A peek into my AI bookshelf
Marco van Hurne
AI & ML advisory | Author of The Machine Learning Book of Knowledge | Building AI skills & organizations | Data Science | Data Governance | AI Compliance Officer | AI Governance
In this article I will share some of the most fascinating books about Artificial Intelligence I have been reading lately, together with some of my own thoughts:
?? let’s jump right in!
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Life 3.0
In this book, Max Tegmark (a famous Physicist, and AI company man) talks about the 3 different tiers of life since the start of the Universe:
There’s been a lot of debate about what our future, Artificial General Intelligence, life 3.0 or whatever you want to call it, will look like.
Few people actually believe in extreme good or extremely bad scenarios where we’ll either all die a few years by AI, or we’ll live in heaven-like world thanks to AI.
Most people actually fall into the two main camps, as Tegmark call them:
In the beginning of 2023, there was a heated debate around the Open Letter about “Pausing Giant AI Experiments”, signed by a lot of concerned experts in the AI field.
I did sign the open letter myself, and wrote some articles to deep dive into the state of AI last year. But reading this book makes me realized that for those techno-skeptics who thought this letter was totally uncessesary, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care about the risks. It just means they have a much longer timeline
“Fearing a rise of killer robots is like worrying about overpopulation on Mars”. — Andrew Ng
Likewise, the people who warned about the AI risks are not AI doomers, they just have a closer timeline in mind as to when AGI will happen.
How fast things will go, only time will tell!
The book talks about the impact AI has had or is having on different domains such as military, healthcare, finance, and why AI safety
Should we have an AI Protector God, or Ensavled God, or a 1984 Survellance kind of world?
My favourite take-away from this book is that asking “What will happen?” is asking the wrong question. A better question is “What should happen?”. We do have the power to influence and shape our future. What future do we want? Will we want complete job automation
Humans, AI, or cyborgs?
If you enjoy these kinds of discussions and want to have a bird-eye view of all things AI related, I’d highly recommend this book.
It’s extremely well-written, easy to read and insightful.
2. Superintelligence
The central idea of this book is that in the grand spectrum of intelligence, the distance between a village idiot and Einstein, is actually quite small. Once the AI passed the chimpanzee and dumb human stages, it could suddenly be much smarter than us.
This is why in this book, Nick Bostrom believes that Superintelligence, if it happens, is more likely to be happen fast. It’s more likely to be explosive. There will be a crossover point where machines will start getting smarter by themselves.
Another reason to believe in the intelligence explosion scenario is that advances in Machine Intelligence can benefit from breakthroughs in other fields in rather unexpected ways.
If you are into Machine learning, you may already know that a lot of techniques in computer science and AI actually stem from other fields:
This is not to mention Quantum computing might one day make computing so efficient that machines might be able to continously come up with new ideas and improve themselves recursively (read my latest article about quantum encryption on the iPhone).
Another interesting point from this book is that there are actually two different ways to design superintelligent computers.
This book goes on to discuss why we need to prioritize AI Safety, because it is never a guarantee that a Superintelligent AI would be benevolent. There are many ways a superintelligence might not be aligned with human values. The book discusses a bunch of failure machenisms where this could go wrong.
One of them is instrumental convergence
“An intelligent agent with unbounded but apparently harmless goals can act in surprisingly harmful ways.”
For example, a harmless AI might decide to turn us all into paper clips to maiximize production. These scenarios are mostly thought experiments, but they are really fascinating to read and make a lot of sense.
Nick Bostrom also proposes that global collaboration is the key to make AI safe and beneficial. An arms race or some secret government program will more likely lead to bad outcomes.
I think this point hits home even though the book was written more than 10 years ago. It’s a good thing we have so many open-source large language models that everyone can use and contribute to. We can now even download and use an uncensored large language model for free ??. These open-source AI models are going to help startups compete and drive progress towards safer and more capable AI systems — provided that everyone has a kind heart and use these models for good!
The Coming Wave
The author of this book, Mustafa Suleyman (That is the cofounder of Google Deepmind), thinks we are approaching a threshold in human history where everything is about to change, and none of us are prepared.
This book is one of the newest books on AI that also covers recent breakthroughs such as robotics and large language models like ChatGPT.
The book is divided into 4 parts:
There are unstoppable incentives and forces that push the progress — not only financial and political incentives, but also human ego, the human curiousity, the desire to win the race, to help the world, to change the world or whatever it might be. And the author argues that these are the drives we simply can’t stop.
And what’s the coming wave?
The book talks about the coming wave that includes both advanced AI, quantum computing and biotechnology. This wave of technology is distinguished from the previous waves in human history by a few main measures:
It will be happening at an accelerating pace, it will be general-purpose technology just like electricity, but will be much more powerful because it can become autonomous. It can do amazing things for the world, but it can also bring (very) negative consequences.
Reading this chapter makes me realize how fragile is the world we live in.
Imagine how new AI technology makes it possible to create the next generation of digital weapons. Sophisticated cyber-attacks could perhaps scrumble today’s financial system and governments that rely on cybersecurity to operate properly.
Deepfakes are everywhere (they kind of are!), spreading false information targeting those want to believe it. Other doom scenarios are biological weapons and lethal autonomous weapons. It’s chilling to think about how new technologies might make it easier than ever to run experiments and develop new kinds of lethal virus.
Another effect of this coming wave is job automation. Sulleyman wrote in this boo:
“[…] New jobs will surely be created, but they won’t come in the numbers or timescale to truly help.”
Also even if we have new jobs, there might also not enough people with the right skills to do them. He thinks many people will need complete retraining, many people could become unemployed in short term.
I find this book really interesting and informative when it comes to the immediate challenges we are facing today due to the advancements of new technologies.
Power and Progress
The next book I are going to talk discuss is Power and Progress by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson.
This book talks about the relationship between technology, prosperity, and societal progress.
They challenge the popular notion that technological advancement, automatically leads to progress and shared prosperity. Instead, they argue that technological advancement can often push inequality. The benefits get largely being captured by a small group of individuals or corporations.
I quite agree on that one...
Data tells us that in the last 4 decades, the real wages of goods-producing workers in the US, and Europe have declined even though productivity has grown.
The writers argue that AI technology should focus on automating the routine tasks, just like the ATMs automate bank teller, rather than automating the creative and non-routine tasks from humans.
They also believe that technology should empower us to be more productive, rather than try to replace us completely, if we want the benefits to be distributed more fairly.
I could not agree more...
And that is why I am for Human Centered AI design
HCAI is more than just accountability of the people behind the AI, and transparency of the algorithm. It is about building AI that augments and helps human beings, and not AI that is meant to replace them.
That is why I am so fond of the company FOUNT, I recently wrote a piece about. They managed to save a company 13M USD, by augmenting the employees WITH AI, so they could optimize their own workprocesses themselves.
Yes, augmenting. Not replacing.
TALK ABOUT A GOOD REASON FOR BEING .... instead of this PR stunt.
The book coins a term “so-so automation” which I find quite interesting.
The idea is that a lot of companies, like Lattice, are rushing to replace workers with machinery and automated AI customer service, only to find out the automation did not work well. The machines just do a poorer job than humans.
Elon Musk once tried to automate everything possible at Tesla. Later he admitted this was a mistake — humans are underrated.
So the book argues that humans are good at most of what they do.
We developed sophisticated communication, problem solving, creativity skills over thousands of years. So let’s just let humans do their things, and machines do their things. In other words, this is a case against building Artificial General Intelligence (as though they are conscious) that big techs today are after.
Although I’m not sure if I would agree with this point, I can really relate to it.
Recently my colleagues and I at work have been working on some Generative AI projects to help companies automate their contact center. So far I have to admit we have had limited success. The language models hallucinate often and are not unreliable enough to be productionalized. I’m thinking, are we rushing it just for the sake of the technology?
Towards the end of the book, the authors offer a range of recommendations for policies to help redirect technology to a better future for all of us.
Overall, I found this a very thought-provoking book.
I’d highly recommend it to those of you who enjoy a more critical discussion on AI advancement, and also if you are into economics and politics, or are working in law-making organizations.
Human Compatible
This book by Stuart Russell talks about how to design intelligent machines that obviously can help us solve difficult problems in the world. At the same time they need to make sure that they never behave in harmful ways to humans.
The first part of the book discusses the definition of AI, different ways AI can be misused, and why we should take it very seriously to build superintelligent AI that’s aligned with human goals.
Russel believes:
“Success would be the biggest event in human history, and perhaps the last event in human history”.
He briefly gives answer to the question of when we will solve human-level AI. Russell believes that with the technology we have today, we still have a long way to go. Deep learning is not likely to directly lead to human-level AI:
“[…] deep learning falls far short of what is needed.”
He thinks several major breakthroughs are needed for us to solve human-level AI.
One of the most important missing pieces of the puzzle is to make computer understand the hirarchy of abstract actions, the notion of time and space which is needed to construct complex plans and built its models of the world.
Russell gives an example for this: It’s easy to train a robot to standup using Reinforement Learning. But the real challenge is to make the robot discover by itself that standing up is a thing.
In the second part, Stuart Russell dives more into why he thinks that the standard approach to building AI systems nowadays is fundamentally flawed. According to him, we are essentially building systems that are basically optimization machines that optimize on a certain objective we feed into them. They are completely indifferent to human values and this could lead to catastrophic outcomes.
Imagine that we tell an AI system to come up with a cure for cancer as soon as possible.
This sounds to be an innocent and good objective.
However, the AI decides to come up with a poison to kill everyone so no more people would die from cancer, or maybe it would inject a lot of people with cancer so that it can carry experiments at scale and see what works. It would then be a bit too late for us to say, oh, I forgot to mention a very important thing that people don’t like to be killed.
This book argues that the world is complex. It is very difficult to come up with a good objective for machine that takes into account all kinds of possible loop holes.
To solve this problem, Russel proposes a new approach: the idea of Beneficial Machines
"We should design AI systems that do their best to realize human values and never do harms, no matter how intelligent they are".
Russell proposed 3 principles:
The book goes on to prove that these principles should work and it can be mathematically guaranteed.
Overall this book is fun, it is short and it is a very nuanced book. You’ll find many original ideas and arguments in here.
I think it is an ok book to read, so I would recommend it, after you've read the book of Tegmark.
The Alignment Problem
The next book on the list is “The Alignment Problem — How can AI learn human values” by Brian Christian.
This book tackles the issue of making AI systems that are aligned with human values and intentions.
This book takes you through a tour since the beginning of deep neural networks and it talks about all the ways that AI has gone wrong and how people have been trying to fix it.
I think this book would be particularly interesting and helpful if you’re already somewhat familiar with machine learning | deep learning. You’ll come across terms like training data, gradient descent algorithm, word embeddings and other data science jargons.
The title of the book is also a Machine Learning thing. The alignment problem has to do with the fact that AI systems should behave in ways that match human values and goals. It's a big deal because if we get it wrong, AI could end up doing things that are harmful or not what we wanted, even if it's following its code perfectly.
The first part of the book talks about bisases, fairness and transparency of machine learning models. You’ll get to know almost the entire history of large neural networks and all the names who have contributed to the progress in the last decade.
This book also talks about a bunch of mistakes and all kinds of incidence where machine learning went wrong. For example in 2015, Google Photos mistakenly classified black people as Gorrilas. Google realized this is totally not okay and decided to remove this label entirely. It’s so embarrassing that 3 years later, Google photos still refused to tag anything as gorrilas, including real gorrilas. There are more examples with more serious consequences too like model bias in healthcare or justice systems.
I really enjoy the in-depth discussion about what caused these issues and what people actually did to fix them. Also how to remove bias from machine learning models, when the world itself is biased. Or how we can even define fairness while frankly speaking, life is in many ways not fair.
The second part of the book is dedicated to reinforcement learning. Reinforcemnet learning, which is in simple words, to train machines to imitate our behaviors. This is the main idea behind self driving cars, which basically train the machine: Watch how I drive, and do it like this. We’ve definitely seen a lot of success with this.
The book also discusses other methods like Inverse Reinforcement learning, and RL with Human feedback. In the last chapter, Christian delves into how AI should deal with uncertainty.
Overall, this book is interesting for anyone that has had an intro into ML | AI, and has become interested in the ethical implications of AI and all the challenges in building a fair machine learning system.
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Final it would be a mistake if I don’t mention this huge text book “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” by Peter Norvig and Stuart Russell.
It’s a rather huge textbook that talks about all the foundation of an AI-agent, from search problem, knowledge representation, logic, planning. There is also a chapter on Machine learning, and a separate one for natural language processing and Computer vision.
It’s a biggie, and it is for anyone studying computer science and AI.
It has detailed overview of all the AI concepts.
You might think it’s a textbook for people who are students, but it’s actually very accessible and engaging. Yet you do need some basic math understanding and familiar with the mathematical notions.
I wish I had more chances to dive into details of many chapters in this book but I have written to much anyway. If you are learning the technical aspects of AI, it’s a great resource and I’d higly recommend getting this book.
I hope I did justice to these amazing books with this review.
These books gives me a more grounded view of AI developments. They are truly inspirational, and quite refreshing.
Well, that's a wrap for today. Tomorrow, I'll have a fresh episode of TechTonic Shifts for you. If you enjoy my writing and want to support my work, feel free to buy me a coffee ??
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