Pension which had previously been £70,000 a year, would now pay just £17,500.

Pension which had previously been £70,000 a year, would now pay just £17,500.

By Olivia Rudgard


More workers' pension schemes will need to be bailed out in future years as the health of Britain's occupational pensions continues to deteriorate, the head of the Pension Protection Fund has warned.

Alan Rubenstein, chief executive of the PPF, toldTelegraph Money that "the situation is not getting better - it is becoming slowly worse".

He pointed to the latest figures showing that final salary pension schemes - those which promise pensions linked to savers' wages while they were working - now have a total shortfall of more than £300bn.

In total, these schemes' assets equate to only 80pc of the sum needed to meet pension pledges - a figure which is falling."It is like a slow speed train crash," Mr Rubenstein said. "There is a huge hole to fill."

The PPF was set up in 2005 after a rash of companies went bust leaving pension funds without sufficient cash to pay workers' retirement incomes.

Under the PPF's terms retired savers are generally fully compensated. Those who have yet to retire, or who retired early, will see payouts scaled down and paid up to a maximum cap (see box for a full explanation).

Most at risk are well-paid individuals who have built up large entitlements over many years. If their pension scheme is in deficit, and their employer (or former employer) not financially secure - they could lose their income down to the level of the cap.

Such misfortune befell finance director Paul Hughes, 69, from Leigh-on-Sea in Essex. He had worked at his firm for 28 years.

He retired in October 2003 to look after his wife, who was terminally ill with cancer. She died in mid-2004.

A year later, in May 2005, Mr Hughes found out that the pension scheme run by his former employer had been taken over by the PPF.

This meant his pension, which had previously been £70,000 a year, would now pay just £17,500.

And despite very modest increases, that is what it has paid ever since.

Mr Hughes is shocked by successive governments' failure to help people in his situation. “It seemed like something the Government were going to put right. I genuinely thought it was a mistake, and we would be protected," he said.

Mr Hughes has managed on his reduced pension thanks to his buy-to-let properties, which have kept him afloat. He says he is concerned about others who have been capped in a similar way, though.

"I had bought a few properties and I live on that. If I hadn’t done so I would be really struggling

"I’m lucky. I’ve been reasonably careful, but some people will be losing their homes."

Peter Farrell's pension more than halved CREDIT: JOHN LAWRENCE

Retired accountant Peter Farrell, 71, suffered a similar loss of retirement income.

Mr Farrell, from Sutton Coldfield, was made redundant in 1997 at the age of 53 and decided to take his pension at that age. All was well until his former employer Turner and Newall, became insolvent in 2006, with a large deficit in its pension scheme.

Mr Farrell was aged 61 and 11 months - just one month from his retirement age.

Had he been 62 when the business failed he would have been entitled to his full pension of approximately £50,000.

But because he was below retirement age his pension was capped and he has since received an income of around £20,000 per year.


What about legislation aimed to help those workers with longer pension contribution records?

In 2014 legislation was passed aimed at helping people like Mr Hughes and Mr Farrell.

Under the proposed changes, the PPF's cap is supposed to be raised according to the worker's length of pensionable service with that employer.

For every year's service after 20 years, the cap should go up by 3pc.

This was announced by former pensions minister Steve Webb and included in the 2014 Pensions Act.

However, two years later, this has still not been implemented.

Earlier this month three members of schemes who had been capped met pensions minister Baroness Ros Altmann, who said there was still no date for this to happen.

Mr Farrell, who was one of the three to meet Baroness Altmann, said: "She said the Government is totally committed to the implementation of the long service cap, as if it was a legitimate reason for why we were still waiting for payment.

"She also said there'll be no backdating. I said as months go by, people are dying, their widows are ringing me and asking what's happening, and I can't tell them.

"She just offered sympathy rather than any commitment. She couldn't even say what timescale they were working to. They can't even give a commitment that it will be passed in this Parliament."

Steve Webb announced changes to the capping system in 2013 CREDIT:RII SCHROER


There is still no date for the implementation of the extra amount, the DWP told Telegraph Money.

Baroness Altmann, Minister for Pensions, said: “The DWP is actively working on the necessary complex regulations that are required to implement this measure and we are of course committed to implementation. Further details will be announced once we are in a position to do so.”

Chris Curry of the Pensions Policy Institute, said increasing life expectancy and lower returns on investment was putting schemes under "unbearable strain".

Research by the think tank found that final salary pension schemes were costing firms twice as much as they did in the 1960s. 

He said there would be a "long end-game" for these pensions, and predicted that many more would end up being bailed out by the PPF.

"There’s more risk with small companies – they may not have many members but they might be at chief executive level so they might struggle to meet those liabilities," he said. 


What will happen if my employer goes bust and there isn't enough money to pay my pension?

Final salary-type pensions promise to pay fixed retirement incomes, and in about 50 to 60 cases each year a company goes bust leaving a pension scheme which does not have the money to meet those promises.

That is what the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is for.

When a company fails and the pension appears under-funded, there’s an assessment period during which the PPF looks at the scheme's liabilities and assets. During this period payments of pensions in force should stay the same.

Anyone already retired when the scheme enters the PPF, and over the scheme’s normal pension age, should carry on receiving the same payments - for ever.

These will increase in line with inflation each year, up to 2.5pc, but only for the amount relating to work after 1997.

Those receiving pensions related to someone who had died at the time the scheme went bust will also receive 100pc of their payments, as will anyone who retired early because of ill-health.

Anyone else who retired early will receive 90pc of their benefits, capped at the level corresponding to their age when the scheme went bust.

Those who are not yet retired will receive the same when they do retire: 90pc of their promised pension, capped at the level corresponding to their age when the company went bust.

For example, the cap for someone aged 59 is currently £30,603. If a person's annual entitlement is worth this amount, or less, they will get 90pc of whatever that amount is.

However, if their pension is worth more, they will only get 90pc of the capped amount – meaning those with larger pensions will be worst hit.

Anyone who took a cash lump sum when they retired early will have their annual payment adjusted accordingly, so will in practice receive less than 90pc of their capped amount.

For more information about exploring options with your pension funds please give me a call on +356 225 66 193 or email [email protected]


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