The PCH Approach to Impactful OCD Treatment
PCH Treatment Center offers a unique approach in treating someone diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Most other OCD programs are limited in scope and resources; they are able to specifically address the OCD diagnosis but are either not equipped or not comfortable treating the frequent co-existing psychological issues or drug or alcohol addiction associated with OCD.
PCH Treatment Center embraces all individuals, and we have a team of experts who specialize in dual-diagnosis and co-occurring cases. PCH has strong programs based around both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychodynamic psychotherapy. While the standard of treatment for OCD centers around cognitive therapy, complex co-occuring issues will usually need psychodynamic work as well. Our center deals with complex and high-acuity cases where the clients needs may be unpredictable. We prefer not to limit treatment to a predetermined schedule, and instead individualize each client’s program timeline. Here’s how our perspective of OCD treatment stands alone.
The Truth About Unwanted Thoughts
One of the most common symptoms of an OCD diagnosis is the presence of intrusive and unwanted thoughts. However, those unwanted and intrusive thoughts aren’t the problem. Thoughts like that are completely routine—they’re universal, and even strange, offensive, violent, or inappropriate thoughts are normal and even healthy. Thoughts themselves aren’t good or bad, but it’s acting upon inappropriate or violent thoughts that is problematic.
What makes an obsessive thought different from an intrusive thought (that most people experience without any issues)? The primary differences are that obsessive-compulsive thoughts:
- Occur more often than intrusive thoughts
- Last longer than intrusive thoughts
- Grow more distressing than intrusive thoughts
- Override the ability to let intrusive thoughts go
- Stir internal conflict as one tries to fight or manipulate them
When the mind becomes unwilling to experience the feelings, sensations, images, or urges triggered by intrusive thoughts, an obsession develops. Obsessions are attempts to suppress or control these thoughts. The resistance and unwillingness to confront the root of the obsession eventually morph into mental and/or physical rituals that become the focus of the obsession—an emotional avoidance detour. When left untreated, these obsessions grow to diminish an individual’s quality of life and even interfere with the ability to live a meaningful life.
Our Approach to OCD Treatment
The PCH approach to OCD treatment is unique. We view labels as stigmatizing and alienating, so we avoid using them except when they can be beneficial to healing. Our approach is not limited to obsessive-compulsive cognitive styles; it also includes psychological issues of all forms and begins with a holistic approach to human well-being.
Our treatment program for an individual diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive first measures the “cost” of OCD in terms of the degree to which the client’s rules or rituals limit behavioral choices and interfere with a meaningful life. With this understanding, our goal is to help clients break the cyclical obsessive-compulsive thought patterns through value-driven, goal-oriented action.
The Role of Exposure and Response Prevention
To achieve that, our treatment programs are grounded in exposure and response prevention (ERP) sessions after the client has been built up with the confidence and fortitude to confront intrusive thoughts. We have a team of dedicated ERP coaches and therapists who work with each client on a daily basis. Our coaches provide a dynamic experience of treatment styles and techniques that our clients can practice in a safe environment.
Each day, a coach or therapist exposes the individual to the trigger, thought pattern, image, or object at the root of an obsession until, over time, the client is able to refrain from the compulsion or ritual. Yet even before engaging in ERP therapy, the client builds up the skills and mental resilience to confront obsessions and compulsions. For example, a client with fears of contamination may work with an ERP coach around cleanliness issues to decrease compulsions or rituals such as prolonged hand-washing or showering.
Recovery Timelines Aren’t Predictable
We also understand that individuals don’t recover on predetermined three-, six-, or eight-week timelines. PCH does not demand that clients follow a specific treatment timeline. While we generally recommend at least a four-week stay for our OCD treatment program, we would like our clients to remain as long as needed to recover. Our team takes the time to provide holistic treatment of each individual to build up their resiliency and give them the tools they need to succeed in their lives.
Co-Occurring and Dual-Diagnosis Cases
Many other OCD treatment programs shy away from individuals struggling with a dual diagnosis or comorbidity. Dual diagnosis refers to cases in which the client is struggling with OCD along with a drug or alcohol addiction. We use comorbidity to describe clients struggling with an OCD diagnosis and other psychological issues, such as anxiety, depression, trauma or bipolar disorder.
Often, other treatment centers will turn away these clients, but this is where PCH excels. It is our experience that individuals diagnosed with OCD often have deeper issues with trauma and dysregulation. By treating the underlying trauma, we’re often able to get to the root of the broader psychological issues while offering targeted treatment, but our approach is always tailored to each client.
Can PCH Help?
PCH has developed the OCD program for almost eight years, refining and strengthening our treatment approach and team. Our staff of OCD experts works specifically with OCD clients only. Our team of ERP coaches are highly trained and have worked with a wide array of OCD related issues. As discussed, PCH is able to help clients with a high-acuity level; we receive cases from clinicians and other treatment centers from all over the country. If you or someone you know or care about could benefit from PCH’s unique holistic approach to OCD Treatment, please let us know. Our caring team is always ready to provide support.