Penetration Bitumen 60-70
#Bitumen #penetration #grade #60_70 means the #penetration #value is in the range 60 to 70 at standard test #conditions which commonly used as a #Paving #Grade and it classifies as a semi-hard #penetrationgrade #bitumen.Faragam Petro Tech Bitumen Grade 60/70 is a #standard #penetrationgradeBitumen usually used as a #pavingBitumen suitable for road #construction and other #industrial #purposes. This grade of #Bitumen is mainly used for hot mix especially in #moderate #climate.This kind of #bitumen is suitable to be used for #road #construction #projects in mild #regions. Also it can be used for producing some kind of #asphalt #primer and #Waterproofing #products.?60/70 #Bitumen is applicable for the #production of hot mix #asphalt for #bases and #pavements and for #road #construction and also for making some #bitumen #emulsion, #cutback bitumen and #modified bitumen grades as well