.

"We have been holding services in the South Side Mission for the last three weeks steadily every night. Prayer has been answered and four of the seeking ones have received their Pentecost and speak in a strange language. One boy twelve or fourteen years old, speaks Italian very distinctly and interprets in English. The sisters speak sentences and quote texts of Scripture, and sing in the language they have received and interpret. Two of the sisters have the same tongue and when one begins to sing some hymn, the other starts in and voices the same words."

In Akron, Ohio.

Feb. 15, a Methodist minister from another part of the state, received his baptism with the Bible evidence. Bro. and Sister Welch of the South Street Church, have just received their Pentecost. The Spirit whispered to him that God also had touched his eyes, and he found it was so, being able to read without glasses. One lady had said to Bro. McKinney, "I have become almost discouraged, I have been seeking so long without receiving." A night or two afterwards, when the special revival meetings commenced in her church, she went forward to help and pray with the seekers for pardon of purity, when somewhat to her surprise as well as that of others, the baptism came and she began speaking among them in a new language. A returned missionary from India has very recently received the intense desire of her hart at Akron, and the Spirit has spoken through her in attestation of the baptism.

In Potterbrook, Pa.

Praise God, the Holy Ghost came today. A minister slain under the power. Demons cast out of many. Then Pentecost fell, and ten persons came through with stammering lips and other tongues. Rev. Robbins speaking in a clear language, the Spirit also sang through him. One lady speaking in tongue said. "Jesus is coming." Real Pentecost. Praise God.

In Homestead, Pa.

"We are sweeping this place for God now. Yesterday afternoon, we had a most remarkable service. Rev. J.T. Body lay for hours under the power, then began to speak clearly and fluently in a new tongue. A man who heard him speak last night told the audience that it was the Hebrew language. He has a marvelous experience.

A young woman was rescued Sunday morning from the police station, went to the altar and was converted Sunday night, was sanctified Monday afternoon and testified to having a pure heart. And Monday night, after lying under the power was baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke distinctly in a new and flowing language. The lady who rescued her, came through at the same time, and spoke much in Spanish, which I easily understood. The congregation sat and listened in amazement, in the presence of the wonderful operations of the Spirit of God.

A young preacher named McNight, who sat in a large chair under the power, gave out some indistinct utterances, then broke out in a flow of High German, and I understood absolutely every word be uttered. It was wonderful to me. It seemed to me almost as if he had learned the language in which he had spoken so fluently and clearly, so I asked him if he could speak German, and he said No. He is either of Irish of Scotch ancestry.

The meetings go on every day from 2 p.m. until 12 and 1 a.m. Last night the new hall 22 by 70 was well filled. We began with testimonies, when the power came upon us so that there was no opportunity to speak or even read a verse of Scripture. They began coming to the altar, largely young men, and filled two 16 foot altars, then all the front seats. The power was so irresistible that people fell from their seats until the floor was literally covered with prostrate people. One man got the baptism in his home and speaks in a tongue. This makes eight or ten at this date, and scores are seeking at every service.-J.E. Sawders.


In a meeting in a place where there was a rough element recently, a cowboy declared that he would break up the meeting that night, and brought his six shooter with him for that purpose. The workers left the matter with God, and kept holding on to Him in prayer. He went out and they heard noises as if he were trying to barricade the door. Soon he came in, sat down, and drew his six shooter, but immediately let it drop on the floor. This he repeated three times. When the altar call was made, he went outside, but one of the workers who was burdened for his soul followed him and knelt on the ground in the darkness not far from him and got hold of God, then came in again and knelt in prayer. The next he knew the boy was at the altar. He had thrown his six shooter to some of his companions. He broke down and cried for mercy and God came to his help and saved him. He got up from his knees and shook hands with nearly everyone in the room. The last we heard of him was that he rode four miles to get to a cottage prayer meeting.



O Son of God, arise,

And put Thine armor on;

Hell's forces all are marshaling.

The day is almost done.

The night is hastening fast,

The morn will soon appear;

The battle strong will not last long;

Our Christ will soon be here.

courage, brother, do not fear,

The Lord is on our side;

The hosts of hell cannot prevail,

No matter what betide.

The devil's time is short,

And that he knoweth well;

And so with rage he hath come down

With all the force of hell.

Look not to right or left,

Trust not in kith or kin;

Our eyes must be on Christ alone

If we expect to win.

"Resistance unto blood"

Is now the battle cry;

No time to parley with the foe,

The signs are in the sky.

The sun is darkening,

The moon is turning red;

The awful day of doom is near,

Brother, the Lord hath said.

Let him that is afraid,

Back to his home return;

No coward in this war may fight,

Too hot will be the fire.

To prisons some will go;

Satan will press us sore,

Inspiring those that we love most

To wound us to the core.

Cast out of synagogues

By blinded shepherds here;

Our names still stand at God's right hand,

So we have naught to fear.

Be faithful unto death,

And give thyself no care;

Lay down thy life for Jesus' sake,

A crown of life to wear.

The Rapture.

The Lord of glory comes!

Jesus Himself draws nigh!

Angelic hosts are thronging Him

As he descends the sky.

Lift up your heads! Look up!

Redemption draweth nigh.

The battle's o'er, the victory won,

The saints now mount the sky.

From ocean bed and graves,

From earth's remotest climb,

From east and west, from north and south,

In majesty sublime

All glory crowned, they rise

With songs of loudest praise

To Him who bought then with His Blood,

Bridegroom of endless days.

After the Rapture.

A sense of awe creeps o'er

The hearts of men now left.

Wives their husbands cannot find;

Husbands of wives bereft.

Men sleeping side by side-One left alone to stay;

Two women grinding at the mill-One quickly caught away.

With faces blanched, men look

Each other in the eye;

Women and children screaming run

And wish that they could die.

Men rush from the saloon

And crowd the place of prayer,

From brothel, race, and gambling hell,

While some still linger there.

The blatant infidel

Now seeks to hide away,

And men who never bowed before

Now settle down to pray.

True picture of the end

Is here in rhyme laid bare,

When Jesus comes to claim His bride

And saints the rapture share.

Brother, heed the warning given,

Let every soul press on;

Get right with God while yet there's time;

Let no man take thy crown.

-Bro. A. Beck.


A party of seven workers from Azusa Mission, all baptized with the Holy Ghost, went to Bonsoll, a country place about a hundred miles distant, to carry this blessed Gospel. The first night they had a cottage prayer meeting, and the second night had thirty people in the little school house. Before closing the meeting, they gave the altar call and there was such a rush to the altar that some fell over the seats and one woman nearly knocked the stove down. Twenty-seven in all came to the altar and 22 of them got saved. They held meetings the rest of the week with good attendance. Souls were saved and sanctified every night. On Sunday they had water baptism and 14 were baptized in the creek by immersion. One lady fell under the power of God just after she came out of the water. In these meetings there w


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