Pension Consolidation Case Study
Jon Bannister
Biochar / Guaranteed Off-Take Agreements / Carbon Credits / Blockchain / AI
MAY 14, 2017
Have you collected several pensions over your career? Then you may have lots of questions to do with combining your pensions, the consequences of having multiple pensions and whether it affects your final pension. The pensions experts at Bespoke Support Network have the answers for you.
One of Bespoke Support Network’s financial advisors met with Bill and his family. When sitting down to talk, Bill told our advisor that he had a number of pensions with documents scattered around the house. Bill struggled to understand how much his current pension would give him during his retirement. That’s why Bill contacted Bespoke Support Network to request a free financial review.
Our qualified advisors reviewed each pension and helped Bill to understand how much the current pensions he had would pay him in retirement. Bespoke Support Network’s pension expert then compared this to the other options available, leaving Bill to take the information away and make the best decision for him and his family.
As a result of the Bespoke Support Network’s advice, Bill was able to retire SIX years earlier with an income 22% higher than he would have got previously.
Do you have several pensions like Bill? At Bespoke Support Network we understand how confusing pension schemes can be but there are options like Bill’s available to most people, which is why our experts are here to help.
If you’ve had a pension for 20 years, what are the chances it’s still the best pension for you? It may be time to reconsider. Car insurance is something we all take the time to reassess yearly and your pension is far more important!
Get in touch with one of our advisors at Bespoke Support Network. As a new customer, you are eligible for a free consultation and review!