Pee, Eat and Sleep Friends!
Keisha Mabry Haymore (heyFRIEND)
Changing the world one connection at a time online and offline.
Hey Friends,
Some days during lunch I eat but most days I speak and today I was with the CSPRC. And during my keynote I spoke about the nonprofit, and community service, superhero syndrome and if you have it—you are not alone! Nonprofit and community service workers tend to be givers and over-achievers and here’s the thing about being hardly eat, your hardly sleep and you hardly pee.
And yes, I said pee. can’t be the gift that keeps on giving if the giver isn’t getting what she/he is needing. So, if you like to give, achieve and multiply—try this formula on for size. It's called the #heyFRIEND PEMDAS Formula. It’s an adaptation of middle school math. And if you remember PEMDAS from your middle school math days, the #heyFRIEND PEMDAS edition is a bit different but just as significant.
P—pee, eat and sleep
E—elevate your mind
M—move and exercise
D—drink and hydrate your body
A—act like a kid and play
S—socialize with positive, supportive people
Happy PEMDASing!!! Because before you can save the world, you must save yourself.
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