PeerWith - Find an expert to take your academic work to the next level

PeerWith - Find an expert to take your academic work to the next level

Of all the journalism fields, science writing may well be the utmost thought-provoking and gratifying. Science writers cover arenas undergoing some of the most rapid advances in history, from spectacular advances in genetics and biotechnology to striking discoveries in astrophysics. 

A science writer's week may include coverage of new discoveries about viruses, the brain, evolution, and artificial intelligence, planets around other suns, and global climate change and its environmental impact, to name only a few topics.

But many a times for a researcher there is a need to outsource your scientific writing and also a necessity of finding the specialists in the areas out of their expertise. 

That's where PeerWith comes into the picture!

Peerwith is a platform for author services, matching academics seeking support for their work with experts who can help out with language editing and translation, format and design, consulting, or whatever else scientists need. Peerwith offers academics the advantages of a marketplace for services by bringing clients directly in contact with freelancers or companies. 

And by cutting out unnecessary middlemen, there is a way to create more transparent and affordable services. Clients can select the freelancer or supplier, assured that the work will be done by the right expert with the right background and expertise. Together clients and supplier determine the rates and terms of the project, and payment transactions are secure. 

Read here to more about how PeerWith works

And most importantly Signing up to Peerwith is free. So go ahead and sign up at


