Pending demise of our world (from planet to society) .. & what we can do about it? Create a viral behavioural Christmas Jingle?!
created by stable diffusion, prompt "engineer fixing the world"

Pending demise of our world (from planet to society) .. & what we can do about it? Create a viral behavioural Christmas Jingle?!

This is very click baity article & newsletter title, it is on purpose.

If social media (linkedin included) as apparently in 2022, we are now all creators in the creative economy now.

Let’s cut to the chase:?

In 2022, IMHO time to “Change the world” is sadly still not working. Change maker may have made some slight "dent", but it is sadly still not enough (add any problems of your home/economy/world/war in your mind).

Therefore, we need to mobilise everyone (rich or poor) ; if only change the mindset, or indeed only ONE Word in their mind, only then can we start to be able to take the first step of ‘asking’ the right question(s).?

So, my challenge to you all is just this.. everytime you hear someone, media, news, personalities, or billionaires or your neighbours or local do-gooders (or yourself) say these phrases:?

* Change the world

* Change maker?

* Let’s change the world..?

Ask them this: is the ‘change’ for good? What does it fix? Is it short or long term? Is it from the stake holder’s perspective???

To be fair, positive change is 'implicit' but in our day and age, even explicit and even public pledges and even with black and white executed contracts (see Elon buying twitter!), it is not the same as before now even in our developed world.

Is it therefore natural and reasonable or indeed better to to adopt a more focused approach by fixing specific "things": by identifying concrete problems/challenges even if they are systemic?

please see my response to FT’s 50 ideas to change the world in 2017 :

A one minute video that may get me cancelled on this platform, hope not, it was created back in 2017 to get people to 'think' and start hopefully asking the right questions, from personal life to business, which were well received in my private setting.

5 years later in 2022, My voice entry to Financial Time’s latest challenge for making a boring topic interesting.?

My call to action for you: Can we join forces, like in movie industries of James Cameron to create team specifically to deliver Avatar, in our case fix a specific something (social, technology to business)??

I’m dreaming that for the first step, since we are all creators (apparently), and I would love to create a team from Joe Bloggs to industry titans to even a-list musicians and entertainers and behaviourial scientists to create a Christmas jingle to get people to start asking the right questions??

October now, is it too tight? Can we create a non profit foundation and only take small percentage as operating fee (vs allegedgely nasty Simon Cowell) and most profit will be given back to the artists/collaborators…?? So create a ‘good’ and ‘self-less’ team/song?

Can the new jingle threaten the not yet trademarked Queen of Christmas Mariah??

I would aim to host a public series of online discussions to devise the plan(s) and make this happen? Join our discord server (I need help across the board in production/distributing via social media etc.)

Suggestions? Leave the comments below or even better directly email me [email protected] or signup to FixTheWorld.Club to be informed.

Ontop of going to the 'pub', or 'club' and drink self senseless during the weekend...

Let's get together & Fix something.. anything! !?

PS: Question: for the experts: shall I have only this LinkedIn newsletter or do a duplication on substack? or medium?

PPS: any comments/suggestions welcome, please comment below, or on the discord server.


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