Penetration test of Mobile devices WiFi
Jindrich Karasek
Cyber Threat & Defence Research, AI & Cognitive Security, DFIR, speaker, mentor, TI Associate, Views are my own.
Do you have a cellphone always connected to the internet? Do you connect to every public WiFi available?
In article published on my website I have added couple of visualizations of a simple penetration test.
Goal was to test, if it will be possible to intercept wireless network traffic between mobile device and the Internet.That was it, no further action like password recovery or DNS spoofing, forwarding to malicious website or pushing false updates.
Below picture shows summary of the result.
All in RED was prone to interception. All in BLUE was either safe, or part of testing infrastructure.
Note: All names of devices were modified before the visualization process. So names are not real, but the relations and number of devices remains intact.
Technique used in this test is very common {Not disclosed on purpose}. What is a big surprise, that the method is actually still working.
Be careful where you connect to WiFi and what kind of information do you send over. Have antivirus solution installed on your cellphone. Even if it is the iPhone! Most of modern antivirus do warn you, when you connect to dangerous networks. It is good idea to switch of the WiFi, once you are done with browsing.
Do you like the picture? More details and the rest of pictures are placed on my web.