Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
Dear readers there have been numerous indicators which always kept blinking and demanding stern action against perperators of instability in Pakistan & guard our security imperatives. Though we blame India , Israel, Afghanistan, Iran, UK ,USA &KSA for foreign funding & meddling in Pakistan’s political affairs, triggering the mafias, sending agents, agitating proxies & paying Journalists for Regional/Global Power Play, Diplomatic interest and dictating Pakistan to remain engross in poverty/internal insecurity &suffer political turmoil. Can this happen without our corrupt politician consent? No, why not?
1. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto took place on 27 December 2007 in Rawalpindi, Benazir Bhutto, twice Prime Minister of Pakistan (1988–1990; 1993–1996) and then-leader of the opposition Pakistan People’s Party, had been campaigning ahead of elections scheduled for January 2008. On 20 August 2013 ex-President Pervez Musharraf, was indicted on three chargers for murder, conspiracy to murder, and facilitation of murder in connection with his alleged failure to provide adequate security for Bhutto. On 31 August 2017, a Pakistani anti-terrorism court declared Musharraf as a fugitive in Bhutto's murder and acquitted five suspected Pakistani Taliban of conspiracy to murder due to lack of evidence, and two high-ranking police officers have been sentenced to 17 years in prison, one for mishandling security at the Bhutto rally and for mishandling the crime scene. The real story narrated by Gen Musharraf is that Mr. Asif Zardari arranged killing of BB to become crownless King of Bhutto Dynasty? This was most terrible incident of terrorism in Pakistan. It never benefitted Musharraf but it paid lot of dividend to PMLN? Both Zardari & Nawaz Sharif got rid of Musharraf, opened way for looting Pakistan &JUI lie low in controlling terrorism from western borders of Pakistan. Kashmir Conflict was put under the carpet?
2. During 2014 there was lot of pressure on Nawaz Sharif due to Tehrike-Insaf & Tahir-ul Qadri Dharna (sit in) in Islamabad . It was believed that PMLN Govt. might collapse, it too was propagated that Pak Army is behind the scene in supporting PTI stance.That was the time when Army was making great dent against terrorist in Waziristan, Pak Rangers were making Karachi the safest city & Terrorist Courts were deciding the cases most fairly and speedily whereas PPP & PMLN were parking looted wealth abroad. in other words an ideal opportunity was then created for the terrorist to strike .Suddenly on 16 December 2014, six gunmen affiliated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) conducted a terrorist attack on the Army Public School in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar & killed more than 143 children 21civilian.What a way to get rid (evict) PTI/ PAT sit in from Islamabad. Yes, readers it were our PMLN conspirators who felt relieved and happy. This incident diverted PTI & Army attention away from internal crisis and accorded second life to PMLN and their allies in the Assembly .There- after PMLN/PPP Govt started purchasing the judges and got Terrorists Courts dissolved, resultantly most of the terrorist were released from jails & Maulana got Kashmir Issue buried in sand?
3. On 11 January 2020) news of invitation of Mr. Zardari and Bilawal in Joe Biden oath taking ceremony created rippling affect in the press/media. Which certainly speak volume about affiliations of father of corruption / Mr. 10 percent? Look at the body language of the PPP Jialas in exploiting Mach tragedy? Did they offer their cooperation in controlling terrorism in Baluchistan. What more saddening is that PPP’s ruthless killer Mr. Uzer Baloch getting absolved of all crimes against humanity on PPP behest? Who collected booty and who spent it on US election for getting invitation in the Oath taking ceremony of US President? Who can deny it that Mr. Zardari did it?
4. PDM entire leadership happen to be biggest money launders of Asia, they have been running their kingdom of satanic dynasties/power game with the connivance of mafias /underground world. They have also been tailing foreign manipulators and spared no opportunity to pull down our economic boom.Starting from downplaying NAB / Judiciary they tried all tricks to get our poor masses suffer more and more from severe attacks of Corona so as to get our economy crippled &create inflation, poverty & chaos all over Pakistan, which all failed? They failed too & most of these ancient /obsolete leadership will not survive shock of Pakistan out of crises in 2020 & rising on Asian horizon by 2022.
5. By the grace of Allah Pakistan is in safest hands. India is in high spin, Our economy is leaping up high and higher, corona is dying in Pakistan .opposition fangs (poisonous teeth) have been removed. Investors money is safe, Secure business opportunity rose many folds. Our Foreign policy transpired from do more struggle to mutual interest sharing phase. Modi would be ........soon . Imran Khan luck is clicking, PTI ministers /leadership cannot harm Pakistan in any way. Let us protect ourselves from political devils as stated above? Please start your interest/business etc.etc with more vigor and in more peace.