Penetrating the (US) retail market - Go-to market approach
Sales in independent retail stores account for approximately 30%-40% of total sales (in the US retail market) while the rest account for 10%-20% online sales and the remaining (half) is generated by customers who shop in big box retail stores.?
I work with small manufacturers of consumer goods products.?They have small operation and many of them are still in entrepreneurial stage with products that just completed development and are new to the market.
Large number of them aim to sale to large retail stores.?Although I adore such ambitious approach, it is not always found to be the right way to penetrate the market especially when such small operation is new to the retail arena.
Some others start selling online and soon they find that their anticipations and hopes for fast return are not always met.?
There are risks that are involved in selling to large retailers especially when a company is young and new to the market. Yet, handling return of unsold products is one of those risks.
Start selling online as initial go-to market approach involves less risks and found to be an effective way to penetrate new market.
Would that be the only safe approach?
There is at least one more.
I am starting a series of articles sharing my experience with you, discussing what the effective ways to start your sales in the (US) retail market are. It is a time to ask questions, start a discussion and get more ideas.
My next article will discuss in greater details what online sales means to small business and how you should be prepared for such business move.