PDP Borrower Profile
Private Debt Partners, Inc.
Building Canada's Leading Private Debt Firm.
As PDP moves toward our 3rd anniversary, we thought it would be interesting to highlight the transaction that first made us a lender. In August of 2021, PDP funded its first term loan to KDA Group, a leading technological innovations and specialized solutions provider in the pharmaceutical market. Led by PDP’s Chief Operating Officer and Managing Partner Jean-Christophe Greck, the Senior Opportunities Fund provided a $7 million term loan to KDA. The borrower is a respected name for quality and expertise in the pharmaceutical and medical sector. KDA’s management team is guided by a vision of continuing to be a leading name in Quebec, while extending its operations across Canada and internationally. We recently sat down with CEO Marc Lemieux to ask him about KDA’s experience with Private Debt Partners.
Please comment on the financing process with Private Debt Partners?
The open and trustworthy collaboration between Private Debt Partners and KDA Group was a key component that allowed the two parties to close the deal in a very efficient manner. Transitioning to a new lender can be an ominous task but the team at PDP worked with a welcomed sense of urgency and transparency throughout the transaction.
What did you like about the team?
The team at Private Debt Partners has been devoted to our success and the communication throughout the relationship has been everything we could have asked for in a financial partner. The team presented us with a creative solution at the term sheet phase and was able to deliver funding as represented.
Why was working with an alternative asset manager versus a traditional lender important to you?
Private Debt Partners has been supportive of our growth plans from the very start. Each of our business lines are at various stages of their own growth objectives and PDP has been their for us through this exciting period. The team at Private Debt Partners actively collaborates with the companies in the implementation of their action plan. Having worked with Jean-Christophe Greck and his team in the past year, I can affirm that PDP supports and promotes the growth of Quebec’s entrepreneurial sector, which is demonstrated by their ability and will to provide a financing structure that is adapted to the situation of each individual borrower. I also think that PDP is an option that every business owner should carefully consider before going the traditional lending institution route, as they offer a strong competitive advantage.
How has the financing partnership with PDP helped your operations?
Since the beginning of its partnership with PDP, KDA was able to rapidly develop and deploy a range of new offerings and services within all of our three divisions: Alliance Pharma, our division that offers advisory and replacement services to Canadian pharmacies; LIV, the division specialized in medical communications; and finally, new offerings within our technological division, KDA Techno, that enabled us to accelerate the growth of our international offers with global pharmaceutical companies.