PemPem partners with Siak-Pelalawan Landscape Program (SPLP) to expand to Siak and develop digital tools to advance smallholder land rights

PemPem partners with Siak-Pelalawan Landscape Program (SPLP) to expand to Siak and develop digital tools to advance smallholder land rights

PemPem is excited to announce that our digital platform to empower smallholder producers and traders in the palm fruit supply chain will be expanding into the Siak district of Riau, Indonesia, beginning in October 2021. The work will be carried out in partnership with the Siak-Pelalawan Landscape Program (SPLP), and in support of Siak District government’s Siak Hijau Initiative.

PemPem will help advance sustainable rural development objectives of Siak Hijau by making available digital tools and support to farmers and traders that bring greater access to the value chain, more transparency to the supply chain, and greater efficiency and profitability to small agricultural businesses.

A key component of this expansion will be PemPem’s work with diverse stakeholders in Siak, at both district and village levels, to design, build and pilot digital tools to advance the STD-B process of smallholder producer registration in Siak, a key target of the Siak Hijau Roadmap developed by the Siak government. An STD-B (“Surat Tanda Daftar Budidaya” or “farm registration certificate”) provides smallholder producers with a recognition that they are operating a legal business, which includes a recognition of the producer’s? (sometimes informal) land title and a verification that the farm occurs on land zoned for agricultural production. Critically, obtaining an STD-B is a requirement for ISPO and/or RSPO certification of smallholder producers, and can serve as an entrypoint for obtaining national land rights ("SHM" or Surat Hak Milik Tanah), the highest level of land tenure recognition.

