Peculiar Events Took Place On The Way To Current Africa That Started Long Ago
Kenneth Golden
Author / Researcher /Artificial Intelligence/Discovering Reciprocity Newsletter
When we mention Africa actually we are talking about a land mass that can hold the United States, India, China, Australia, and most of Europe combined within its encompass. In actuality, it covers the surface of thirteen world countries including the ones just mentioned. Now, this is the calculations today, however, Africa existed long before it was named Africa but in a different form.
I'm going to utilize "Dispensationalism" to chart life, time, and space as mankind has experienced it since the beginning of mankind. With this information in mind, there are seven periods of time or dispensations which will be referred to.
(((The First Dispensation)))
The principal administration is known as the Dispensation of Innocence (Genesis 1:28-30 and 2:15-17). This allotment secured the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In this allotment God's charges were to (1) recharge the earth with kids, (2) curb the earth, (3) have domain over the creatures, (4) nurture the garden, and (5) refrain from eating the natural product from the tree of learning of good and insidiousness. God cautioned of the discipline of physical and profound passing for insubordination. This dispensation was short-lived and was brought to an end by Adam and Eve’s disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit and their expulsion from the garden.
(((The Second Dispensation)))
The second allotment is known as the Dispensation of Conscience, and it kept going around 1,656 years from the season of Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden until the flood (Genesis 3:8– 8:22). This administration shows what humanity will do if left to his own particular will and still, small voice, which have been spoiled by the acquired Sin nature. The five major aspects of this dispensation are 1) a curse on the serpent, 2) a change in womanhood and childbearing, 3) a curse on nature, 4) the imposing of difficult work on mankind to produce food, and 5) the promise of Christ as the seed who will bruise the serpent's head (Satan).
(((The Third Dispensation)))
The third regulation is the Dispensation of Human Government, which started in Genesis 8. God had demolished life on earth with a flood, sparing only one family to restart humankind. God made the accompanying guarantees and charges to Noah and his family:
1. God will not curse the earth again.
2. Noah and family are to replenish the earth with people.
3. They shall have dominion over the animal creation.
4. They are allowed to eat meat.
5. The law of capital punishment is established.
6. There never will be another worldwide flood.
7. The sign of God's promise will be the rainbow.
The "Great Flood" was worldwide and virtually enhanced conditions on a global scale, however, for the purpose of this report I will simply elaborate on conditions and revelations which transpired on the continent of Africa. Noah had three sons and they each had wives which were ground zero for the repopulation of the world. Their names were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
As a result of the great flood, the groundwork for the discovery of rich deposits of minerals, diamonds, and fossil fuels was realized. In due time, because of the flood and what followed, Africa was a prime target for colonization by Europeans once it was realized that it contained a treasure trove of natural assets which included.
90% of the world's platinum
50% of the world's gold
50% of the world's diamonds
Plus 33% of the world's Uranium
Noah’s Sons and Racism
Noah's relatives did not relocate and fill the earth as God had ordered; In this manner, mankind failed in their obligation towards this regulation.
Around 325 years after the flood, the world's tenants started constructing 'The Tower of Babel", an incredible landmark to their solidarity and pride (Genesis 11:7-9).
God brought the construction to a halt, creating different languages and enforcing His command to fill the earth. The result was the rise of different nations and cultures. From that point on, human governments have been a reality.
At this point in time, the earth was not divided by the oceans but was a solid land mass. Therefore it was easy for the descendants of Noah's three sons to proceed to the various corners of the earth and populate thus creating different races.
The Richest Countries In Africa and The Poorest Countries in Africa have dramatic differences. Equatorial Guinea, Seychelles, and Mauritius all rank high on the list of African countries by GDP per capita.
By contrast, seventy-five percent of the world’s poorest countries are located in Africa, including The Democratic Republic of The Congo, The Central African Republic, and Somalia.
Below I have ranked a sizable portion of the individual countries in Africa by country name and the GDP Per Capita using the dollar as the standard.
Below are The Richest Countries and The Poorest Countries In Africa based on the household criteria utilized below.
Rank Country Name GDP Per Capita (International Dollar)
1 Equatorial Guinea_________________$38,700
2 Seychelles________________________$28,000
3 Mauritius________________________ $20,500
4 Gabon___________________________$19,300
5 Botswana________________________$16,900
6 Algeria___________________________$15,000
7 Libya_____________________________$14,200
8 South Africa_______________________$13,500
9 Egypt_____________________________$12,100
10 Namibia__________________________$11,800
11 Tunisia___________________________$11,700
12 Swaziland_________________________$9,800
13 Morocco___________________________$8,400
14 Angola____________________________ $6,800
15 Republic of Congo____________________ $6,800
16 Cape Verde__________________________$6,700
17 Nigeria_____________________________$5,900
18 Sudan______________________________$4,500
19 Ghana______________________________$4,400
20 Mauritania___________________________$4,400
21 Zambia_______________________________$3,900
22 C?te d'Ivoire__________________________$3,600
23 Djibouti______________________________$3,400
24 Kenya________________________________$3,400
25 Cameroon_____________________________$3,300
26 S?o Tomé & Príncipe____________________$3,300
27 Lesotho_______________________________$3,100
28 Tanzania_______________________________$3,100
29 Senegal________________________________$2,600
30 Chad___________________________________$2,600
31 Mali____________________________________$2,300
32 Benin__________________________________ $2,200
33 Uganda_________________________________$2,100
34 Rwanda_________________________________ $1,900
35 Ethiopia_________________________________$1,900
36 Burkina Faso______________________________$1,800
37 South Sudan______________________________$1,700
38 Zimbabwe________________________________$1,700
39 The Gambia_______________________________$1,700
40 Sierra Leone____________________________ ___$1,700
41 Guinea-Bissau______________________________$1,600
42 Comoros___________________________________$1,500
43 Togo_______________________________________$1,500
44 Madagascar_________________________________$1,500
45 Guinea_____________________________________$1,300
46 Eritrea_____________________________________$1,300
47 Mozambique_________________________________$1,200
48 Niger_______________________________________ $1,100
49 Malawi______________________________________$1,100
50 Liberia_______________________________________$900
51 Burundi______________________________________$800
52 Democratic Republic of the Congo___________________$800
53 Central African Republic_________________________$700
54 Somalia_______________________________________$400
The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Dispensation reflect the ages of The Promise 4, The Law 5, The Age of Grace 6, and The Millennial Kingdom 7, which is to come.
These four remaining "Dispensation" will pretty much be self-explaining and reflect on Africa while revealing a much wider meaning.
The following video will guide you through all seven "Dispensations" including the four last ones.
(((The Fourth Dispensation)))
Is Called the Dispensation of Promise, and started with the call of Abraham, continued through the lives of the patriarchs, and ended with the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt, a period of about 430 years. During this dispensation, God developed a great nation that He had chosen as His people (Genesis 12:1–Exodus 19:25).
The basic promise during the Dispensation of Promise was the Abrahamic Covenant. Here are some of the key points of that unconditional covenant:
1. From Abraham would come a great nation that God would bless with natural and spiritual prosperity.
2. God would make Abraham’s name great.
3. God would bless those that blessed Abraham’s descendants and curse those that cursed them.
4. In Abraham, all the families of the earth will be blessed. This is fulfilled in Jesus Christ and His work of salvation.
5. The sign of the covenant is circumcision.
6. This covenant, which was repeated to Isaac and Jacob, is confined to the Hebrew people and the 12 tribes of Israel.
(((The Fifth Dispensation)))
Is called the Dispensation of Law. It lasted almost 1,500 years, from the Exodus until it was suspended after Jesus Christ’s death. This dispensation will continue during the Millennium, with some modifications.
During the Dispensation of Law, God dealt specifically with the Jewish nation through the Mosaic Covenant, or the Law, found in Exodus 19–23. The dispensation involved temple worship directed by priests, with further direction spoken through God’s mouthpieces, the prophets. Eventually, due to the people’s disobedience to the covenant, the tribes of Israel lost the Promised Land and were subjected to bondage.
(((The Sixth Dispensation)))
The one in which we now live is the Dispensation of Grace. It began with the New Covenant in Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20). This “Age of Grace” or “Church Age” occurs between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel 9:24. It starts with the coming of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost and ends with the Rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4). This dispensation is worldwide and includes both Jews and the Gentiles.
Man’s responsibility during the Dispensation of Grace is to believe in Jesus, the Son of God (John 3:18). In this dispensation, the Holy Spirit indwells believers as the Comforter (John 14:16-26). This dispensation has lasted for almost 2,000 years, and no one knows when it will end. We do know that it will end with the Rapture of all born-again believers from the earth to go to heaven with Christ. Following the Rapture will be the judgments of God lasting for seven years.
(((The Seventh Dispensation)))
This is called the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and will last for 1,000 years as Christ Himself rules on earth. This Kingdom will fulfill the prophecy of the Jewish nation that Christ will return and be their King. The only people allowed to enter the Kingdom are the born-again believers from the Age of Grace and righteous survivors of the seven years of tribulation.
No unsaved person is allowed access to this kingdom. Satan is bound during the 1,000 years. This period ends with the final judgment (Revelation 20:11-14). The old world is destroyed by fire, and the New Heaven and New Earth of Revelation 21 and 22 will begin.