Peace as a way of being
Every Tuesday at 6 pm PDT,?Arnaud Saint-Paul?from?Tapuat?invites you to a free Weekly Harmony Online Session (WHOS) on a spiritual view of an everyday-life topic.
The Key
Deep within us exists a space that is always peaceful and accessible at any moment, but we tend to ignore it and focus on the outer world.
This inner peace is the key to everything that we hold dear and would like to live.
It is easy to get caught up in the constant battles of life and forget that true thriving happens in moments of peace.
When looked at, it may not seem like much, but when practiced, it is inexhaustible.
We all know that any experience always starts with "I." However, for that "I" to exist, there needs to be a canvas on which it can exist.
This canvas is what we call the self, and it is on top of the self that the "I" exists.
We are constantly dancing between the two, sometimes more in the "I" and other times more open to the self.
if we look at both aspects, we see that the "I" is always circumscribed by belief systems and constraints that limit our perception. On the other hand, the self is infinite and has no borders or limitations.
We have the power to choose to expand our walls or even make them disappear.
We can choose to be in the walls and then sometimes go to the self and then come back.
By becoming more present to the infinite aspect of ourselves, we can experience true peace and contentment in life.
Peace is not just a state of mind but a way of being.
By connecting deeply to that space within us that exists all the time, we can access the peace that is the key to everything we hold dear and would like to live.
The triangle of awareness
The human perspective at the top, the infinite heart perspective at the bottom, and the being aspect in the middle.
The higher you go in the triangle, the less awareness you have, and the more you identify with your doing.
This can lead to less peace and harmony in your life.
However, if you tap into the being aspect and allow yourself to be inspired by it, you can reach the infinite aspect of yourself and find peace and harmony in all that you do.
This is where you can truly make an impact and fulfill your vision and intentions.
Challenge yourself to meditate on this triangle of awareness throughout the week and ask yourself, where do you want to be on the chart?
Do you want to be always in the doing and therefore less aware and less peaceful, or do you want to accept all that you are and open your heart to all that you are, finding peace and harmony in everything you do?