PCOS - Polycystic ovarian syndrome
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What is PCOS and how is it diagnosed?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition affecting females with a prevalence thought to be as high as 10%. It is associated with abnormalities in glucose metabolism (elevated fasting blood glucose and reduced insulin sensitivity) and androgen metabolism (excessive circulating testosterone) which result in difficulties losing fat, impaired fertility, and acanthosis nigricans (velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin usually found in folds). To be diagnosed, two of the following three requirements of anovulation, androgen excess or polycystic ovarian morphology must be met. While the condition is not immediately harmful, it can predispose one to chronic metabolic complications such as metabolic syndrome and significantly impaired quality of life.
Therapy and supplementation
PCOS is associated with high androgens, reduced fertility, impaired weight loss, and these problems seem to stem from insulin resistance. As myo-inositol is thought to alleviate insulin resistance, it is being investigated for its role in PCOS. Supplementation of myo-inositol was able to significantly improve the lipid profile with reductions in LDL-C (14.3%) with a concomitant increase in HDL-C (45%).
When looking at studies assessing biomarkers of androgen and glucose metabolism (both significantly perturbed in PCOS), supplementation appears to have a therapeutic benefit but it takes a while (12 weeks or longer) for it to work. PCOS is known to impair female fertility over the long term and supplementation of inositol has been noted to restore menstruation in women who have transiently lost their periods due to PCOS.
There are many studies that pair supplemental myo-inositol with folic acid which show benefit with combination supplementation. The inclusion of myo-inositol was vital for improvements in glucose metabolism and fertility, and a comparative study between inositol plus folic acid against folic acid solely noted the latter group was ineffective. Folic acid is being added due to the increased fertility with women supplemented with inositol. The supplementation of folic acid around the time of conception reduces the risk of birth defects, and doesn't seem to modify the influence of myo-inositol supplementation.
PrimoFertil by B!TONIC? is a well-balanced mix of active vitamins, essential minerals, and female stimulators including myo-inositol. It is suitable to include in the diet prior treatments and during medical therapies.