PECULIUM, An ICO But above all a project
Rashid Oukhai
CEO @Peculium || FinTech || Start-up advisor || Innovation || DeFi-CeFi || NFT
Why Data? To answer this question, you need first of all a few clues about my background. I am Rashid Oukhai, founder of Upsilon, Peculium (Data).
I started working in computer science one Monday at 8 a. m., so excited about the idea of getting into the professional world of IT, especially at a telecommunication services provider whose advertisements flooded the media landscape at the time.
After receiving my badge, I was seated on a chair, in front of a computer, I had an Access 95 database opened (yes, it's very old!), with the boss's only motto: “This database is vital for us, it doesn't work, get by”.
Today, twenty years later, I don't know how to thank this boss, who panicked and made me plunge my head first into a problematic data and influenced my whole career.
After months of panic and stress, I began to see that the data path would be the path of tomorrow. Our job was not very good, from DBA to Business Intelligence, it was necessary to go through that of service companies. I discovered that data led to the emergence of services, consulting and a range of tools that were becoming increasingly elaborate. These years were fantastic, but with each project led or managed an ever more persistent misunderstanding grew in me. Business Intelligence, through data processing, seemed to me to be nothing more than a simple word, a label and a market segment that made it sell.
In 2010, I asked my manager to open and implement a new offer that would reconcile our BI approach to problematic data, which we were deliberately hiding from customers.
We clearly perceived that the data processing required, for some of our customers, an entire night of computing, that we had to work constantly on the supply processing, and that project costing was becoming more and more expensive in architecture, licenses, integration...
But we all had our heads in the handlebars, the budgets followed, the architectures followed in memory and storage capacity, and the market still provided as many BI engineers. This was the golden age of BI. In fact, it was at that moment that its decline came about.
Upsilon : “The letter Upsilon teaches you, to live well, in his right jamb, the road to follow.” Persius
At that same time, two major phenomena appeared in the data world:
- The Big Data denomination, with the answer to three problems as its approach: the three V's, Volume, Velocity, Variety.
Responding to considerable hurdles in data distribution, scalability and performance
- The peer to peer which gave birth to the chain of blocks: Bitcoin - A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System - with the aim of introducing disintermediation, security and autonomy, thus invalidating any economic, political or social power resulting from a technical control (or regulation) without any perceptible added value for the user.
It was at the crossroads of these paths that the desire to introduce a new direction was born. We worked tirelessly to implement a "Big Data of Transition", with a view to progression.
The emergence of an overly stratospheric Big Data and the inability of companies to manage data has been and still is a real problem. Reconciling the classical trajectory and integrating Big Data into it did not lead to successful projects as hoped for at the time, but with nine out of ten failures.
Upsilondata was created specifically to address these issues by developing a software solution that would look at the data bottleneck between storage, processing and analysis.
Data has become the first asset of a company and by extension will become the first asset of an individual.
Data: we all agree today that it is present everywhere, that it manages our daily lives. Data has become the first asset of a company and by extension will become the first asset of an individual.
On the other hand, the "Big Data", considered as the response to the avalanche of bytes, opens up new horizons. The players have also developed strong solutions, perfectly managing the segment they address. However, none of them offers neither real solutions to the strangulation nodes represented by data volumes, nor the intelligence required in data models, without cracking the architecture or simply being next to the initial analytical use case.
In this transition phase, which has been ongoing for a few years now, the data world needs solutions allowing to give all the power of Big Data in an analytical perspective.
What can PECULIUM Analytics bring to the cryptographic money market?
At first, I would like to start with Data Analytics (DA). Peculium Analytics' approach is structured around three axes: data management and storage, data processing, enrichment and enhancement, and exploitation with interactive visualization of data from parallel and/or linear analysis algorithms. Peculium brings this capacity to both crypto-currency data history and real-time data flows. Peculium combines its approach with another Analytics segment: Data Mining, which aims to focus analyses. Sorting large data sets and identifying undiscovered patterns with hidden relationships, Data Mining is generally divided into three categories:
- EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis
- CDA : Confirmatory Data Analysis
- QDA : Qualitative Data Analysis : Unstructured data in direct connection with "data humor", which currently rules social data (Web humor)
Peculium Analytics, through its team in charge of AML activities (Automatic Machine Learning), develops supervised learning algorithms (regression, decision tree, SVM, standard neural networks, Expectation Maximization, Classification...) and unsupervised learning algorithms (auto-encoders, clustering, copula theory, Markov chains, self-learning networks, etc.).
Peculium starts from the principle that the intrinsic pre-knowledge of the population to be analysed is almost impossible. We start de facto on the "Data Driven mode", our algorithms work in exhaustive mode and, in effect, require to be paralleled to allow this compatibility with the expansion. Thus, we engage the supervised and unsupervised learning. The distinct difference between these two learning styles is that unsupervised learning seeks to find model partitions on its own, and therefore, data extraction is descriptive. The learning supervised by our data-scientists will label the information, so data extraction will be predictive, allowing us to offer several types of services: Real-time dashboard and AIEVE, both with exceptional predictive features.
This is the ideal solution if you are looking for growth potential, but want to protect your capital.
The Peculium platform
- Supports very large volumes of data by laying on distributed, scalable and high-performance storage bases.
- Builds multi-dimensional analyses (Olap - Oltp) fed in real time by all types of structured or unstructured data and allowing very high levels of aggregation.
Therefore, it is possible to consult multi-axial empirical histories as well as integrating current data flows.
A platform, consisting of a BigData architecture, allows storage and real-time access to massive, heterogeneous and dynamic data. Resulting from information systems, social networks, Big Analytics (Internet/blockchains) and Visual Analytics algorithms mainly dedicated to information fusion, intelligent query, typological analysis, community detection, detection and investigation of anomalies and weak signals, prediction and decision-making assistance.
To support this complete architecture, Peculium relies on Big Data's best technology framework. All data is secured through authentication and authorization frameworks. Security remains one of the main outstanding challenges for today's companies. Modern attack vectors are much more complex than in the past, but traditional tools in most companies are often much weaker. Tackling cyber security threats now requires an holistic view and analysis of all relevant information, combined with a contextual perspective that allows real-time flow using Apache Kafka and scalable processing using Spark.
This tremendous step forward in the analytics brought by BigData and by domino effects, Automatic Machine Learning (AML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have grown at the same time with Peer to Peer and blockchain. The first brings the distribution of data and the second brings the governance decentralization. Two different paths, two different births, however, once twinned, they will give the direction of tomorrow.
Peculium is the upsilon of these two forces.
The blockchain has proven its solidity, demonstrated its transparency and legitimized its presence. Developments in its field have focused on improving and extending the service they provide. However, the ecosystem is lacking in analysis, data processing and is difficult to access.
On one hand, we have the incredible possibility of mastering the data and on the other hand, a block-chain ecosystem without any Analytics;
Despite the unprecedented growth in the capitalization and presence of crypto-currencies in the market, we believe that this trend will not only continue, but will increase. It will give a data flow as large as that which has emerged with social networks.
It is more than ever necessary to know the past/history of the blockchain, what is happening right now while having a complete mastery of the ocean of data that will come in the coming months, years.
Peculium introduces the BigData capacity into the blockchain.
With the almost constant influx of new cryptographic currencies, it is now impossible to have a 360° view of the investment opportunities.
With Peculium it will be possible to:
- Identify all the actors in the world
- Map all initiatives, projects and solutions worldwide
- Follow all transactions and find hidden paterns on all blockchains, chains.
- Fight against scam and permit a fair and objective rating.
Blockchain technology is a real upheaval. Investors and users in this field (new and experienced) need a tool to discern.
Our mission is to increase adoption and awareness of crypto-currency. By using analytical technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify signals and market models that cannot be programmed by humans, we are building the tool that will surely help you become better informed and more efficient than ever.
We could, quite simply, have approached our ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in a purely technical approach, and proposed the amazing capabilities and excellence of Automatic Machine Learning. However, we are firmly convinced that combining the two domains (BigData Analytics & blockchain) requires much more than a new technological solution.
We have included our approach in the search for the factors that will give the value of tomorrow.
In the classical economy, during each major crisis, one of the mechanisms that helps to initiate the impact lies in the money supply constituted by savings mechanisms. It also ensures a financing capacity that institutions can direct according to needs or economic fluctuations. On the other hand, surveys reveal that the primary motivation for saving is to build up a precautionary reserve in order to cope with the hardships of the present day. Then there are the objectives related to the purchase of one's main residence, the preparation for retirement, and the concern to help one's loved ones, or even to prepare for one's succession.
What also strongly characterizes savings is that they are universal. Although in many countries the structures that support it are strong, it responds above all to a human desire for subsistence. As Rothbard explains, people always say they want more money, but what they really want is nothing more than an increase in the amount of goods and services that their cash can buy. Inflation frustrates this desire, and savings satisfy it.
The monetary mass of the crypto-currency is insignificant compared to that of the conventional economy and its projections are nevertheless very promising, but the crypto-currency since its creation has dealt with two major problems:
- An extreme volatility, which we strongly affirm is due to the lack of Analytics in the ecosystem.
- An average portfolio submitted in its entirety to the supply and demand exerted on the underlying crypto-currency.
The introduction of intelligent contracts certainly opens the door to B2B and B2C economic interactions, but in our view, it is a matter of going even further than those of interactions by opening up completely to traditional players.
These players, with a savings volume of 19,000 billion dollars in 2015, will have the opportunity offered by Peculium to subscribe to the "Alterus" smart plan.The latter offers the possibilities:
- to adapt to national legal parameters.
- Provide a complete real-time alert system, supported by algorithms that aim at the stability and security of assets under management.
- A real-time "Drill-Down" dashboard with historicized detail
- Provide very broad control over smart contract actions
Market knowledge also opens up the possibility of giving savers or their delegated managers, market segmentation and by extension segmentation savings, thus giving each subscriber of a savings plan the opportunity to visualize, accompany or direct their savings according to what they want. Green Savings, High Tech Savings, Zero Risk Savings...
In doing so, Peculium will also bring a new approach to the world's leading companies and will offer employee savings schemes.
Multinational companies are all currently facing the impossibility of equal treatment for their employees worldwide. It is not a lack of will of the leaders, nor is it due to their financial capacities, it is that there is no possibility to distribute to everyone, at the same time, under the same conditions, a wage coverage.
With Peculium: the first decentralized savings platform, large groups worldwide will be able to offer all their employees around the world a transparent and reliable savings mechanism.
Here are some potential clients for "employee savings".
Thanks to the power of AIEVE and the transparency of blockchain, companies around the world will have confidence in building the future of their employees.
Peculium paves the way by building a bridge that links between today’s economy and the economy of tomorrow without breaking the foundations of the two, because the major transformations are taking place in the transition and not in the transversion. A bridge made of the strengths of blockchain and the safety and stability we seek in savings.
Through Data and Automatic Machine Learning Peculium will give the necessary power for this transition.
Our ICO starts on December 17th, let's all be actors of a fabulous 2018.
Rachid Oukhai, CEO. Peculium