The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
Manika Chettri
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All of us have heard this famous proverb, but it does not mean that a pen is more powerful than a sword if two people are in a duel. But it means that the symbolic significance of the Pen is higher than that of the Sword. It also means that its shape, size, or might judge nothing in this world. The might of the men, however, has often been a signature of impact without havoc. Also, on the other hand, people have brought changes with the pen that they could not have possibly brought with the sword. If we take the example of Karl Marx: Marx, a philosopher, writes about the oppression of the working class by their masters and inspires people all across the world to rise against them. This can be best demonstrated by the October Revolution in Russia which was led by Lenin. Everything in this world is detailed and situation-specific. If the case is such that there is no way in which the pen can work, then the sword is taken to have all the might. But, if the situation is such that it favors the pen more than the sword, then the pen has the upper hand. What is more important among the two is the one who wields it. The person behind the pen or the sword is the one who makes the difference.
Some people give up the sword for the pen and some do the exact opposite. Therefore, it is all about how a person feels about a situation and responds to it. The pen is always mightier than the sword, provided the sword lacks any might in that situation.