Peace-of-Mind: How to Tap into it Every Day
Tracey Gazel
?? I help leaders improve mental clarity and focus, sleep better, feel calmer with less stress, be present at home and enjoy life more.
Peace is not a place to get to.
It is not waiting at the end of a long road once life’s circumstances are finally perfect.
If you have been waiting for your work, your marriage, your kids, your home, your finances, the economy, global unrest, and politics to settle and be running smoothly so that you can finally relax, you may have noticed you have been waiting for a while!
This is what we as humans do.
We keep ourselves busy working towards our goals and waiting for the world to be different so that we can finally relax and feel content.
But this model is faulty.
It keeps the goal post for peace and happiness in the future, continuously moving just out of reach.
Because there will never be a day when all aspects of life are running perfectly so that we can finally relax and feel peaceful and content.
This is why Peace is not a place to get to.
Rather –
Peace is a place to come from.
When you feel peaceful first, you are not placing the responsibility of your happiness on external circumstances; many of which you have no control over.
Instead, you are choosing to feel peaceful in your life today and prioritizing your wellbeing, regardless of your current circumstances.
Even if there are loose ends that need tending to, you can still feel peaceful now while finding your way through indecision and uncertainty.
Peace does not need to be tied to the resolution of all of life’s problems.
It’s a state of Being that helps you more easily see solutions to life’s problems, while simultaneously living lighter and more carefree.
As one of my clients so eloquently said recently:
"A greater feeling of calm brings everything into perspective. The small things stay small. The large things become manageable. Peace and calm transform the whole paradigm."
I love how my clients turn into wise sages after seeing how to tune into and live from their own inner peace!
This particular client is a VP for a multi billion-dollar global company that is very high-stress and fast-paced. And it’s been a delight to watch him transform. His work is the same, his busy life at home with his wife and kids are the same. Nothing in his external circumstances has changed, but he has changed. He has transformed by putting peace first which has shifted every aspect of his life.
And you can do it too.
It is available to everyone because it is how we are made.
This is why I’m starting my new free LinkedIn group Starting Every Day with Peace. In this group I will be sharing all kinds of tools from optimizing sleep, to your morning routine, to physical health and exercise tips, to quieting your mind and being more present.
Want to join our community and do it together?