PDCA Cycle (PDCA サイクル) ― Method for Quality Improvement in Management
Helen Xavier
JLPT N2 - Japanese Interpreter and Translator .Automotive| Presently - Educator and Japan education and Work Guide | Japanese Interviews Preparation and Effective Resume Reviews. Aspiring Ghostwriter
PDCA or PDSA is Not a Japanese concept. But was first implemented in Japan and then enhanced by skilled Japanese minds.
PDCA as its popularly called is the abbreviation of 4 words= Plan, Do, Check and Act Framework.
In Japanese, these translated as Plan(計画?けいかく), Do(実行?じっこう), Check(測定?(そくてい) 評価?(ひょうか)) ,Act(対策(たいさく)?改善(かいぜん)).
The PDCA Framework was proposed in the 19502s by the Walter Schewart and his student William Edwards Deming, the Father of Quality Management. Its also called as Shewhart’s Circle /Cycle.
The PDCA Cycle was implemented in Japan by Edward Deming in 1950s.
In Toyota Motor Corporation, researchers added the Letter O and made it OPDCA. The letter O stands for Observation, that is Observing the current condition. Because of this It has close connection with Toyota Production System (TPS) . A person named Ishikawa made changes to the PDCA Framework. The PDCA Cycle is also known in certain industries as the PDSA Cycle, where the letter S stands for Study.
What is meant by PDCA Cycle?
A PDCA Cycle is a framework for Goal Achievement and Work Improvement.
The PDCA Cycle is a cyclic framework where each step is carried out in the order and when the final step A is reached, its continued by changing A to P and repeating it over and over.? The goal is to improve each process continuously and finally this ?culminates in Business Improvement.
Let’s see each of the Steps and understand PDCA clearly.
Plan (計画?けいかく)
The PLAN(計画?けいかく) consists of a series of hypothetical steps drawn to achieve the Goal and fulfil the Purpose of a certain project. Therefore, the goal and the purpose should be clearly set.
Based on the goals and purposes set, concrete plans must be drawn. The PLAN(計画?けいかく) is extremely important in the PDCA Cycle and is a step which holds the key to success. The PLAN(計画?けいかく) therefore should not be reckless or based on repeating or copy pasting former plans, but must explain why the goal is made and why the particular action plans have been created. One must be conscious of creating a logical plan based on one’s own hypothesis.
For this you need to understand the present situation and express the with a goal which can be numerically measured.
PLAN(計画?けいかく) should be self-explanatory in that it should be easily understood by anyone, concrete and actionable. Through this, the next step DO is performed seamlessly and a clear route for goal achievement emerges.
If the goal is clearly set in the PLAN(計画?けいかく) stage, the status of the progress can be understood by comparing with the target values set. Hence, through the entire PDCA Cycle, the efforts towards goal achievement can be effectively monitored and Kaizens can be easily done.
Do (実行?じっこう)
As can be understood the DO(実行?じっこう) stage is the implementation of the plans laid out in the PLAN Stage. But besides this, care is required to see that the process is left incomplete. (やりっぱなし)
The crux of the DO(実行?じっこう) stage is that the implemented actions must be recorded precisely to objectively verify it later.
Any incidents, findings, or the status of the DO(実行?じっこう) process must be recorded in detail. And again, if the PLAN does not work well and brings errors and mistakes, these too should be recorded in-depth.
This becomes an important information to refer to when making the Kaizen plans as it would contain the cause and essence of the problem encountered.
Further, the records made during this DO process will become vital when its revisited during the CHECK ((測定?(そくてい) ?評価?(ひょうか)) process.
Quantification of the indices and the facts will enable the succeed CHECK process to proceed with accurately and objectively.
Check(測定?(そくてい) ?評価?(ひょうか))
In this CHECK (測定?(そくてい) ?評価?(ひょうか)) stage, the Goal plans set are checked for their level of achievement and status is verified and evaluated. Therefore, just stating the plan could or could not be achieved, you would also have to analyse the causes of the problems encountered. So, understanding the background reason why you could or could not achieve the goal is extremely important.? Its at this point of analysis, that the quantitative data becomes very necessary.
When reflecting with such concrete numeric or statistical data, a more in-depth, insightful learning would be effected.
If the data obtained in the CHECK(測定?(そくてい) ?評価?(ひょうか)) is high in accuracy, it can be expected that the data from the next ACT stage would also be effective. The more accurate the evaluation the kaizen is introduced or changed correctly and this finally would be linked with efficiency and quality improvement of the Business Processes. In other words, the thorough evaluations in the CHECK stage will bring out the maximum efficiency of the total PDCA Cycle.
In the ACT stage the verification/ evaluation results obtained in the CHECK(対策(たいさく)?改善(かいぜん)) stage will help in understanding the observed point and the issues and coming up with a Kaizen Plan.
When studying the Kaizen Plan the point “Why didn’t it go well” obtained during the CHECK(対策(たいさく)?改善(かいぜん)) Stage become very important hints/pointers. In the same way the knowledge of the reasons for success become a practically useful for the KAIZEN study.
In a scenario where a lot od Kaizen plans are suggested it becomes very important to focus on the PLAN stage of the next Cycle and prioritise.
When a PLAN draws from the high priority Kaizen, a more effective kaizen can be brought about.
When the Kaizen plan is finally drawn, the cycle starts again from the beginning and continues.
Merits of PDCA Cycle implementation
1.?????? The actions to be taken become concrete enabling focus on work.
2.?????? Business and work related can take place on a continuous basis.
3.?????? A lot of knowledge can be gained.