PCA results interpretation
Boris Kushnarev
Business Analyst at Optus | Data Analytics Consultant at The Data School | Neo4j Certified Professional | Tableau Data Analyst Certification | Alteryx Advanced Certified | [email protected]
Principal component analysis or PCA for short is the useful method for reducing the dimensionality of the considered problem which can be processed further in clustering, for instance. It is not only reduces the required computer resources but also allows us to visualize and interpret results.
There is enough information about PCA on the internet. However, when I was trying to interpret the PCA results it was a little bit confusing for the first time. So, after figure out the way the PCA results should be read I'd like to share it with you. First of all, let's briefly talk about what PCA is.
Assume, that we have our data set and it is shown on the plot. What PCA does is it finds a new coordinate system by obtaining it from the old one by translation and rotation. Moreover, it moves the center of the coordinate system to the center of the data in such way that x axis becomes the principal axis of variation where you see the most variation relative to all data points and we will call this axis x'. We move the second axis y in such way that it is orthogonal to x' and has less important direction of variation and we will call it y'. Then, we want to project each point to the x' axis and this is, basically, how we shrink 2D space to 1D. We have to note here that the amount of information which we are loosing for each data point is equal to the distance between the point and the axis and the way we find this axes is through the linear algebra by trying to minimize the information loss. We can see that the minimum information loss can be obtaining by the projection of all points onto the x' axis and the total information loss will be smaller in this case than if project points into the y' axis. In fact, an individual point can have projection smaller to the y' than to the x', but the total information loss will be smaller when we project it to the x'. The projection on y' axis is considered as noise capturing.
Secondly, let's solve the PCA problem with Python. We have our data set from a warehouse which includes 6 variables: 'Fresh', 'Milk', 'Grocery', 'Frozen', 'Detergents_Paper', and 'Delicatessen'. Each entry represents the annual spending by a client in monetary units.
We will not go over python code here because mainly we will use the standard procedures. However, before we jump into the PCA let's understand our data. We can easily obtain the data statistics for our data base:
Check the correlation between variables using pd.scatter_matrix:
We can see that the distributions of each feature are right skewed with long tails to the right. The peaks, i.e. the modes, of the distributions are closer to 0 and we can obviously see significant number of outliers on each distribution. So, we can say that we cannot categorize these distributions as normal.
In addition, the highest degree of correlation is observed for the Grocery and Detergents_Paper pair and reaches 0.925 value and can be classified as a strong correlation. Another strong correlated pairs are Grocery and Milk with correlation coefficient 0.728. The moderate correlated pairs are Delicatessen and Frozen, Delicatessen and Milk, Detergents_Paper and Milk. In addition, we can name pairs with weak correlation such as Detergents_Paper and Delicatessen, Grocery and Delicatessen. Finally, one can note that we can observe pairs with negative weak correlation such as Detergents_Paper and Frozen as well as Grocery and Frozen.
Because the data set is right skewed we want to use the logarithmic transformation which will allow us to transform our data to normal-like distribution. So, applying np.log() we can improve our distributions:
As we can see, the distributions have been improved and became more like normal.
Finally, we can use the PCA transformation which is pretty straightforward in Python with sklearn just specifying a number of dimensions. In our case it is 6 which is the same as the number of features.
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=6).fit(good_data)
Then, we can get components for each dimension and the explained variance ration as following:
#obtain components display(pca.components_) #obtain(explained variance) display(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
We can visualize it on the following way:
It is worth to note, that the sum of explained variance for all 6 components is one, meaning that we will not lose any information if we consider all 6 dimensions and we will not gain anything from such transformation neither. Note, that the variance in the data is explained by the first two and first four principal components by 70.68% and 93.11% respectively.
The beauty of this transformation is that we can already understand our clients since using PCA on a dataset calculates the dimensions which best maximize variance. We will find which compound combinations of features best describe customers. Let's choose Dimension 3 where we can conclude that we have two kind of customers here:
- Customers that spend on Delicatessen and Frozen and not on Fresh and Detergents_Paper.
- Customers that spend on Fresh and Detergents_Paper and not on Delicatessen and Frozen.
We can say that a principal component with feature weights that have opposite directions can reveal how customers buy more in one category while they buy less in the other category. Moreover, the component sign is arbitrary meaning that these two plots below are equal:
Now, let's reduce our data to two dimensions:
pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(good_data)
# Transform the good data using the PCA fit above
reduced_data = pca.transform(good_data)
# Transform log_samples using the PCA fit above
pca_samples = pca.transform(log_samples)
# Create a DataFrame for the reduced data
reduced_data = pd.DataFrame(reduced_data, columns = ['Dimension 1', 'Dimension 2'])
The reduced data looks like
This allows us to visualize our reduced dataset in biplot by plotting a scatterplot where each data point is represented by its scores along the principal components which are our axes: Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 (see below). It can also show the projection of the original features along the components. A biplot can help us to interpret the reduced dimensions of the data, and discover relationships between the principal components and original features.
Now, we can say that Delicatessen, Fresh and Frozen are most strongly associated with the first component and Detergents_Paper, Grocery and Milk are associated with the second component.
To sum up, we can say that we were able to define the principal components and rank them base on the explained variance. The higher the explained variance the higher Dimension is ranked. We split our clients into groups in a way we described above.
In general, we want to use PCA when:
- Latent features driving the pattern in data
- Dimensionality reduction (visualize high dimensional data, reduce noise, make other algorithms (regression, classification work better because of the fewer inputs)
- To get an idea about a dataset. In this case, we were able to understand a behavior of our clients.
- Dataset: https://github.com/udacity/machine-learning/tree/master/projects/customer_segments
- Machine learning course at Udacity