Pendulum Summit 2018
Tashi Delai
4 years ago I received an email from Frankie Sheahan looking for people to attend this new conference he was trying to launch in Dublin. His vision was to host ‘The World’s Leading Business & Self-Empowerment Summit’. It was a brave adventure as the economy was still in recession. 500 delegates attended that year and this year it was just shy of 8,000. Many of whom travelled from UK, Europe, USA and Canada to attend.
Last Thursday I was lucky enough to attend day 2 of the Pendulum Summit 2018 in Dublin. I have put together a simple presentation, to capture some of the insights, the speakers, shared about their passion, challenges and hopes. It can’t create the experience that was Pendulum 2018 however I hope you enjoy and feel inspired.I have included a couple of videos, I captured on the day, and some from YouTube, to further explain the speaker or the content they presented.
My big take away was………find your passion, never give up and win the moment in front of you. Thank you Frankie Sheahan for a great event.
#pendulumsummit, #Aslan #pauloconnell #jomalone #jamescaan #bradsugars #martynnewman # marcishimoff #randizuckerberg