A peek inside my upcoming VIP Day (What we are working on)
Each month, I host a VIP Day with a client. It's a one on one intensive to reach a goal specific to her:
My next VIP day, my client has had great success in landing one off local clients in the NY Metro Area,
But she wants ONE big national client with multiple locations.?
We will be working on:
A unique competitive advantage exercise. What do her customers value? Let’s rate 4 of her competitors on those same values. Where does she land?
Drafting 3 case studies. I found an RFP (request for proposal) a company would issue for her type of service. In it, are pages and pages of questions. I asked her to pick 3. We will draft case studies to answer the 3 questions. Example: What is your unique competitive advantage in the market?
A Go to Market Strategy once she drafts the 3 case studies
Upcoming VIP Days in NYC. I usually host one of these a month. It includes
BUT if you have been following me, you KNOW I lead with an element of adventure
SO, if you would rather do your VIP Day with me abroad
Hit reply if you want to hear more about any of these
One Public Speaking Tip
"I'm overworked!"
On this morning's Mastermind call, we were talking about that employee who proclaims the above statement or a version of it. Sometimes, it's a case of 'victim mentality.' The person isn't seeing beyond their station. Having a script in your back pocket can help
For example:
You could say: “I see that you’re upset and I can understand why you would feel this way, however from the way I see it, we are working to change this dynamic. And I need your buy-in. ”
Drive the conversation towards a solution. Also encourage the person to see all sides of the story.
If you, as a leader need to set boundaries around the amount of airtime you will give the venting party, another script:
“I want to give you the attention and respect you deserve, however, I can only offer 5 minutes of my undivided attention to listen to you talk about your issue, but I’m always here if you’re ready to talk about how you’re going to solve the problem.”
Again, drive the conversation towards a solution.
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1 年Well Said.
Leadership Endurance Coach for founders, CEOs, and HR leaders who want to go the distance and know there is no finish line in sight | Fractional Chief Leadership Officer focused on creating sustainable top performance
1 年Love the work that you are doing in a way that aligns with who you are Joya Dass