Pearl and the Buffalo Soldier Book 4 - Part 20 - No Federal Government Jobs
Also Grandmother Jane - Book 1 - Part 1 - Out of Jamestown, I Am Here
@Books By D.Harold
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We Kept to Ourselves
BOOK 4 Part 20
No Federal Government Jobs
These Federal government jobs paid well, as you could move up the ladder from a GSA-1 to a GS-5 based on you time working for the Federal government and the time you worked there.
You could start as a GS-1, where you made 20 cents per hour or $ 8.00 per week for a 40-hour work week.
That was good money back then as I was only paying 50 cents per week to rent a flat that I had moved to in the colored section of southwest Washington.?
You could move up to a GS-2 at 22 cents per hour or $ 8.80 per week, then to GS-3 at 25 cent per hour or $ 10 per week.
And you could move up to GS-5 at 30 cents per hour or $ 12 per week if you were good, if you worked for the Federal government for at least 10 years and you had the skills.?
This was good money back then, but President Wilson stopped that dream by banning Negros from getting jobs with the Federal government.
He said that we was taking the jobs from whites.?
I could afford a flat for $ 2.00 per week and I would still have money left over to buy food, fancy outfits and to go out to the clubs or the Howard Theatre on U Street.?'
But too many Negros were doing this and the whites got jealous, so the President put a stop to Negros getting good Federal jobs.
Next Sunday @ 3 AM - Part 21
No Federal Government Jobs
Lots of Negros were moving up from the south to Washington City looking for Federal jobs, and many were held back and many of them returned home.??
Grandmother Jane
Book 1 Part 1
Out of Jamestown, I Am Here,
I’m here! That’s all I know…. I’m here! I ain’t sure where I come from or how I got here, but I know one thing.......I’m here!
I jus’ know that it was GOD’s doin’ – God brought me here. Somebody told me that I came from a place called Jamestown, Virginia….fresh off a big slave boat, bare foot and ugly with a hundred other Negras.
I can’t remember much at that time as I was just a young girl, barely two years old. I do remember being brought by Massa James Tinsley’s plantation and being on a wagon full of other Negras, as we were called in them days.
Massa was the closest thing to being my daddy I’d know’ed….and he took care of me and the other Negras who lived in our small grove of shacks, actually a village about 100 feet from the BIG house.?
I was his favorite ninny and I worked in the big house kitchen. I worked with Lula Mae, a big buxom kitchen hand, maid and mammy to the Tinsley children and also Ms. Loddie, the head women Negras of the Big house.
Ms. Loddie ran the Big house, and no one, not ‘ner man, woman, nor child could buck Ms. Loddie ‘sept Massa Tinsley
Ms. Loddie
Ms. Loddie ran everything ‘cause everyone ‘spect and said that Ms. Loddie was Massa Tinsley’s oldest Negra daughter. She was half white, high yellow, with Negra feature…. big lips and red hair. Red hair.!
Next Sunday @ 3 AM - Part 2
Ms. Loddie
Now how can a Negra, born of slaves, have red hair? Ms. Loddie taught me a lot though and how to survive in this anti - Negra society.