Thanks to technology, ware are now, in a sense more connected than ever. At the same time, we are the most disconnected. With so much instability in the world between those who call themselves "super powers", those of us that still have our sanity need to find another avenue to find peace.
While the pursuit of peace and happiness is all relative, much more of it can be achieved if we learn to co-exist and be respectful to others. To some people, as long as they get their peace, then nothing else matters...and that's pretty darn selfish.
The world once had all the natural resources that was ever needed to sustain life. Thanks to those greedy folks that always has a hunger for more, that is no longer the case. Country leaders are fighting for territory and flexing their nuclear muscles at the risk of millions of innocent lives. In the end, they will all realize that it was all for nothing. We've always known that there's strength in numbers, but that's being used in an evil manner.
As a people, regardless of what part of the world you're in, we need to remember that we play a major role in how things pan out. For example, in parts of the world where any government agency is trying to force unfair laws, such as the allowance of price hikes in rent or the purchase of goods and services, the consumer has all the power. If no one is consuming, then those laws must change accordingly. But because of the control that we allow them to have over us, most of the times, they continue to do evil things.
Since there are so many points to touch and I don't want to bore anyone here, I just want to close with this:
Once we cleanse ourselves of the evil ways of the world and love each other, we shall prosper and gain true peace and happiness. Material things are man's creations which has a life cycle. Nature, or what's left of it will always remain natural. Be kind and love one another. Things are just much better that way.