Overseer Betty Williams
Overseer at The Burning Bush Evangelistic Ministries
Ephesians 6:12 KJV
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities (?ρχ? arch?/magistrates), against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual (πνευματικ??/supernatural) wickedness in high places (?πουρ?νιο? /lower heavens).
Its on every turn then that one loses to the opponent when they personalize the battle, with respect to the natural instead of the spiritual realm. This I say because it not about us (black, white, Greek, male, straight); but The LORD. Clearly speaking many are fighting the wrong enemy.
Is it then, any wonder that over the expanse of time and throughout Biblical historicity, mans argumentative feuds and rivalries have repetitiously revolved around the same or similar issues. Or hasn't anyone noticed.
Moreover, he goes about to execute that same old tired themes, and the outcome is surely the same. But, being haughty within himself, perceives a migration towards progression and assumes his has arrived.
Yet, his children and the generations before them sharpen their wit, in their fathers footsteps. So again he goes about conquering and being conquered, having achieved little more than a tired physique and a fainting name for himself. And the adversary laughs, because time has shrunk and the cycle begins again.
So then as fate would have it, the fool is lost and eternity passed. Save yourself friend, in lieu of eternity its really not about temporal Earthly ties, but The MASTER(διδ?σκαλο? /teacher) and the His opponent the master deceiver (πλ?νο?/impostor). Be at peace among yourselves. ~Blessings!
pray for our Church ministry too. we are with you in prayers and would like to know about your ministry too