Penetron Admix
Penetron Australia - Admin
Total Concrete Protection - The Worlds Leading Concrete Waterproofing and Durability Systems.
Our Green Tracer is a unique product feature present in every soluble bag of Penetron Admix. When the active chemicals of PENETRON ADMIX? react with the moisture in fresh concrete, our green tracer comes to life as a positive indicator to show that the PENETRON ADMIX? is active and has been added to the concrete mix at the time of batching.
PENETRON ADMIX? becomes an integral part of the concrete matrix and performs consistently during the life of the concrete. Constantly tested and improved, PENETRON ADMIX? is designed to protect concrete in the most critical environments.
- Resists extreme hydrostatic pressure from either positive or negative surface of the concrete slab
- Becomes an integral part of the concrete
-Highly resistant to aggressive chemicals
- Can seal hairline cracks up to 0.5 mm
- Allows concrete to breathe Non-toxic (NSF 61 certified for potable water applications)
- Less expensive than traditional methods Permanent
- Added to the concrete at the time of batching and therefore not subject to climatic restraints
- Reduces construction scheduling time Improves durability of concrete
- Permeability Reducing Admixture for Hydrostatic conditions (PRAH)
- Zero VOC – PENETRON powdered products contain zero volatile organic compounds and are safe for use both outdoors and in confined indoor spaces
- Exceeds requirements of ASTM C494-S (Specific Performance Admixtures)
If you need assistance with the right concrete waterproofing and durability system, contact either of our team - 1800PENETRON (1800 73638766) or [email protected]
Hacene Baleh Specifications Engineer, Paul Amestoy NSW, Alan Vest NSW/ACT and Vito Pizzingrilli Vic/Tas & SA
#ValueEngineering #PenetronSelfHealingConcrete #PenetronSolutions #PenetronAdmixSB #PenebarSW #engineering #architects #concretedurability #concretewaterproofing