Peace of mind is all about never mind
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
First of all, what is the purpose of peace? Security? Like states want to maintain peace for the security of their border? A peaceful living? Like people want to spend life after 60? The first sour fact you need to digest : Peace, not even the eternal peace can bring you the “secured forever” feeling—solely because we all are born as mortals. When all of our other fears are gone, when the peace of our daily life is not interrupted anymore, still one dormant fear will be there : the fear of death. Sooner or later, no matter how peaceful we are, we are going to die, we want or not, in this way or that—and we all know that. It's just, we forget about that after getting too entangled with life. So when you have nothing to worry about, this dormant fear of death will float up on the surface of your mind, and will trouble you anyway.
Also, even at the state of the absolute inner peace, we are still vulnerable to the external adversities and threats to our life and to our private properties. Like, you can sit quietly and enjoy your coffee in the woods, but still a tiger is able to shred your head off. So, inner peace doesn't necessarily ensure a peaceful, secured living. The purpose of peace is, not to earn some security in life. The purpose of peace is, to reduce the burdens of life, so that you can invest your time, energy, and resources in things you really care. Peace gives you the opportunity to invest yourself in something so deeply, that you don’t even care for security anymore. Peace is interval of life, where you take a deep breath in, before diving deep into the water of life.
And, when you reduce the excess burdens of your life, when your precious energy is not sucked up by carrying the unnecessary things, when you don't have to carry the load beyond that you can tolerate--only then, you can gain some "stability" in your tumultuous life. And, from this stable state only, you build a the real meaningful life. You can’t build a house during an earthquake, isn't it?
Once I was in a busy supermarket for shopping some groceries. When I was getting the billing done, I realised I had accidentally kept a sweet corn soup sachet in my basket. I gave it to the billing old lady who seemed to be on a short fuse. A few seconds ago, she was screaming over the phone. Me : I see some soup packets in the rack behind you. Please give me anyone of those, in exchange for this sweet corn packet. She snatched the packet from me. Old Woman : Yeah, just wait a minute. Me : No problem. You seem to be in a fix.
Old Woman : I was a Geography teacher once and look at me now post retirement doing this boring job of hearing from people. Me : It happens Madam. Old Woman : Damn this bad world. Me : Did you have a long day? Old Woman : Obviously. What else do you expect on Summer Solstice? Me : I mean.. Never mind. Could you please give me a tomato soup? I'm getting late. Old Woman : You know it isn't even my shift. The manager is sobusy Me : That went over my head. Please give me a tomato soup not an alphabet soup.
But then something strange happened. In a second or two, she just got too calm and composed. I was shocked. She was even smiling staring at something. I looked back and I saw a small child skating there in the supermarket. All of her worries and troubles just evaporated in a moment. The child accidentally hit the water jar. And it was a flood in the store. She at once screamed at him, “You son of a motherless goat.” Why is there no peace in the mind? Oh God why this world gives me no peace of mind?
Peace of mind can be attained when you decide to be yourself, stop giving importance to the opinion of others about you. Also, it often happens, when we can't accept our mistakes or can't let go of stuff that we are not at peace. Just accept that you are doing the best that you can, and believe in yourself to do the same in the future. Do whatever the hell you want to do, and until you are not hurting anybody stop giving a damn! It is often when we try accepting other peoples definition of right and wrong that we lose our own inner peace..
Peace, is not the ultimate goal of a successful life. You think you have earned peace after age 60, but that's actually retirement. You resigned from active life, that's all. That's not peace. If this is the definition of peace for you, then it should have happened 40 years before, when your life has just started to bloom. When you were in the state of building your life. Because, peace is the basic foundation for a successful life. Can you do something excellent at an agitated state? Like in some angry mind or with depressed soul? No. You always need a touch of peace, to do any kind of meaningful work. That's the value of peace.
So, peace of mind is, to settle down your awareness, your focus, on essential things in life. Peace of mind means, creating a space for the expansion within your mind, by eliminating whatever is unnecessary, and whatever is beyond your control in life. Can you create a really good piece of artwork, on a tiny and dirty canvas? No. Because you need some free space for manoeuvering your tools freely. Only then, you can convert it into some good painting. Same thing is applicable for our mind. It needs some space to use its tools independently,without in haste.
But, that is what our generation lacks the most. The basic peaceful stability of mind, the fundamental requirement to start out something really meaningful. And that's why, we are always in search of diverse excitements, sensational objects and activities, and stimulating sources. We are always in some state of rushing, fantasizing, and drugging ourselves with short-lived distractions to forget about the imbalances in our life. So, get rid of the thought, that your ultimate goal in any moment is : peace. No. Peace is just the beginning towards your ultimate goal. Which is pleasantness. However, only after you have achieved peace (only then), you can work on to achieve the blissful state of mind, by doing something meaningful in life.
Now, one may become curious, what I meant by "something meaningful" in life. Is it just taking up some challenge, and push against it? No. The meaning of life, the purpose of life, doesn't come from pushing off random adversities stubbornly. Rather, only with a premeditated purpose, you can fix a direction, and a destination. And only then you can start to push the adversities, coming between you and your goal. Apart from that, most of the so called problems and adversities in human life, are created by the human beings themselves, through overburdening themselves. Their own intelligence becomes their barrier to growth, because it becomes too indulged in excessive amount of things, and most of which are negative and unnecessary.
Once you want to grow your life, you need to cut off the weeds entangling around your base. And that base is, peace. And the goal of life is, to ripen the fruit of your tree. Now, if you really have the energy and motivation to fight for something, then surely it is not your burden, and there is no question of eliminating that. But when you think you are draining out in life, against your own will; you need to let go the clutters scattered throughout your mind, and in your life. Letting go, doesn't mean letting off the challenges. Letting go means, letting off the things that are holding you back from taking on the real challenges. Really meaningful challenges of life. (Not something like ice-bucket challeges in facebook. So, be brave. Take challenges. Challenges in life that really matter to you. And let go off the challenges, that are just for sensations. That's when you have the peace of mind. Cheers!
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8 个月Kishore Shintre Awesome ??! more so.... "The highest form of intelligence is the ability to observe without evaluating."-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Author| HR/Admin Officer & Internal POSH Committee Member at ACES Pvt Ltd, India (A World Scientific Group Company)
2 年Well said. ??
Visiting Faculty--Management & Certified Career Counselor
2 年Insightful post, on peace--Kishore. We have seen commercial activities, the hustle-bustle, and the stress. Peace is a mirage when a person is in a job and also balancing his other personal responsibilities. The bliss u are talking of can come only through intense meditative practice. What we do from 24 years to 60 years is actually going away from peace & bliss. Of course, there are very few people who are able to internalize and understand that their real goal is much larger than their current goal. They take baby steps in that direction from the youth.
Wow Kishoreji. Short and to the point. Powerful message. Well Said