Pensée pour ce matin
Jacques Guillard
Favour and Peace be increased to you in the knowledge of YAHWEH, our Elohim, and of His Royal Son, the "Hebrew and Jewish" Messiah Yeshua.
It is written:
“Draw near to Elohim, and He shall draw near to you. Cleanse hands, sinners. And cleanse the hearts, you double-minded!” (James 4:8)
First and foremost, if there is not a close communion between YAHWEH (????), the Elohim of Yisra’?l, the KING of the Universe, our Elohim, and AVINU MALKENU (Heb. “Our Father, our KING”) and us, it is our fault, and not His. ?
Let us develop a DEEPER RELATIONSHIP with Him. YAHWEH (????) is our Strength, our Rock, our Stronghold, and our Deliverer.
He sent His one-of-a-kind Son, the descendant of His servant Dawid, the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah Yeshua, to give his life for our sins (sin is a violation of the Torah) on the Roman execution-stake (our sins are removed because of the death of the Messiah Yeshua, and the explanation of his death is his OBEDIENCE to?YAHWEH (????), his Elohim and Father, not his sympathy for us).
He came to bring each one of us, Jews and non-Jews, into a restored, loving, forever relationship with?YAHWEH (????), his Elohim and Father, to teach us the true meaning of the Torah, to show us how to keep it, how to live it, with the help of the Set-apart Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, and to be GRAFTED, not into a new religion but into the Yisra’?l Family.
The Church is leading people astray through compromise and rejecting the Torah of YAHWEH (????), claiming that the one they call Jesus did away with the law of YAHWEH (????) and His Commands.
Through the religious teachings some people receive, they follow a different Messiah than the one the first Hebrews and Jewish followers have told us about.
May YAHWEH (????) keep us mindful that being the followers of the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah Yeshua isn’t a “label” but a way of life and keep us close to Him, filling us with the Set-apart Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, and enabling us to turn away from sin towards life, by following His Torah as the Messiah Yeshua did!
May YAHWEH (????) makes us competent workers serving Him so we can give people a chance to act on His TRUTH and come to Him and His REDEMPTIVE POWER through a union with the Messiah Yeshua.
For you reading this Blog, acting on the TRUTH of YAHWEH (????) can look like foolishness in the eyes of the world.
But if it is not already done, do not allow the TRUTH of YAHWEH (????) that is brought home to you to pass without acting on it. He can help you where you are. Whatever your external circumstances, remain in contact with Him.
Let me invite you to turn, TRULY PENITENT and HUMBLE, to YAHWEH (????). Turn your FAITH and FOCUS on Him through a union with the Hebrew and Jewish Messiah Yeshua, our master.
Blessed Be YAHWEH (????) for being Faithful, Merciful, Kind, and keeping His Everlasting Covenant, writing His Torah on our hearts, and transforming us into the People HE HAS CALLED US TO BE.
SHALOM ALEIKHEM!” from Vancouver, Canada, to ALL the Yisra’?l Family, Beloved of Elohim, Called, Set-apart ones: Hazak, Hazak, V’nit’chazek! Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened!
Blessed be YAHWEH (????), the Elohim of Yisra’?l, the KING of the Universe, our Elohim, and AVINU MALKENU (Our Father, our KING) for refining our Faith through His Torah and teaching us to OBEY what He tells us to do.
P.S: Freely, I have Received, Freely I Give. (If you see ads on my Blog, they are independent of my will.)