Dear readers, we all love winning. It’s about a general perception of proving a point. It’s about confidence. It’s about you as a person. Victory. Attainment. Everything that makes you happy.
But there are times when peace of mind will matter most over anything else in the world. As it is, each and every human is running around. Everyone is there to do something extraordinaire. But in this rat race, we all tend to get tired. Sometimes it brings about anxiety that’s hard to deal. Because our heart is racing and racing to be the best. Tip top. And there is no denial to it. Whether we lose or win is again destiny.
For instance: Let me take an example of a child. An all-rounder child. A child may be very talented. A child might have it all to make it big in life, but do parents ever wonder that it’s not that easy for the child every time to be in RAT RACE. We think small kids do not have anxiety or stress but they do. When a child shows tantrum, its actually the stress that they are undergoing. A talented child gets very less opportunity to show tantrum because they are under immense pressure of being best all the time. And such parents keep on bombarding them with unnecessary competition to prove a point to the society. The child may be least interested but parents are overtly interested. That’s wrong. For God Sake, GIVE THE LITTLE KIDS A PEACE OF MIND. Let them be what they desire. Every time one should not expect them to do everything. Let them relax, distress, not do anything. Go easy.
In similar manner, every one of us, should choose peace of mind not just for themselves but for others around. Its ok not to prove a point at times for others or self. If you are at peace at times, its ok to have so.
Choose peace. Choose happiness. Even Lions at Forest needs a peace of mind. Your talent, your position, your power will not diminish. You will always remain the way you are. Take a backset and let others win. Giving others an opportunity to win is also important at times. Not for others to win but for giving rest to your mind.
Think on it!!!