Be the peace

Be the peace

An peaceful life with unconditional love&light is a choice from your heart. And the great thing is that you can start immediately. It is a beautiful journey of the soul.

Unconditional Love for yourself is the most important thing if you want to create a more beautiful world, but I think we should continue to care for each other. Especially the vulnerable groups. I stand up for children. A paradise for the children on earth is what my heart desires. A world without suffering and grief because of what we humans do to each other because of power and money.

A change in society can only take place when we begin to look after our consciousness. Faith and reason can go together. Our human needs for certainty and our needs to be right have placed faith and reason against each other in an almost irresponsible way. We force ourselves to choose between them, and we defend one way of knowing the world at the expense of the other.

Seeing it first!! then believing!! you would have to turn this around in believing then seeing. Faith is mysterious, but not as mysterious as you may think. You already have all the answers. And the beauty of faith is that you have faith in what we can not see and the power to let go of our fear of insecurity. My trust in faith has for me a meaning that can not be described. There are no right words to be found. It is really indescribable.

My curiosity ensures that I read through all the books and philosophize a lot and get many answers during meditation. And how much I like to read the work of scientists. My faith is stronger than all the information that comes to me. For me faith, hope, love and light is the enlightenment of the soul. That does not mean that I experience a rest continuously. But I know how quickly I can get the rest. I have the tools to experience a feeling of enlightenment thanks to faith. So that every situation that comes my way can be solved from unconditional love.

The more difficult life has become, the more faith in my life began to play a role. And the more I believe that we all can do so much more than we think.

I also believe that if you want to experience total peace and quiet. Forgiveness is essential to feel, to experience enlightenment. Gratitude is also essential for me. I thank every day that I am blessed with a beautiful daughter and my love and light in my heart and soul. No one who can experience that, except me. The blessings that I count are personal. Gratitude is in my heart and soul. And only my daughter and God (the universe) can see that.

Life is precious. God has given us a wonderful life. And all souls on this earth are free to enjoy all the beauty that the earth has to offer. But in one way or another we ended up in a matrix in which we are living without being in totally aware of the present moment. Every time when someone tells me or asked me about history it means they don't live in the present" They don't see the amazing powerful magical wonderful lovely SOUL infront of them. Think again. About every aspect of your life. From tax return to the free education of your children. A circle , a circle. I notice the circle in life. Yet, I choose to break free!! I choose to be completly ME.

We live in a world where media and even NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS shows images of fear and sadness. Do you all have any idea what energy you all send? You do not see the fire department extinguish a fire with fire?Our brains unconsciously record images, words, with or without sound in our memory. Your brain has a memory quality that is much larger than a memory card in a computer. see my youtube what that means for the contemporary life in which you are now " I ask you to have a little faith in me"

You are all a beautiful soul. It is time to start living your dream. It is time to take away fear. And put hope in return. Live intensely every second and let your beautiful soul shine.

Do not work against each other but with each other. Give instead of take. Don't criticize but motivate. Being an humanrigactiviste I KNOW how I have been trying to stand up for other people. Injustice! It made me angry, sad, and frustrated. This energy is sended out to the energy and came back in personal life. What you send out for energy , is the energy what comes back. No mather if it's for your JOB. Or volunteerwork. The universe don't see the difference. You and I , we are all, responsible for the energy we send out!! HOW TO REACT THAN? With unconditional love.

EXAMPLE : how can you protect the tree? By talking with people full of unconditional love. understand why people would like to remove the tree and look for ways to compromise. For example. They want to put a building on that special ground. Do your research... and ask the universe for assistance and you will see the universe comes with an solution . For example suddenly you get an call , because they not get permission to put the building after all. Instead of using your energy to shout out loud ( and being an humanrightactiviste myself, i understand how you would like to act right away of frustration. injustice etc.. ) Yet it doesnt assist the situation on the long term. and mostly it dont serve you in your personal life. Because the universe dont check on you, she or he is sending energy of frustration because of her/ his job. you are responsible in life what you send out at all times. Work from the heart at all times. This is how you can communicate with the universe. Believe me the universe knows more ways than you can inmagine. Be careful... never say you need!! Because than your blocking this energy.

Deep inside everyone knows that we are all one. Everyone wants a life full of unconditional love.

We are energy and constantly in motion and in interaction. Our thoughts consciously and unconsciously create each other's life.

We are connected and entwined. In various experiments it becomes clear that we are in alignment. (movements / emotions / thoughts / mood. This constant exchange of "invisible" Is a FACT.

Every living thing appears to separate a constant stream of photons or light particles and to take them from other living beings. This exchange of light is a continuous communication at the quantum level between everything that lives. Communication is most obvious between members of the same type of bees and bees / people with people or people and pets.

The closest are the most influential. We are not independent separate beings, on the contrary. We are a product of the networks, of which we are part. And the networks are a product of our actions. So you are born and your environment immediately gives you incentives and arrives with expectations at the top. A toddler, a toddler, a baby. He / she naturally develops into a beautiful person, but instead of being looked after with love after the child. We observe and say when / how / who / what / why do they learn what and on what time frame. You will not receive a booklet with instructions on the birth of a child. But the government has created a handbook so that we are all "good" citizens in society.

Instead of us becoming a human being of it essence! What we are in essence already! Before we are born!

Scientists like Abraham Maslow also describe the way to self-realization, in the sense of becoming who we really are.

"Awareness is for me an important essential element in the process after a society full of compassion and unconditional love."

If we are not consciously engaged with our inner world, we can not experience the soulconnection. Then we can not exchange one-sidedness for soul connection. Connecting with all souls with Peace, unconditional love &light. When you start to be more in your inner world, you start the confrontation with yourself. Ask yourself the questions. You have the answers allready within you. You have inmense treasures within you. God made you full of abundance. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & PEACE YVON


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